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# Open Container Initative Summit 2021
September 30, 2021
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loTeOR1mUWg
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H03Dtjbmq0k
Hybrid event:
in person and on Zoom!
Zoom link provided at registration
Good news, Zoom has a built-in whiteboard
Onsite leads:
* Sargun Dhillon
* Josh Dolitsky
* Phil Estes
* Samuel Karp
* Steve Lasker
Onsite Attendance:
* Josh Dolitsky
* Phil Estes
* Samuel Karp
* Steve Lasker
* Sargun Dhillon
Remote Attendance:
* Mike Brown (IBM)
* Tianon
* Rose Judge
* Nisha Kumar
* Vincent Batts
* Nate Rini (SchedMD)
* Aidan Delaney
* Giuseppe Scrivano
* Mark Peek
* Jon Johnson
* Kohei Tokunaga
* Tomas Aliaga
* Michael Brown (AWS)
* Brandon Mitchell
* Jason Hall (Red Hat)
* Samuel Ortiz (Apple)
## Agenda
Topics/Agenda for OCI Summit (Thursday, September 30 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Pacific)
| Time | Topic | Facilitator | Length (mins) | Slides Link |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| 9am-9:30am | Kickoff | Phil Estes | 30 | n/a |
| 9:30am - 10:30am | Image vNext | Jason Hall | 60 | [slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cNlcRingDmBIEIUCc-G5kLq3aPm9UccJCWf0y7bquDY/edit)|
| 10:30am - 11:00am | break | | 30 | n/a |
| 11:00am - 12:00pm | Confidential Computing | Bursell and Samuel Ortiz | 60 | [Mike Bursell presentation](https://groups.google.com/a/opencontainers.org/g/dev/c/tqNmwGLJfDE) |
| 12:00pm - 01:30pm | Lunch | | 90 | n/a |
| 01:30pm - 03:00pm | [Artifacts spec](https://github.com/oras-project/artifacts-spec/releases/tag/1.0.0-draft.1) | Steve Lasker | 90 | |
| 03:00pm - 03:30pm | break | | 30 | n/a |
| 03:30pm - 04:00pm | Overview of SBOMs | Rose Judge | 30 | |
| 04:00pm - 04:30pm | [Alternative Filesystem Representations](https://hackmd.io/J6OgGUQLQs2pesQYbeDumA) | Sargun Dhillon | 30| See HackMD |
| 04:30pm - 05:00pm | Open Discussion | ? | 30 | n/a |
## Minutes of the day
1220ET - JasonH starting on image-spec vNext (notes taken by Mike and.. )
* three spec (tango) interop.. image,runtime(and runc), distribution
* mondays!(for all the commits)
* image spec manifesto (stability, compatibility, interop, secure..)
* reports of image-spec being frozen are greatly exagerated
* new fields/types (outside OCI reserved types?) are not restricted by the spec
* deck includes types of changes that could be made, such as further tightenging / loosening of MUST/SHOULD type edicts
* request to think about v1.1.0 (non-breaking) discussion about conformance make sure 1.1 does not break 1.0 compliance
* for consideration, which oci (and other projects) distribution, runc, runtime, container runtimes, and other oss projects need to move in lockstep with v1.1 image spec
* oci artifacts: extending oci image to support "anything?" new types entirely (which may use exixting oci types), and new types that refer to oci types generally as, for example, and exended attribute / artifact of an image
1235ET - discusion/questions
* (vb) feature flags, and past conversation on whether SemVer was good for the spec
* (nisha) - json blob as a first class citizen
* dealing with gross (horizontal) patterns
* OCI has avoiding _leading_ the design, and instead _trailing_, but now some changes need the API/semantics to allow for this *
* (nate) feature flags were a wreck in OpenGL. SemVer gives a good baseline.
* "this is the baseline for compatibility, and everything else is OPTIONAL"
* (jason) dist endpoint would/could get features avail but would be unreliable? (Mike: this as opposed to version semantics for a known type)
* (josh) and conformance (distribution conformance) needs a feature to make plugable the build tooling used and to enable versioning for which image spec
* https://github.com/opencontainers/oci-conformance
* https://github.com/opencontainers/distribution-spec/tree/main/conformance
* (steve) discovering restrictions to types at/in a registry, and identifing versions of types supported by the registry.. this should be supported at some level by the API.. (jason) perhaps new conformance tests are the way to resolve.. (steve) that might not be a high bar due to unspecified integration points.. (brandon) discovery should be part of each API added if it's needed
1305ET - wrap topic and next steps
* (vb) actionable items
* disentangle distribution spec from image spec
* open milestone for v1.1 versions of the spec(s)
* currently just have a "post-v1.0.0" (https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3Apost-v1.0.0)
* identify subjective circular discussions and do our best to close them.
