Currently, Akri's components (Controller, Agent, Discovery Handlers) do not have specified compute resource (Memory/CPU) requests or limits. This means there is no clarity on the maximum amount of resources Akri uses.
Note: brokers have been excluded from the analysis, since a user can provide any broker image; however, the ability to set broker resource limits and requests should be added to Akri's Helm charts.
This documentation investigates Akri's components resource usage and defines requests and limits for each component based on the results. It walks through the steps described in Daz Wilkin's blog that investigated Akri resource usage using Virtical Pod Autoscaler (VPA).
After the first round of investigation, the VPA recommended the default minimum CPU (15m) and memory (100Mi) for all of Akri's components as lower bounds, targets, and uncapped targets. In response, the minimum values were set to 0 in the VPA to obtain the resulting subsequent values.
Note: Minimums were set by passing the following values into the VPA Helm chart maintained by the Fairwinds team:
recommender: extraArgs: pod-recommendation-min-cpu-millicores: 0 pod-recommendation-min-memory-mb: 0
The Controller and Agent required slightly more compute resources than Discovery Handlers.
memory: "11Mi"
cpu: "10m"
memory: "100Mi"
cpu: "26m"
memory: "11Mi"
cpu: "10m"
memory: "79Mi"
cpu: "26m"
All Discovery Handlers:
memory: "11Mi"
cpu: "10m"
memory: "24Mi"
cpu: "24m"
Note: the udev Discovery Handler's upper bound required one less CPU unit; however, for consistency for the time being, all Discovery Handlers will get the same requests and limits.
The upper bound of all of the recommendations dropped overtime, starting high and then lowering as time passed. After letting Akri run overnight on a 2 node cluster with all Discovery Handlers and Configurations, the recommendations dropped with the upper bound dropping significantly.
For example, at first the Controller's upper bound was
"upperBound": {
"cpu": "2226m",
"memory": "2327583916"
By the next day, as the VPA gathered more information about usage trends, it dropped to the following:
"upperBound": {
"cpu": "26m",
"memory": "104857600"
VPA Memory Recommendations for Controller
VPA Memory Recommendations for Controller after Initial Spike
The CPU upper bound recommendations also start extremely high, which may be skewing the final target and lower bounds if they take into account the upper bound, as they are consistently in the 0-3 range, jumping with each restart of the controller:
Note: the controller appeared to be restarting due to bubbled up connection errors to the Kubernetes API; however, the Controller can cleanly handle restarts.
The bounds that the components settled at by the next day are what will be used; however, using Grafana to chart out the change in bounds overtime and as devices and nodes are added to the system could lead to a more accurate choice of bounds. All resource requests and limits will be customizable via Helm values.
The VPA's, after running for 16 hours, settled on similar recommendations for all of Akri's components (Agent, Controller, Udev Discovery Handler, ONVIF Discovery Handler, OPC UA Discovery Handler, and debug echo Discovery Handler). They are as follows.
Container Recommendations:
Container Name: akri-controller
Lower Bound:
Cpu: 10m
Memory: 11120035
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 23574998
Uncapped Target:
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 23574998
Upper Bound:
Cpu: 26m
Memory: 104857600
The recommendation suggests a request of 10m Kubernetes CPU units, which is the equivalent of asking for 0.010 vCPUs/Cores, and a little under 11Mi of memory. The recommendations correlate with the following addition to the Agent DaemonSet YAML:
memory: "11Mi"
cpu: "10m"
memory: "100Mi"
cpu: "26m"
Container Recommendations:
Container Name: akri-agent
Lower Bound:
Cpu: 10m
Memory: 11318184
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 23574998
Uncapped Target:
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 23574998
Upper Bound:
Cpu: 26m
Memory: 82840000
The source of the memory values can be seen on the following graph. Note that actual usage was always below all recommendation types:
The actual CPU usage is also lower than all recommendations:
The recommendation suggests a limit of 10m Kubernetes CPU units, which is the equivalent of asking for 0.010 vCPUs/Cores, and ~11Mi of memory. The recommendations correlate with the following addition to the Agent DaemonSet YAML:
memory: "11Mi"
