DRAMA is a Novelty Token created by @whatsup utilizing Steem-Engine.com in March 2019

The purpose of DRAMA is tokenize drama, upset, belly-aching, crying, blaming, temper-tantrums and other forms of over-the-top drama found on the STEEM blockchain.

DRAMA tokens will be MINTED by @whatsup and ISSUED to the @dramatoken account where they will be issued by a bot developed by @inertia which allows those who hold at least 10 DRAMA tokens to call the bot and issue a DRAMA token. In return for calling the bot the caller will receive an upvote from the @dramatoken account.

The @dramatoken account is an account created on the STEEM Blockchain to upvote those who issue DRAMA tokens

Details of Bot

The purpose of the bot is to allow end-users holding at least 10 drama tokens to distribute drama by using a text command it in a reply field.

The caller is the person calling the bot, and the receiver is the author of the post the bot is called to reward.

Use Case: !dramatoken
Sniff for a text command !dramatoken

Check dramatoken balance of caller if < 10 take no action.

If > 9 distribute 1.00000 DRAMA to Author (OP) if DRAMA is available for this purpose.

Make a comment with drama token graphic and text (tbd) with specific graphic and text depends on DRAMA availability.

Upvote “caller” with @dramatoken 25% (if DRAMA available).

The bot shall match on !dramatoken strictly. The comment cannot have anything besides !dramatoken. It will not match if someone is just talking about !dramatoken in passing.

Bootstrap Distribution Phase
The number of DRAMA tokens avilable each day is 40.00000 DRAMA. This will a) keep the bot from “over-voting”, b) provide a way to tell if the bot will distribute tokens (any time bot voting power below 98.0 %, this means no new are tokens available), and c) provide a sane limit to new tokens distributed. This also means if less than 40.00000 DRAMA is distributed in 24 hours, they do not carry over to the next day.

Use Case: Transfer
Drama token holder can transfer DRAMA to an author by providing a URL in the transfer memo.

This will also make a comment with drama token graphic and text (tbd).

Involves no upvote.

Transferes can originate from the steem-engine.com site as long as the memo contains a valid URL. Otherwise, the bot ignores the transfer.

Dramatic Replies
Two main cases exist. Successful distribution and unsuccessful distribution.

Use Cases for Transfer will look exactly like a successful distribution to the OP.

Use Cases for !dramatoken will attempt to distribute new tokens to the OP, but upon failure, still reply to the caller.

Drama Tokens can be traded at https://steem-engine.com/?p=market&t=DRAMA

A Case for Holding Drama

It is our belief that DRAMA will hold entertainment value to the community. End-Users will need to hold at least 10 DRAMA tokens in order to issue tokens which creates demand, the tokens are issued slowly to create a limited supply. In addition, the @dramatoken account will post earning Steem and will seek delegation to increase the vote value of the @dramatoken account. Which creates a win/win for Steem and DRAMA

It is our goal to test the Market for interest and continue to add features and value to the model to include at some point "The Drama Report", "The Dramatic Distribution" and other interesting posts from the @dramatoken account. After all, there is no shortage of Drama on the Internet.

Long-Term Goals: To reward dramtic content found in other locations such as Twitter, Facebook and other blockchains with a DRAMA token and a link back to STEEM for account creation and to claim token on www.steem-engine.com

We will be branding our Mascot dRAMA who will Author the posts and sometimes make Drama Induced Posts, to keep the entertainment value high.

Drama logo, features dRama on a Uppercase D.

Other Projects Tokenizing Specific Online Actions are:
Fuck Token

If you think this is a fun project and would like to support it's progress consider delegation to the @dramatoken account

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