Glossary (alphabetical) of terms and lingo used in the substrate and polkadot codebases, as well as architecture. Add your own, edit to make them better, this is a wiki topic! Please follow the contributor guidelines.
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The node, actor or identity that is responsible for the creation of a block. Synonymous with "miner" or "coinbase" on legacy PoW chains.
A means of specifying the quorum needed for a proposal to pass dependent upon voter turnout. Positive bias means requiring increasingly more aye votes than nay votes as there is lower turnout; negative (a.k.a. inverted) bias is the opposite (see the graphs). It avoids the need for strict quorums, which are arbitrary and bring about undesirable mechanics.
An abbreviation for "Al's Finality Gadget", which is named after Alistair Stewart who invented it. Now known as GRANDPA.
Used in the context of "module aggregation", this means combining analogous types from multiple runtime modules into a single enum
type with variants allowing each module's analogous type to be represented. Currently there are five such datatypes:
(an extensible header item)Event
(an indicator of some particular state-transition)Call
(a functor allowing a published function to be called with a set of arguments)Origin
(the provenance of a function call)Metadata
(information allowing introspection of the above)Voting system where voter can vote for as many candidates as desired. The candidate with highest overall amount of votes wins. Notably:
Authorities are the actors, keys or identities who, as a collective, manage consensus on the network. AuthorityId
can be used to identify them. In a PoS chain (such as one using the SRML's Staking module), authorities are determined through a token-weighted nomination/voting system.
NOTE: We sometimes use "authorities" and "validators" to refer to what seems like the same thing. "Validators" is a broader term that can include other aspects of chain maintenance such as parachain validation. In general authorities are a (non-strict) subset of validators and many validators will be authorities.
Deterministic consensus protocol with Non-Instant Finality where block production is achieved by a rotating list of authorities that take turns issuing blocks over time, and where the majority of those online are honest authorities. See
A variant of Aura where authorities are shuffled randomly on each round, increasing security.
Extension of Aurand where block production involves validators competing over limited slots that move very quickly, where most slots are not populated, but with rare slot collisions.
A hybrid consensus scheme where Aurand is used for block production and short-term probabilistic-finality, with long-term absolute finality provided through GRANDPA.
A single item of a block chain (or parachain) that amalgamates a series of extrinsic data (the "body") together with some cryptographic information (the "header"). Blocks are arranged into a tree through parent pointers (implemented as cryptographic digests of the parent) and the tree is pruned into a list via a "fork-choice rule".
The ability of a distributed computer system to remain operational in the face of a proportion of defective nodes or actors. "Byzantine" refers to the ultimate level of defectiveness, with such nodes assumed to be actively malicious and coordinating rather than merely offline or buggy. Typically BFT systems remain functional with up to around one third of Byzantine nodes.
Also see
The loss of a system service due to a Byzantine Fault (i.e. components in the system fail and there is imperfect information about whether a component has failed) in systems that require consensus.
A means for forming consensus over what constitutes the (one true) canonical chain. In the context of Substrate, it refers to a set of trait implementations that dictate which of a number of input blocks form the chain.
An algorithm that is able to ensure that a set of actors who don't necessarily trust each other can come to consensus over some computation. Often mentioned alongside "safety" (the ability to ensure that any progression will eventually be agreed as having happened by all honest nodes) and "liveness" (the ability to keep making progress).
The signature scheme and hashing algorithm. These are used for:
In the SRML, ED25519 is favoured over ECDSA/SECP256k1.
The council is one of the SRML governance primitives and is a body of delegates chosen from a number of approval votes for fixed terms. The council primarily serves as a body to optimise and check/balance the more inclusive referendum system. It has a number of powers:
The means by which data relating to the blockchain is persisted between invocations of the node.
An extensible field of the block header that encodes information needed by header-only ("light") clients for chain synchronisation.
The execution of a function with a pre-defined set of arguments. In the context of the SRML, this refers specifically to the "runtime dispatch" system, a means of taking some pure data (the type is known as Call
by convention) and interpreting it in order to call a published function in a runtime module with some arguments. Such published functions take one additional parameter known as origin
allowing the function to securely determine the provenance of its execution.
Voting or otherwise backing multiple mutually-exclusive options within the consensus mechanism. This is considered fundamentally Byzantine behaviour.
One of a number of proofs of work, to be used in a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus algorithm. Originally developed for, and used in, Ethereum by a team led by Tim Hughes.
A means of recording, for the benefit of the off-chain world, that some particular state transition has happened. Within the context of the SRML, events are one of a number of amalgamatable datatypes that each module defines individually and which are aggregated together into a single overall enum
type that can represent all module's types. Events are implemented through a transient set of storage items which are inspected immediately after a block has executed and reset during block-initialisation.
