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# EDGI Community Call 2017-08-10
:telephone_receiver: **Call Link:** http://edgi-video-call-landing-page.herokuapp.com/https://zoom.us/j/508236833
:movie_camera: **Video Archive:** https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtsP3g9LafVsaa18lQaPXzxJU7wIcPB1O
[:point_left: last week][last-week] :notebook: [**Meeting Index**](http://beta.hackfoldr.org/edgi-meetings/) :notebook: [next week :point_right:][next-week]
[last-week]: https://hackmd.io/s/SyrDG90rZ
[next-week]: https://hackmd.io/s/rJ2sjOMu-
:family: **Attendees:**
* @b5
* @osterbit
* @dcwalk
* @patcon
* @karen
* @jeff
* @dan
* @rob
* @kevin
## Agenda
1. Standing items
1. Community Member Updates
1. Misc Project Updates
1. Channel management (@patcon)
* related: [`progcoders/prog-channels`](https://github.com/civictechto/prog-channels)
2. New items
1. Re-imagining Community Call format
* [Brainstorming notes](https://hackmd.io/GbAmDYA4CMEMEYC0pqSQFnAJi4gnAAwDs6iWAxqAKzoGxEHrDlA=?view)
## Notes
This week, in the interest of time :clock11:, we'll focus on member updates :family:, since that seems to be a high-value part of this call :telephone_receiver:. (We can later flag project update comments according to the legend below.)
:couple: Data Together
:ab: Website Monitoring
:star: <other>
### Community Member Updates
* @b5
* Distributed web for data storage and Data Together
* @tom
* ML joining Brendan on Data Together stuff
* @dcwalk, Toronto
* preparing for the DT track at 4S, working on GSOC as we move into the last three weeks
* @karen, Brooklyn
* helping with onboarding, community strategy stuff
* @jeff, Boston
* Web Scraping, python package for Data Together, tackled an interesting JavaScript interface implementation
* @dan
* back from a hiatus
* @rob, SF
* Working on web monitoring (all of it!). Looking at phasing out of PageFreezer platform
* need assistance with archive as part of that winding down
* @kevin, North Bay
* Web Monitoring front end and design, back from vacation :palm_tree:
## Community Call Format
Conversation supported by [re-imagining community calls](https://hackmd.io/GbAmDYA4CMEMEYC0pqSQFnAJi4gnAAwDs6iWAxqAKzoGxEHrDlA=#) doc.
### Notes
:mag: Fact
:heart: Feeling
:bulb: Idea
:point_right: Responding to
:exclamation: Action
**prompts are bolded**
- @patcon: **What, if anything, do you feel is lacking in your understanding of and work within EDGI?**
- @dallan: :heart: can't follow as many Slacks as he should
- :bulb: summary of key discussions
- @dcwalk: :mag: these were the only way to see one another when these meetings started, but now other ways
- :bulb: could be a bridge into other areas EDGI works in
- @jeffliu: :bulb: slackbot integration for flagging convos
- @mr0grog: :+1: @dcwalk + @dallan
- :heart: catch-up near impossible
- :bulb: running list of big convos, and maybe summarize in meeting
- :heart: feels overload of prep due to so many webmon projects
- :bulb: post next agenda immediately after meeting (:+1: @jeffliu)
- @patcon: **favour personal vs project updates?**
- @dcwalk: :heart: individual updates _become_ project updates
- :+1: @lightandluck re: questions like "why are you excited about this work?"
- @kgunette: :+1: on convos to flag :bulb:
- :+1: on @jeffliu slackbot integration idea BUT curation is sometimes powerful
- maybe 2 different things at play...
- another group she's part of has
- (1) :bulb: passive, async weekly newsletter for:
- link facebook convos
- top asks
- member intros
- (2) :bulb: meeting is looser, for general sharing and broad topics (burnout, etc.)
- @b5 :heart: big purpose of call is simply "to hangout" and see one another
- :heart: time to be goofy
- :+1: to @kgunette question [chat?]: "what is the point of this meeting?"
- :+1: to newsletter :bulb:
- @jeffliu :point_right: @kgunette re: slackbot. just to keep track of important convos, not auto-curate.
- @lightandluck: :+1: @kgunette for more casual.
- talk _with_, not _to_
- :-1: to standup format
- @patcon: **opt-in vs opt-out for participation?**
- @mr0grog: also :-1: to standup format
- why? because
- all comments on own projects make sense
- all comments for other projects feel like they're missing context
- ie :heart: comments seem opaque to those not on project
- @dcwalk :+1: agrees
- :heart: better format for individual project meetings
- @b5 :point_right: @mr0grog: being forced to write project updates might address opaqueness
- :+1: to newsletter updates :bulb:
- @kgunette: :heart: don't know where to find project summaries
- :+1: from @b5 and @mr0grog
- :heart: supports EDGI, but feels unclear what all projects do
- :heart: feels confused by EDGI structure
- :mag: EDGI doesn't technically have an official org chart
- :bulb: super-brief "for dummies" paragraph to explain each initiative
- @dcwalk: :+1: to @kgunette
- perhaps two distinctions:
- (1) what are the projects?
- (2) what is the status of each?
- :heart: a "digest" model could also be great for intra-EDGI sharing
- example: interview people don't know about other projects
- @mr0grog :+1: to @kgunette + @dcwalk about failing on status updates :heart:
- sample questions
- how close to launch?
