Name (#gluster-dev alias) - company
Metrics | Value |
Coverity | 61 |
Clang Scan | 58 |
Test coverage | 71.1 |
New Issues in last 14 days master |
28 |
Gluster User Queries in last 14 days | 79 |
Total Github issues | 738 |
Any release updates?
Release-5.13, tagging is done, Sheetal and shwetha are looking into building packages. Once that is done, we will announce the release.
5.13 will be last release in branch 5.
Unlike the previous process, currently for both release 7 and 5, the same issue is being used, so I have tagged the issue with appropriate release while merging.
discussion about how we are going to backport the patches.
Xavi clarified earlier that we can use the same issue.
Rinku proposed to use labels to know that an issue is used for various branches as well
Template for tracker :
Sanju : make changes in template to ask the reported to get the labels right from the maintainer atleast and would be better if we can give others the permission to assign labels.Amar: the reporter needs write permission in the repo.
Deepshikha: created a team of dev. for this team, they will have permissions to add labels and other necessary values.
*Reduce number of release cycles - Announcement to user ML[hari]
*reach out to Amar and take the release-8 work forward to packaging.
*Tentative date for release 8 - end of April start branching
* - update the release schedule in [Rinku]. Hari will let him know the other issues in the website
Notable thread form mailing list
COVID-19 impact is likely for events!
Important dates:
CFP Closed : No (May 15, 2020)
Schedule Announcement :
Event Open for Registration : Yes (early bird registeration till 8/24/2020)
Last Date of Registration :
Event dates: September 21-24, 2020
Venue: Santa Clara, CA
Talks related to gluster:
Important dates:
CFP Closed : 27th April
Schedule Announcement : July 3, 2020
Event Open for Registration : July 3 2020
Last Date of Registration :
Event dates: September 23rd to 25th 2020
Venue:Framingham, MA.
Important dates:
CFP Closed : Closed
Event Open for Registration : Open
Event dates: 26th - 28th of May 2020
Venue: Online
Talks related to gluster:
*Have the release dates updated. Hari, Rinku and Amar will discuss about what is left for release 8 and get the dates right. and will take release-8 to a conclusion.
Sunny has volunteered
After release 6 we moved from n-3 to n-2.
We can send a mail out to know which one we can stop and when.
We will have a capping saying, we will support a release for 1 year or until n-2 support. which ever happens first.
Are the blogs in gluster related to gluster or other stuff such as kubernetes as well[Ravi]
code and test coverage needs some contribution. Maintainers please do take the right measures[Sunny]