IPFS Documentation & Developer UX WG: Q4 2019 Retrospective


Please add your notes async to this document. The core team will also discuss in a sync meeting 17 December at 1600 UTC.

  • If you'd like to attach your name to a comment for further discussion, please do so in brackets afterwards, like this [Jessica]
  • If someone already added your note, please copy-paste a plus-one emoji at the end, like this 1️⃣

Part 1: Review Q4 OKRs and overall progress

Thoughts on what OKRs we achieved vs postponed items, etc?

  • We did extremely well overall, despite the IPFS hosting discussion and resulting decisions taking longer and ending up differently than we'd hoped
  • Postponed items were ones we'd included as super-stretch goals anyway, so no regrets there
  • Would have been a nice chronological milestone to ship on IPFS by end of year, but not worth asking for heroics, particularly over the holidays

What debt are we carrying over into Q1 that needs to be settled?

  • IPFS-hosted launch of docs site (by mid-Jan) 1️⃣
  • Comms plan activities (particularly monitoring) associated with that launch

Part 2: Standard retro stuff

What went well?

  • Amazing team coherence and flexibility 1️⃣
  • Ability to gel on controversial topics
  • Good balance of sync/async methodologies
  • Tight work in a cramped quarter
  • Lockstep connections between OKRs and issues
  • Johnny had an excellent on-boarding
  • And we had a Lord Johnny (technically) to on-board!

What didn't go well?

  • We could have done a better job of anticipating hosting controversy, and potentially its likely outcome; did it make sense to try to "win" that debate? 1️⃣
  • We didn't always realize when it would be helpful to bring in long-term labbers from elsewhere in the org to lend history, experience and even clout to difficult discussions (see below)
  • Some management trickle-down led to really poor morale among everyone :(
  • OKR ambitions vs real available time given lab week, holidays and other asks across the org.
    • Keep in mind that working async requires a HUGE documentation/notetaking overhead maybe we just assume an extra 30% work!

What got blocked? Why?

  • IPFS hosting, for reasons mentioned above
  • In-person November team meeting ended up being a big time suck

What should we change/improve for next quarter?

  • Keep focusing on setting realistic, achievable goals, particularly in light of potential team makeup changes
  • Encourage/pressure higher-ups to make big decisions (hosting on IPFS for example), in cases where we're not allowed to make them ourselves.
    • Not just higher-ups. People on adjacent teams also have more power/respect/influence than we do, and let's remember to work with, consult and leverage them
  • Establish more visceral connections to users except we don't have the people to support this it can't be done in someone's "extra" time :(
    • But we can still try to keep this in mind as we go
    • And hopefully as we hire a community person, we can get more involved with their work
  • More focus on content creation (+ integrating visuals in it) - both docs and ProtoSchool
  • Use shipped@ to publicize our work
  • Explicitly connect our persona work to site development

What support from PL would have helped?

  • Ability to get quick feedback from those in power (this wasn't always possible due to war mode and similar)
  • Understanding our limitations/powers as a team without having express permission from management
  • Our own budget for one-off tasks (freelance writing, dev tasks, etc etc)
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