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# 2018-01-12 vNetwork hangout
:calendar: **Date:** Fri, Jan 12, 2018 @ 11:30am - 5:30pm
:round_pushpin: **Location:** New Lab, NYC
:arrow_forward: **Participation:** https://appear.in/vnetwork
:family: **Attendance:**
* @dzn
* @lizbarry
* @patcon
## Agenda
1. Check-in
2. [Calendar](https://airtable.com/shrb5e1zyNA6WRGF9/tblzlpydeu9pSGdJc?date=2018-01-01) Review (January)
1. ~~Code for All exchage program~~ past
2. ~~Data & Society Media workshop proposal~~ past
3. g0v hackathon
4. CC Summit proposal deadline
5. Decentralized tech workshop (hosted by us)
6. TicTec Application deadline
2. Travel Dates
* RightsCon
* [their email response](https://hackmd.io/EYZgjAZg7MCcAsBaArAYxo+AGCTheWU1hCwFMxgBDEAJioiA?view)
3. Grants
* Ford: 50 and 250 words on "UNEQUAL ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT: decision making and resources" https://www.fordfoundation.org/work/challenging-inequality/civic-engagement-and-government/ https://www.fordfoundation.org/work/our-grants/idea-submission/
* Partners
* Public Lab
4. Article Review
## Notes
:star: Action Item
- dzn: Liz article made me think of collective memory
- re: Alin Coman https://psych.princeton.edu/person/alin-coman
- how conversational interactions can reshape memory, by promoting shared remembering and shared forgetting, and how socio-cognitive processes can facilitate the formation of collective memories and collective beliefs.
- looking at [calendar](https://airtable.com/shrb5e1zyNA6WRGF9/tblzlpydeu9pSGdJc?date=2018-01-01)
- added Greta event
- :star: Create eventbrite (liz)
- :star: Update calendar details (patcon)
- :star: Add events and grant deadlines from channels into calendar (patcon)
- liz mentioned hope to bring on vNetwork members @itsmisscs and @dzn as organizational consultants with Public Lab, to help knit our future vNetwork community with PL community (advocacy)
- fundraising timelines can be as much as 18 months
- optimistic about this possibility
- PL (2 ways of working)
- organizing (broadening capacity)
- advocacy (changing balance of power)
- in the past this was data work
- future: faciltiation? (that includes a comment on the process)
- Grants
- Code for Africa exchange program
- [Project list](https://trello.com/c/3uifNIel/7-code-for-all-exchange-program)
- cruised the list and found some projects that might be interested in citizen deliberation (added them to card linked above)
- [Awesome foundation](http://www.awesomefoundation.org/en/chapters/nyc) meets at end of month
- :star: put this in calendar
- convo about Shuttleworth grants, and how flash grants assigned through current fellow
- :star: review [current fellows](https://www.shuttleworthfoundation.org/fellows/) who have ability to bestow flash grants
- Anasuya Sengupta has a [rad quote](http://whoseknowledge.org/why/) from Octavia Butler, maybe cool
- Adam Hyde maybe interested
- @dzn: re conferences.
- lets do more learning first. rightscon is exception bc its a launch and a way to get g0v and Taiwan folks here and exchange
- would like to write and do more first
- @liz: what about getting funding in current field to travel somewhere and speak related to vNetwork sort of concerns
- @patcon: maybe doable for fuzzy events on "intersection of neuroscience and society"
- @liz. re: funding. (N) has a tactic down where he finds uni to speak, get one department to pay travel, and the other department to pay honorarium, then you get funding to do unfunded work in faraway place
- @dzn: re: speakingwhy are we giving the talk? when people respond, what's the path?
- @liz. brings up speaking only to secure travel budgets.
- @liz: [ASIDE] governance as a subset of collaboration, which is a thing that open source communities and public lab are already exploring and learning in. Extension to vTaiwan is totally aligned.
- Licensing (special agenda item!)
- (patcon: this is prob relevant later)
- MIT (permissive, do anything) vs GPL (copyleft, virality of open in commons)
- TODO: update this section with own thinking
- Liz: Is CC0 the right thing for our docs? Someone could just steal our work
- RightsCon
- [Email](https://hackmd.io/EYZgjAZg7MCcAsBaArAYxo+AGCTheWU1hCwFMxgBDEAJioiA?view)
- :star: Submit RightsCon travel support application (Jan 19)
- :star: ask clkao who applied and who is coming
- @dzn: TW's frameworks are collectivist frameworks, and that exchanging insight between a western individualist tradition and eastern tradition takes work.
- @liz: in TW, diff sense of accountability and originality
- @patcon -- used to work for a company that presented their structure differently externally vs how they worked together internally.
- Plans for trip to Taiwan https://hackmd.io/AwTgHAzAbBDsCmBaAjAVmQQ0QFgMYdkQCNtURFZgAzDM7KqKAoA=
* open collective as a way of funding
* :star: follow up on Public Lab progress in supporting this (liz)
* example of how orgs use it to support sub-project autonomy: https://opencollective.com/wwcode
Type of model?
- vNetwork
* awesome foundation
* ford foundation
* some kind of relationship with Public Lab
* Shuttleworth
* Professional development (Liz Barry)-- record the training and bring it back to use educationally, link between sustainability, present at a local event.
* :star: https://sites.google.com/a/newschool.edu/part-time-faculty-professional-development-fund/home/deadline
* Round III: applications are due by Monday March 12, 2018; awards will be announced by Friday March 31, 2018
* :star: week homework: write paragraph for ford
Review article: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-PmMCX2rbU_5Ay0_c2TIwbT3Yu_9jfBwTDDj598bbfY/edit
- more convo on walk home and back at liz's
- we need to define parts of project