cpu: "10m"
memory: "79Mi"
cpu: "26m"
Container Recommendations:
Container Name: akri-udev-discovery
Lower Bound:
Cpu: 10m
Memory: 11572964
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 11500000
Uncapped Target:
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 11500000
Upper Bound:
Cpu: 23m
Memory: 25041396
The source of the memory values can be seen on the following graph. Note that actual usage was always below all recommendation types:
The actual CPU usage is also lower than all recommendations:
The recommendation suggests a limit of 10m Kubernetes CPU units, which is the equivalent of asking for 0.010 vCPUs/Cores, and ~11Mi of memory. The recommendations correlate with the following addition to the Udev Discovery Handler DaemonSet YAML:
memory: "11Mi"
cpu: "10m"
memory: "24Mi"
cpu: "23m"
Container Recommendations:
Container Name: akri-onvif-discovery
Lower Bound:
Cpu: 10m
Memory: 11473094
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 11500000
Uncapped Target:
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 11500000
Upper Bound:
Cpu: 24m
Memory: 24976379
The source of the memory values can be seen on the following graph. Note that actual usage was always below all recommendation types:
The actual CPU usage is also lower than all recommendations:
The recommendation suggests a limit of 10m Kubernetes CPU units, which is the equivalent of asking for 0.010 vCPUs/Cores, and ~11Mi of memory. The recommendations correlate with the following addition to the ONVIF Discovery Handler DaemonSet YAML:
memory: "11Mi"
cpu: "10m"
memory: "24Mi"
cpu: "24m"
Container Recommendations:
Container Name: akri-opcua-discovery
Lower Bound:
Cpu: 10m
Memory: 11472167
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 11500000
Uncapped Target:
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 11500000
Upper Bound:
Cpu: 24m
Memory: 25441349
The source of the memory values can be seen on the following graph. Note that actual usage was always below all recommendation types:
The actual CPU usage is also lower than all recommendations:
The recommendation suggests a limit of 10m Kubernetes CPU units, which is the equivalent of asking for 0.010 vCPUs/Cores, and ~11Mi of memory. The recommendations correlate with the following addition to the OPC UA Discovery Handler DaemonSet YAML:
memory: "11Mi"
cpu: "10m"
memory: "24Mi"
cpu: "24m"
Container Recommendations:
Container Name: akri-debug-echo-discovery
Lower Bound:
Cpu: 10m
Memory: 11472285
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 11500000
Uncapped Target:
Cpu: 11m
Memory: 11500000
Upper Bound:
Cpu: 24m
Memory: 25382523
The source of the memory values can be seen on the following graph. Note that actual usage was always below all recommendation types:
The actual CPU usage is also lower than all recommendations:
![VPA CPU Recommendations for Debug Echo Discovery Handler]
The recommendation suggests a limit of 10m Kubernetes CPU units, which is the equivalent of asking for 0.010 vCPUs/Cores, and ~11Mi of memory. The recommendations correlate with the following addition to the Debug Echo Discovery Handler DaemonSet YAML:
memory: "11Mi"
cpu: "10m"
memory: "24Mi"
cpu: "24m"
Current usage of the brokers
NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes)
debug-echo-broker-deployment-84bfc77467-86gc5 0m 8Mi
debug-echo-broker-deployment-84bfc77467-cplpj 0m 8Mi
debug-echo-broker-deployment-84bfc77467-f698d 0m 8Mi
onvif-broker-deployment-86685869b6-426bb 898m 111Mi
onvif-broker-deployment-86685869b6-cnvw9 897m 117Mi
onvif-broker-deployment-86685869b6-wht77 900m 119Mi
opcua-broker-deployment-64d8647f7-6hp4r 3m 72Mi
opcua-broker-deployment-64d8647f7-9bqdb 2m 72Mi
opcua-broker-deployment-64d8647f7-zcfs5 2m 72Mi
udev-broker-deployment-599c8665bf-6hxkj 0m 2Mi
udev-broker-deployment-599c8665bf-pdq4g 0m 2Mi
udev-broker-deployment-599c8665bf-sqpkb 0m 2Mi
Note: The OPC UA broker was deployed long after the others
To check current usage of resources, use kubectl top
For example, kubectl top pods
NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes)
akri-agent-daemonset-7p9p5 0m 6Mi
akri-agent-daemonset-8hsrg 3m 10Mi
akri-controller-deployment-85f76c5c8b-gn54p 0m 5Mi
akri-debug-echo-discovery-daemonset-4ttsd 0m 2Mi
akri-debug-echo-discovery-daemonset-nfsch 0m 2Mi
akri-onvif-discovery-daemonset-fghzr 0m 4Mi
akri-onvif-discovery-daemonset-xlt2f 0m 3Mi
akri-opcua-discovery-daemonset-9bvh8 0m 2Mi
akri-opcua-discovery-daemonset-wxl6c 0m 2Mi
akri-udev-discovery-daemonset-cjbqv 0m 2Mi
akri-udev-discovery-daemonset-nqmxq 0m 2Mi