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# HAUS Party LIVE! Notes: Season 4 Episode 4 (2/10/2022)
## Synopsis
Welcome to 🎉 Haus Party Live 🎉 every Thursday at 2pm EST on the [DAOhaus Discord](https://discord.gg/daohaus)
- "When cultures clash"
**Hosts & Guests**
- Felipe, dekanbro, Vanilladelphia.eth, vengist
- Audience guests
🌱 Welcome to our *careful, uncensored* garden! 🌱
## DAOhaus Manifesto
- (Manifesto read by TravisWyche)
- Process for working on the *Manifesto*:
- Incredible to think about DAOs writing documents that provide "a sense of identity and cohesion" -- this type of documentation is the "mortar that binds the bricks of the community together"
- Undying dedication to making sure that the community comes first, before profits
- Month long async/sync conversation about the principles that guide the vision
- Define ourselves by *not* focusing on the individual and instead focusing on the greater good
- Iteration on e2t's *Vision and Values* workshop and led to a democratic process reflecting the democratic intent
- How to organize the *chorus of voices* so that it's not a single person speaking for many? Integrate the collective voice into it
- Folks honing in on the syntax and intentionality of word choices to ensure we're defending the core value we believe in
- Goal for the Manifesto to become a living document -- crucial to DAO culture and onboarding and the vibe
- "Should not be etched in stone" -- determine the process for making changes and updates based on what is happening in the community
### Process
- Jord took initiative to put together a document with ideas for the community to respond to and started conversations
- This led to a series of workshops where folks shared ideas
- Added Discord threads with prompts with goal of encouraging conversation in a collaborative way
- Community process -- important for all communities to go through a similar process
- Folks were passionate about this process and was nice to see how much everyone cared about it
- DAOhaus has its own culture and ethos and it hasn't been shared with the rest of the world yet
- Emotional, powerful, and impactful that we both *can* and *do* align on the values outlined
- Need to "force our imagination" to see DAOhaus as a global platform
- *How do we legitimately build policy from intent?*
- How do we evaluate process of decision making when folks have transgressed the values?
- Difference between *politics* and *governance* that was mentioned last week
## When Cultures Clash
- Talking as a team about what happens when worldviews clash within the metaverse, and how do our organized communities react and form policies around this
- *Not referencing any specific cases in this conversation*
- Conflicted feelings about social media censorship, such as Trump losing his Twitter, even if it is warranted
- Troubling in that the company is able to revoke access based on disagreement
- Decision made by a few people
- Doesn't seem to be a way to win -- if you censor it, then you're a censor. But if you make it completely open there will always be voices that are saying potentially dangerous or inflammatory things
- In a decentralized environment, community could fork since it's often a 50/50 disagreement and it's often heated
- Forks that are more censorship resistant?
- If a group of people are censoring -> code is open source, they can do their own thing
### Echo Chambers and Bad Actors
- Are people making echo chambers by avoiding conflicting viewpoints?
- Something like Twitter is a "waterfall of garbage" where you can pull out someone's "gold ring they threw down the chute"
- Taken aback by how quickly conversation went to censorship instead of focusing on the bad actors
- It's not the tools that are the problem -- what about the core issue of the bad actors?
- There are people in society that are perpetuating harm through the language they use
- There are people who are fine with being on side of oppression and are fine with justifying the oppression being done in name of a "greater good" or collective vision
- Ignorant Oppressor and Cynical Oppressor
- Malignant, cynical oppressor uses shared narratives of success to manipulate folks into creating legitimacy around their larger strategies
- How do we communicate with the ignorant and the intentionally malignant?
### Game Theory, Power, and Schelling Points
- How does economic calculus play into this situation?
- Cancel culture: From game theory point, historically enfranchised powers that are so unaware of how settled in power they are they become beligerant when experiencing a sudden questioning of their power
- Whereas folks that are disenfranchised are experiencing this lack of power and oppression daily
- Framed this way, is cancel culture wrong?
- There can be positive sum games, but this is difficult
- Why is it that politics seems to melt away in crypto culture?
- Creating space for new narratives and focus on a new "source of truth" so there is a tendency toward cooperation
- Creativing alternative power structures and building alternative to what exists
- DAOs and coordination mechanisms has provided effective frame to view issues that have been emerging in the web3 community
- Core value of decentralization really means *decentralization of power* and if we think of it like this, it becomes easier to get to the point where we can think about relationships to power
- Having power beyond basic human power is a responsibility and a privilege
- Power over other people, especially in a narrative or DAO context, is thought of as power being delegated to you whether explicitly or implicitly
- If they don't agree with how you're using it, it is their right to revoke it
- Can start to create better structures and define games that allow individuals to exercise their individual power and remove power from folks they've delegated to
- There was lots of dissent as a result of these recent decisions. **What does this dissent look like?**
- Frustrating to see how often people need to qualify their experiences based on identity
- Don't want to have to lead in on opinions with declaration of identity
- Difficult to deal with unintentionally becoming an oppressor even if actions are rooted in allyship
- Polarization embedded in discussion tends to move folks into feeling as if they're oppressors even if not intentional
- Having to explain and preface with these things is troubling
- We're focusing on coordination, so we want to make sure that folks feel safe to coordinate with each other
- Won't be a productive outcome if folks don't feel safe with each other
- How do the ideas translate into action?
- "When ideas are communicated they become actions and communication has power, for good and certainly also for bad, even if the intent is the other way."
- Folks have believes to share their believes and opinions but don't have the right to be insulated from the impact from sharing them, especially when in a position of outsized power
## Conflict Resolution Strategies
- How to teach *calling in* rather than *calling out* and how this relates to current focus on cancel culture?
- Calling in done with love and respect, and pointing out the focus on the fact that still talking with another human
- Extending invitation as active form of love, activated listening to help whoever you're speaking to and help them realize if they're saying things that are harmful
- Invitational extention is an action
- Inevitable tension between identity and relationship
- Engaging in practice of *checking* can help shift dynamic from affirming identity to relationship possibilities
- Need to wield power with awareness, and there is a certain sense of "awareness debt"
- Want people to disagree *and* productively collaborate
- Human nature and coordination problems in human relationships
- DAOs and coordination tools are a "synthetic means" to dealing with our relationships
- Position of privilege to dismiss identity
- We should be coordinating to "move beyond layer zero" and beyond the emotionally driven layer
- When and how can we focus on this scale of coordination without stripping away someone else's identity
- How do different tech platforms bring out different aspects of ourselves?