* exercise the versioning muscle, prototype the process/practice
* (jason) changing the media type from v1 to some other string segment v1.1 or v2 is something in the toolbox (tbd) see types here https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/main/media-types.md .. we should be cautious when specifying new types esp. manifest types
* (steve) possible new types and other topics to also be discussed later today
* (jason) concerning, it is, that we have not yet exercised the versioning muscle (added to actionable items) example change that would hurt: moving from sha256 to 512 or other disgest encoding
* (vb) this sounds like an _ideal_ use-case for a working-group to walk through this example, its impact, and changes/solutions needed
1400ET - Condidential Computing Presentation
* encrypted memory pages (hardware/bios/system host level impls)
* Attestation (hard issues, who attests, where is it managed (local/remote), where do the images come from, who loads them, are they encrypted, signed)
* Trusted Execution Environments (TEE)
* What are the units of isolation.. pod/container (or tenant?)
* (samuel ortiz) Goal.. don't trust the host at "any" level
* Challenges include Container Images, vsock, and Guest Agent and Kernel
* Remove container host from TCB, encrypted images directly to guest
* restrictions
* (side-car containers on a pod (and epherimal debug))
* workloads and k8s apis that will not work (mounts)
* crd/operators
* layer duplication
* (Mike) kubernetes resource and container image cache model will need significant scrubbing for CC
* Confidential Containers slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xKHsYA8mSRAo-MgWFh8MGW2K80ZcpRWYBeAURA9nLG8/edit?usp=sharing
1630ET - Artifacts Spec
* Showing need for artifacts for SBoMs and Signatures (as a general refers pattern for adding metadata in a new artifact that refers to a container image, or possibly other artifact media type)
* (Jason) Could an improved tag list help with tag polution? (Steve) Hopefully
* (Michael AWS) is there concensus/momentum to do an updated oci image/dist spec to add some new artifacts manifest type(s) and refers api.. only positive responses were made toward solving these desires
* Question how do I know the metadata associated with an image hasn't been modified (signature meta, digest, other solns could be used against the metadata/manifest)
* (Brandon) Is there a preference from OCI on either adding a new type vs extending the OCI image-spec?
* (Phil) Ask the OCI TOB to vote on the working group.
* With CAS today, people cannot easily modify an existing object referenced by a digest, but reference types would allow anyone with repo write access to modify the data associated with anyone else's manifest. Perhaps that use case could be handled by creating an index that includes the manifest and associated artifacts.
### Parking Lot
Topics for discussion, without interupting the current discussion
- Annotations - should there be a lenght limit, to be able to index at a later time? Is this the time to do it, as annotaitons aren't used much today. Likely not used because there's no index/use cases across implementations
- Capabilities APIs - good/bad indifferent
- suggesting registries impose limits on manifest sizes ([#260](https://github.com/opencontainers/distribution-spec/issues/260))
- Should there be an ability to namespace the tag listing to the media type?
## Proposals (Archived)
Please add a row below if you have a topic to cover. Once we have a complete list, we'l slot things in the schedule above.
Please state any time constraints (for example, *I'm in UK, don't schedule me a 2am*)
Please add :+1: (name) to a topic youd like to discuss, even if there's no facilitator.
| Topic | Facilitator | Length (mins) | Votes/Interests|
| - | - | - | - |
| Runtime | ? | ? | |
| Use Cases of OCI | ? | ? | |
| Artifacts Grooming | ? | ? | |
| Distribution Issue/PR Grooming | ? | ? | |
| Image Issue/PR Grooming | ? | ? | |
| Moving Foreign Layers to _reserved for backwards compat_ | Steve | 15 | |
| Entitlement & IP for containers | Steve | 15 | |
| [Decoupling location from the artifact](https://stevelasker.blog/2020/10/21/is-it-time-to-change-default-registry-references/) & <br> more info: [Enabling Artifact CLIs to Reference Environment Specific Registries Through Configuration](https://github.com/SteveLasker/drafts/blob/main/registry-repo-config.md) | Steve | 30 |
| Show & Tell | ? | ? | |