A means of executing a function call in a given runtime with a set of externalities. There are two executor implementations present in Substrate, Wasm and Native.
An Executor that uses the Wasm binary and a Wasm interpreter to execute the needed call. This tends to be slow but is guaranteed correct.
An Executor that uses the current inbuilt and natively compiled runtime to execute the needed call. If the code is compatible with the on-chain Wasm code, then it will be a lot faster and correct. Incorrect versioning will result in a consensus error.
A piece of data bundled into a block that expresses something from the "external" (i.e. off-chain) world. There are, broadly speaking, two types of extrinsic: transactions (which tend to be signed) and inherents (which don't).
A part of consensus dealing with making a progression be irreversible. If a block is finalised, then any real-world repercussions can be effected. The consensus algorithm must guarantee that finalised blocks never need reverting.
One example of a work in progress provable finality gadget is being used in Polkadot: GRANDPA.
See also: Aurand+GRANDPA, Instant Finality, Proof-of-Finality, Probabilistic Finality, Provable Finality
A node able to synchronise a block chain in a maximally secure manner through execution (and thus verification) of all logic. Compare to Light Client.
A JSON-based configuration file that can be used to determine a genesis block and which thus allows a single blockchain runtime to underpin multiple independent chains. Analagous to a "chain spec" file in Parity Ethereum, and, when used with Substrate Node, could be considered the third and highest-level usage paradigm of Substrate. The SRML provides a means of automatically generating the chain configuration logic from the modules and their persistent storage items.
GRANDPA (GHOST-based Recursive ANcestor Deriving Prefix Agreement), also previously known as SHAFT (SHared Ancestry Finality Tool), and originally known as AfG, is a finality gadget for blockchains, implemented in Rust. The formal specification is published at An introduction is here.
Pieces of primarily cryptographic information that summarise a block. This information is used by light-clients to get a minimally-secure but very efficient synchronisation of the chain.
Instant-finality consensus algorithm with asynchronous "safety" and asynchronous "liveness" if tweaked. Originally slated as one of a number of directions that Polkadot might explore, but unlikely to be used now.
Split blockchain consensus into Block Production and a Finality Gadget. This allows chain growth speed to be as fast as in probabilistic "safety" consensus such as Ouroboros or Aurand but with same level of security guarantees as in Instant-Finality Consensus Protocols. See the first implementation in Rust, and the GRANDPA article.
A non-probabilistic consensus protocol that gives a guarantee of finality immediately upon block production, for example Tendermint and Rhododendron. These tend to be PBFT based and thus very expensive in terms of communication requirements.
A standard to call functions on a remote system using a JSON protocol. For Substrate, this is implemented through the Parity JSONRPC crate.
Allows creation of JSON-RPC server handler, with supported methods registered. Exposes the Substrate Core via different types of Transport Protocols (i.e. WS, HTTP, TCP, IPC)
Allows simplifying in code the creation process of the JSON-RPC server through creating a Rust Trait that is annotated with RPC method names, so you can just implement the methods names
Expose a simple server such as TCP from binaries, with another binary in front to serve as a proxy that will expose all other Transport Protocols, and process incoming RPC calls before reaching an upstream server, making it possible to implement Caching Middleware (saves having to go all the way to the node), Permissioning Middleware, load balancing between node instances, or moving account management to the proxy which processes the signed transaction. This provides an alternative to embedding the whole JSON-RPC in each project and all the configuration options for each server.
Custom (though conventional) extension that is useful for Dapp developers. It allows "subscriptions" so that the server sends notifications to the client automatically (instead of having to call and poll a remote procedure manually all the time) but only with Transport Protocols that support persistent connection between client and server (i.e. WS, TCP, IPC)
A subsystem in Substrate for managing keys for the purpose of producing new blocks.
Libp2p2-based networking library. Based on Protocol Labs' Libp2p implementations in Go and JavaScript, and their (somewhat incomplete) specifications. Allows use of many transport protocols including WebSockets (usable in a web browser). FMI see and
Information capture allowing external code to introspect runtime data structures. Includes comprehensive descriptions of the dispatch functions, events and storage items for each module in the runtime.
A means of determining a set of validators (and thus authorities) from a number of accounts willing to commit their stake to the proper (non-Byzantine) functioning of one or more authoring/validator nodes. This was originally proposed in the Polkadot paper and phrases a set of staked nominations as a constraint optimisation problem to eventually give a maximally staked set of validators each with a number of supporting nominators lending their stake. Slashing and rewards are done in a pro-rata manner.
