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Cryptography and computer security - Tutorial 27.10.2020
Linear feedback shift registers (LFSR)
Exercise 1
Check that the polynomial \(C(x) = 1 + x + x^4\) is irreducible over \(\mathbb{Z}_2\). Is it also primitive over \(\mathbb{F}_{2^4}\)?
\(C(x) = A(x) B(x)\)
Hence, \(C(x)\) is irreducible over \(\mathbb{Z}_2\).
\(C(x)\) is primitive over \(\mathbb{F}_{2^4}\).
Exercise 2
Generate output sequences for an LFSR of degree \(4\) with connection polynomial \(C(x)\) and all possible initial states. What are their periods?
Exercise 3
Determine all possible periods of LFSRs defined by the equations
\(C_1(x) \equiv 1 + x + x^2 + x^3 \equiv (1 + x) (1 + x^2) \equiv (1 + x)^3 \pmod{2}\)
\(C_2(x) \equiv 1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 \pmod{2}\)
\(C_2(x)\) is not primitive over \(\mathbb{F}_{2^4}\).
Exercise 4
Determine whether an LFSR of degree \(4\) can generate sequences
Exercise 5
Find an LFSR of degree \(4\) that generates the sequence \(10101100\).
Shannon theory
Exercise 6
Prove that a cryptosystem has perfect secrecy if and only if
\[ P(Y = y \mid X = x_1) \ = \ P(Y = y \mid X = x_2) \]
for all \(x_1, x_2 \in \mathcal{P}\) and \(y \in \mathcal{C}\).
Exercise 7
Consider a cryptosystem in which \(\mathcal{P} = \lbrace a, b \rbrace\), \(\mathcal{K} = \lbrace k_1, k_2, k_3 \rbrace\) and \(\mathcal{C} = \lbrace 1, 2, 3 \rbrace\). Suppose that keys are chosen with probabilities \(P(K = k_1) = 1/2\), \(P(K = k_2) = P(K = k_3) = 1/4\), and plaintexts are chosen with probabilities \(P(X = a) = 1/4\), \(P(X = b) = 3/4\). The encryption matrix is as follows:
Exercise 8
Prove that the affine cipher over \(\mathbb{Z}_{26}\) achieves perfect secrecy if every key is used with equal probability \(1/312\).