Flock 2024 Infrastructure and Release Engineering hackfest



friday aug 9th starting at 9am and running until 1pm.

attendees (for however long)

  • remote: abompard (ping me in the Infra channel on Matrix)

proposed items to work on:

  • ✓Come up with some proposal for standards for openshift apps
  • ✓Discuss infra-sig packages maint: Propose list to add/remove
  • ✓Discuss releng packages (fedora-packager/fedora-release,etc)
  • ✓Discuss proxy network: move to nginx? change things? or keep?
  • ✓Discuss making aws more ansiblized/managed, or not?
  • ✓Discuss onboarding, what we can do to make it better
  • ✓short openshift intro for new folks (communishift/stg/prod)
  • ✓Look ahead: gitforge, bugzilla, matrix server
  • ✓Retire wiki pages / migrate to docs
  • ✓Comm ops. wants to get information from datagrepper
  • ✓ARA (ansible running ansible) in fedora infrastructure?
  • ✓moving AWX forward
  • ✓zabbix checkin/testing/planning
  • Onboarding new contributors on infra applications development @abompard
    • Among the people in the room, would there be some that are interested in coding on the Fedora Infra apps?
    • If so, which apps?
    • What would you need to start contributing? What's currently holding you back?
    • Aurélien would be happy to mentor a few folks on our apps (well, those he knows, so not all apps) and help people get up to speed with the dev environment, the code layout, the tests, etc.
    • Recent examples of apps that could use help/work/love: Badges, MirrorManager, FMN, Noggin, Datanommer, Bodhi, etc.
    • It's mostly Python with the exception of FMN that also has TypeScript. Frameworks are Flask & FastAPI
  • Ipsilon replacement by Keycloak + IPA-Tuura @abompard
    • Anyone interested in looking into that? I heard about IPA-Tuura at FOSDEM but haven't found the time to prototype with it yet.
    • talk to me (@abbra). nirik promised to send a list of technical reqs for Keycloak to be able to replace Ipsilon (OpenID need, etc). ipa-tuura has konflux-built images already available so can be tried but we haven't yet merged Keycloak's plugin to support ipa-tuura into Keycloak itself (planned by end of the year/2025q1).
  • GEOip for Fedora, AlmaLinux flock talk
    • Until the beginning of the week, we had 6 years old GeoIP databases stored on batcave and available for infra apps, and the update script was broken.
    • @abompard fixed the script, it requires a Maxmind login now, he created that and the databases are now being updated
    • but it's the free databases, they are somewhat inaccurate. We've had a report of a mirror in South Korea being misplaced on MirrorManager's map (in the capital instead of in the south of the country, hundreds of km away)
    • We could switch to ipinfo.io, it's also a Freemium service, but it's based on HTTP API calls instead of downloading databases. The free plan is 50k queries/month. People say it's more accurate. We could also ask them if they want to sponsor Fedora with a free premium account, they do that for Alma
  • help attendees with infra / releng problems, questions, concerns
  • Find repositories we can archive on pagure.io or github.com
    • Can sort repos. by activity that should be a good first start.


  • general
    • For all our images/playbooks have a simple README pointing to the main links for the project, Eg. current main source repo. Next problem is making sure the README is correct 18 months after someone touched it.
  • containers
    • need to rework all the things that use deployment config.
    • Need to deploy/use ACS (redhat product) that looks inside containers and tells you what's in it and what the security issues are.
    • Need best practice kind of document for building containers for internal openshift deployment
    • FAS ids of people interested in collaborating on the openshift apps best practices/standards: humaton, zlopez, smiller, dkirwan, abompard, lachmanfrantisek, lsm5, mohanboddu
  • infra sig group and the packages in it
    • First step: culling the packages, Eg. stuff that isn't built for el9.
    • Only kevin updates it
    • lots of things can be removed
    • maybe remove some people from the group?
    • python sig has taken some of the packages, maybe take more?
    • run our own pypi mirror instead of making rpms? cert for govt. less impressed by this idea
    • Packit folks (lachmanfrantisek) are willing to help with the (mass) onboarding for the suitable packages (just provide a list of packages)
  • releng packages
    • move to be owned by infra-sig group (not the same as above repo)
  • proxies
    • Apache-httpd doesn't have HTTP/3 support.
    • do we just give all the content to a CDN
    • Ask someone/group in RH what we should do
    • Just do nothing? :)
  • AWS more managable
    • Our acct. is used by us, centos, openQA, etc.
    • All of the setup is done manually but after setup can be ansibled. Ansible is capable of doing the AWS setup.
    • Terraform maybe helps a lot
  • onboarding
    • Kevin has done some work done, but not committed/pushed
    • Less community involvement/pipeline for new sysadmins than we used to have
    • Market who the current infra. people are, and how you can speak to them
    • People want to help a little bit, but don't want to touch the servers when they'll be doing it once or twice a year.
    • Problem between Kevin just doing easy fixes, and they aren't there for new people, or them not being done for a month.
    • Hello days (Eg. after every release)
  • openshift apps. intro
    • Three clusters, communishift (anything goes, AWS); staging (deploy by ansible, VLAN); production
    • refactor playbooks, don't start builds move to deployment objects
  • gitforge
    • Should change the processes to use gitforge features (on push do X, on branch do Y, etc.)
  • retire wiki
    • user documentation is on wiki and doesn't fit with current docs
    • get a list of categories for wiki pages, then can migrate some of those categories
    • gitforge might help
  • datagrepper in Communishift
    • dump data weekly into an amazon postgres instance?
    • Robbert is going to use the public dumps and stand up a new instance somewhere.
  • ARA
    • Just use AWX instead? Might be much easier to deploy though.
  • moving AWX forward
    • problems with current split of ansible repos. for public/private info.
    • migrate to ansible Vault or something else that is more AWX compatible?
    • Does reporting, so don't need ARA?
    • Using Vault means we can have a dummy set of variables to do CI on changes.
  • Zabbix
    • Setup 2nd matrix channel so that zabbix can complain without spamming the main channel
    • Still problems with network connectivity, some VPN issues, potential RH firewall ports need opening
    • Porting custom nagios alerts is still undecided.
    • Stop warning for CPU on builders etc.
    • More levels than nagios, just message on the big ones?
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