OpenAPI Specification 3 (OAS3), which was formally referred to as a Swagger API Specification, is the specification used to author a Swagger File in either JSON or YAML format that may be used to generate API Reference documentation such as
The provenance of a dispatched function call into the runtime. Can be customised (e.g. the Council "Motion" origin), but there are two special "built-in"s:
An original method to address the Byzantine Generals Problem. This allows for a system tolerant to Byzantine behaviour from up to one third of its participants with an O(2N**2)
communications overhead per node.
In a probabilistic finality based chain (e.g. Bitcoin), network participants rely on some probability p that a proposed block B will remain in the canonical chain indefinitely, with p approaching 1 as further blocks are produced on top of the block B.
A piece of data that can be used to prove that a particular block is finalised. Potentially very large unless signature aggregation is used.
Some consensus mechanisms aim for provable finality, whereby all blocks are guaranteed to be the canonical block for that chain upon block inclusion. Provable finality is desirable in cases such as when light clients do not have the full chain state, or when communicating with other chains, where interchain data is not ubiquitously distributed. See: GRANDPA
An Instant-Finality BFT consensus algorithm, one of a number of adaptions of PBFT for the blockchain. Others include Stellar's consensus algorithm and Tendermint. See the Rhododendron crate.
The block execution logic of a blockchain, i.e. the state transition function. In Substrate, this is stored on-chain in an implementation-neutral, machine-executable format as a WebAssembly binary. Other systems tend to express it only in human-readable format (e.g. Ethereum) or not at all (e.g. Bitcoin).
SHAFT (SHared Ancestry Finality Tool). See GRANDPA.
Democratic system with one-vote-per-token, rather than on-vote-per-head.
The data that can be drawn upon by, and that persists between, the executions of sequential blocks. State is stored in a "Trie", a cryptographic immutable data-structure that makes incremental digests very efficient. In Substrate, this trie is exposed to the runtime as a simple key/value map where both keys and values can be arbitrary byte arrays.
An extensible, generic, configurable and modular system for constructing runtimes and sharing reusable components of them. Broadly speaking, this corresponds to the second usage paradigm of Substrate, higher-level than using Substrate Core, but lower-level that simply running Substrate Node with a custom configuration.
The logic of a blockchain that determines how the state changes when any given block is executed. In Substrate, this is essentially equivalent to the Runtime.
Within the SRML, storage items are a means of providing type-safe persistent data for the runtime, achieved with a compiler macro, the parity-codec
crate and the State API. All storage items must have a type for which the parity-codec::Codec
trait is implemented, and, if they have a corresponding JSON Genesis Configuration entry, then also the serde
A framework and toolkit for building and deploying upgradable, modular and efficient blockchains. There are three usage paradigms in increasing levels of functionality and opinionation: Core, SRML and Node.
The lowest level of the three Substrate usage paradigms, this is a minimalist/purist blockchain building framework that contains essential functionality at the lowest level including consensus, block production, chain synchronisation, I/O for JSON-RPC, runtime, network synchronisation, database backend, telemetry, sandboxing, and versioning.
The runtime environment under which WebAssembly code runs in order to execute blocks.
A type of Extrinsic that includes a signature, and all valid instances cost the signer some amount of tokens when included on-chain. Because validity can be determined efficiently, transactions can be gossipped on the network with reasonable safety against DoS attacks, much as with Bitcoin and Ethereum.
A definable period, expressed as a range of block numbers, where a transaction may validly be included in a block. Eras are a backstop against transaction reply attacks in the case that an account is reaped and its (reply-protecting) nonce is reset to zero. Eras are efficiently expressible in transactions and cost only two bytes.
A collection of transactions that are not yet included in blocks but have been determined to be valid.
A "generic" transaction pool implementation allowing the runtime to specify whether a given transaction is valid, how it should be prioritised and how it relates to other transactions in terms of dependency and mutual exclusivity. It is designed to be easily extensible and general enough to have both UTXO and account-based transaction modules be trivially expressible.
An immutable cryptographic data-structure typically used to express maps or sets of items where:
A semi-trusted (or untrusted but well-incentivised) actor that helps maintain the network. In Substrate, validators broadly correspond to the authorities running the consensus system. In Polkadot, validators also manage other duties such as guaranteeing data availability and validating parachain candidate blocks.
An execution architecture based upon a virtual machine that allows for the efficient, platform neutral expression of deterministic machine-executable logic. Wasm is used across the Web platform and well-tooled and easily compiled from Rust. For more information (FMI), see