changed 3 years ago
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TTD override drill


You have two options for geth:

  1. You can import the new genesis config by shutting down your node and reinitializing the datadir with ./go-ethereum/build/bin/geth init genesis.json --datadir "geth-datadir" after which you can start your node again.

  2. Unfortunately the override flag was broken in the last release so for that you need to download the newest version of geth on the merge-kiln-v2 branch, run make and then start the node with --override.terminaltotaldifficulty 20000000000000.


To override TTD in Nethermind we should start the node with:
--Merge.TerminalTotalDifficulty 20000000000000


The besu kiln release will be 22.1.2, and should include the new terminal difficulty, but if we need to override it or you are running a snapshot version there are a couple options:

  • via toml config, add a config line:
  • via cli parameter:


Use --terminal-total-difficulty-override=20000000000000


Use --terminal-total-difficulty-override=20000000000000


Use --Xnetwork-total-terminal-difficulty-override=20000000000000 on the latest build

If you're not on the latest build, you can use use:
--network=~/merge-testnets/kiln/config.yaml with the new configuration (pull the config repo)

Prysm and Lodestar

You need to update the config.yaml file with the new TOTAL_TERMINAL_DIFFICULTY in your configuration directory and restart your client

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