2018 summit 總召的話 & 2014/16 回顧


歡迎來到 g0v Summit 2018!這是 g0v 社群第三次舉辦高峰會,從前兩屆兩天的形式延展為三天,這次以實作/討論導向的 Workshop 拉開序幕,接著是多場演講、以及參與者自主性高的議程:開放工作坊(Unconference)與閃電講(lightning talk),讓來自二十餘國的講者與參與者投入深度討論。我們的語言也許不同,但我們有一個共同的行動,就是「開放」!

g0v 社群雙月辦黑客松,雙年辦會;平時在松耕耘,在雙年會分享成果。無論成果成功與否,訴說並聆聽滿滿三天開放協作的、公民科技的、台上台下的一個個故事,停下思考並彼此學習,就是我們聚首台北的理由。

g0v Summit 2018 能順利上場要感謝許多人的投入:參與籌辦的志工團隊、合作夥伴的支持、個人贊助、高達 33 國的投稿、社群、以及每一位參與者。今年工作人員超過 130 人,本身也是一個開源專案。希望這三天大家都交到新朋友、觸發新想法、進而有新的行動!


Welcome to g0v Summit 2018! This is our third summit since 2014. This year, we extend the event to three days in order to present the rich and diverse program. The Summit opens with hands-on workshops, followed by keynotes and sessions, as well as participatory unconferences and lightning talks. Our attendees, from across Taiwan and over 23 countries, will come together to exchange ideas, open conversations and build future collaborations. We may speak different languages, but we share one common faith: we all believe in openness!

We hack in bi-monthly g0v hackathons; we share in biennial g0v summits. Let us meet again in Taipei to learn from each other's successes and failures. In these three days, there will be stories of open collabration, civic tech case studies, and experiences from both on-stage and back-stage waiting for you to explore.

The Summit is not possible without all of your supports: community participants, international friends from all over the world (we had submission from over 33 countries!), attendees of various backgrounds, sponsors and partners, and our voluntary staff. The Summit is put forth by over 130 volunteers. It is itself an open-source g0v project. We hope you have fun, make friends, and keep hacking!

Ipa Chiu

MG Lee抱歉,因為中英文思考的方式不太一樣,所以我修的版本有點"超譯",不適當的話請指正~

手冊:2014.2016 回顧

2014 年台灣歷經了佔領立法院高張的公民社會動員,g0v 社群也在運動中有重要貢獻,凝聚了強大的社群力,也出現黑客松形式以外的交流需求。資深辦會社群老手 hc 喊出「啥米零時政府」開辦第一次 g0v Summit,從開放政府運動踏出多元跨界的行動,議程以台灣為主也有國際亮點。

2016 年社群以「公民科技」為主要內涵,在台灣再次政黨輪替之際以「拆後重建」為主題召開大會,吸引了將近二十國投稿,公私協力、跨界協作、國際經驗等議題繼續深探。此屆 Unconference 也擴大辦理,參與者自主精神貫穿全場,會後 g0v 社群也逐漸在國際上受到更多關注。

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