- what needs help?
- what is done?
- :mag: started web-monitoring project board recently to grasp some of this
- :bulb: project board summarized in paragraph
- @patcon: **how do we feel about drastically new model like done in other communities: external stakeholders, monthly, general topics [surfaced in slack?]?**
- @kgunette :+1: but further down road :heart:
- for now, casual convo and roadtable
- :bulb: next step: bring in people for topics we circle
- @mr0grog re: @b5's mention of seeing faces.
- :heart: we don't have work together time
- :heart: sometimes lack of sense of working together
- :heart: not function of the community call, but related
- @osterbit: :mag: runs group that brings in outside experts
- hard to schedule when meeting time flex
- can't imagine meeting like this with set time
- @patcon clarified that outside speaker not necessarily required.
- @dcwalk :+1: @kgunette re: casual convo
- :bulb: build toward roundtable topics
- :heart: would love to do outreach later and invite outsiders to speak (eg. "community building" folks)
- :heart: :+1: to more conversational
- :heart: :+1: to incremental steps
- :bulb: keep it internal for now
- :point_right: @patcon: :heart: favours weekly or maybe biweekly (not monthly)
- @patcon :point_right: @mr0grog.
- :bulb: bookending community call with work period, before or after
- @brendan
- :heart: feels this shouldn't be mandatory
- :bulb: maybe if biweekly?
- @dcwalk
- :mag: works in day, so community call is last thing
- :mag: others work only in evening
- @kgunette: :exclamation: happy to share examples offline
- @patcon: **Is the value of this meetup sychronizing or orientation?**
- @kgunette: is there orientation? [no] If not, then false premise
- @patcon: @dcwalk used to run them, and it could be brought back
- @mr0grog: re: orientation. :heart: some practices feel awkward when no new people
- :bulb: only do some practices when new people
- @lightandluck: :heart: summary + newsletter negates need for orientation function.
- @dallan:
- :heart: this call is great for welcomes
- :heart: great for setting up 1-on-1's
## ORID Statements
The following statements are simply a reorganized version of the above notes. For an alternative perspective, they have been sorted into the groupings below, inspired by the [ORID facilitation framework](http://www.betterevaluation.org/en/evaluation-options/orid).
:mag: Fact
:heart: Feeling
:bulb: Idea
:mag: these were the only way to see one another when these meetings started, but now other ways
:mag: EDGI doesn't technically have an official org chart
:mag: started web-monitoring project board recently to grasp some of this
:mag: runs group that brings in outside experts
:mag: works in day, so community call is last thing
:mag: others work only in evening
:heart: feel there's redundancy of project and speaker updates
:heart: feel we should not "put people on the spot"
:heart: can't follow as many Slacks as he should
:heart: catch-up near impossible
:heart: feels overload of prep due to so many webmon projects
:heart: individual updates _become_ project updates
:heart: big purpose of call is simply "to hangout" and see one another
:heart: time to be goofy
:heart: comments seem opaque to those not on project
:heart: better format for individual project meetings
:heart: don't know where to find project summaries
:heart: supports EDGI, but feels unclear what all projects do
:heart: feels confused by EDGI structure
:heart: a "digest" model could also be great for intra-EDGI sharing
:heart: :+1: to @kgunette + @dcwalk about failing on status updates :heart:
:heart: we don't have work together time
:heart: sometimes lack of sense of working together
:heart: not function of the community call, but related
:heart: would love to do outreach later and invite outsiders to speak (eg. "community building" folks)
:heart: :+1: to more conversational
:heart: :+1: to incremental steps
:heart: favours weekly or maybe biweekly (not monthly)
:heart: feels this shouldn't be mandatory
:heart: re: orientation. some practices feel awkward when no new people
:heart: summary + newsletter negates need for orientation function.
:heart: this call is great for welcomes
:heart: great for setting up 1-on-1's
:bulb: demo and project overview time.
:bulb: general introduction/overview of the different projects: Climate Central, Data Together, etc.
:bulb: sign-up sheet for people to opt-in to updates, instead of being put on the spot
:bulb: short edgi bios. why are we here? volunteer for 2 min.
:bulb: explicitly do outreach with more external parties
:bulb: quick project intro videos, and direct new ppl toward it prior to call
:bulb: choose per-call focus topic that reflects current discussions in Slack
:bulb: quick introductions when there are new faces
:bulb: summary of key discussions
:bulb: could be a bridge into other areas EDGI works in
:bulb: slackbot integration for flagging convos
:bulb: running list of big convos, and maybe summarize in meeting
:bulb: post next agenda immediately after meeting (:+1: @jeffliu)
:bulb: :+1: on convos to flag :bulb:
:bulb: passive, async weekly newsletter for:
:bulb: meeting is looser, for general sharing and broad topics (burnout, etc.)
:bulb: :+1: to newsletter :bulb:
:bulb: :+1: to newsletter updates :bulb:
:bulb: super-brief "for dummies" paragraph to explain each initiative
:bulb: project board summarized in paragraph
:bulb: next step: bring in people for topics we circle
:bulb: build toward roundtable topics
:bulb: keep it internal for now
:bulb: bookending community call with work period, before or after
:bulb: maybe if biweekly?
:bulb: only do some practices when new people
:bulb: intros = name + 3 words
:bulb: intros = calling out places
## Action Items