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EPF C4 - Tomás Arjovsky - Week 6

Most of my week was spent doing research for the roadmap. I worked a lot with Martín Paulucci dividing the specs into workable areas. He focused on seprating tasks so they could be handled by different teams and I worked on a release plan, with milestones representing usable

Here's a first iteration of the plan:

  1. Receiving and saving blocks.
    1. Libp2p discovery and block retrieval
    2. SSZ + snappy.
    3. on_block callback just saves the latest block in the fork-choice store and does basic checks. GetHead just returns the last obtained block.
    4. EngineAPI: execution payload validation (engine_newPayloadV2).
    5. Beacon API: returning head block root (GET /beacon/states/{state_id}/root)
    6. Optional: Create a docker compose with a Prysm client to use locally
  2. Sync.
    1. Libp2p primitives for sync.
    2. Genesis representation.
    3. on_block basic checks, like the parent being present.
    4. BeaconAPI: return headers for head block.
    5. Observability: Basic Grafana dashboard
  3. Deposits
    1. BLS signature checks
    2. Update consensus state view of the deposit contract (process_eth1_data)
    3. Process deposit operation to update validator list (process_deposit)
    4. Reset eth data at epoch transition (process_eth1_data_reset)
    5. Verify block signatures (verify_block_signature)
  4. Attestations
    1. libp2p attestation retrieval.
    2. Basic beacon state representation.
    3. Attestations as part of the store (last message sent by each validator).
    4. on_attestation callback.
    5. EngineAPI: validate incoming blocks.
    6. BeaconAPI??
  5. Slots and Fork-choice
    1. on_tick/process_slot in state transition. GenServer that calls this periodically.
    2. on_block: add slot related checks and epoch calculations (not finalization).
    3. Get-head now uses the messages.
    4. Block header validation.
    5. EngineAPI: process execution payload.
    6. BeaconAPI: getting head values should point to the heaviest.
  6. Finality and Slashing
    1. epoch processing.
    2. on_block: pruning of fork-choice store. Not accepting blocks before finalization.
    3. Add RANDAO mix to the beacon state.
    4. BeaconAPI: get finality checkpoints, randao mixes.
    5. Attester slashing processing
    6. Proposer slashing processing
    7. EngineAPI: fork-choice updates.
  7. Rewards, shuffling:
    1. Rewards processed on_epoch for a checkpoint.
    2. Deposits, withdrawals.
    3. RANDAO implemented.
    4. Committee calculation for a given state.
    5. Shuffling.
    6. Grafana.
    7. BeaconAPI: getting randao mix for a given block.
  8. Validator features.
    1. Attestation creation
    2. Slashing monitors.
    3. Slashing proof creation.
    4. BeaconAPI: posting blocks, slashings, voluntary exits, withdrawals.

The only thing left is adding issues and estimating tasks for a Gantt, but with a clear priorization we now can correctly assign coding tasks to ourselves. We'll get some feedback from the community very soon as well.

This also unblocks us from having a proposal too, which we're presenting on Tuesday 29th.

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