changed 7 years ago
Linked with GitHub

This document shall be a living document (thus updated with the evolving workshop) of the DIYBio-workshop-series.
In order to get in contact with us, you can write to our mailing-list at

Possible Projects

Add here the projects from last session.

Helpful Resources


The website Open Labware has some interesting projects.

The website of Gaudi-Labs also has very interesting projects. Apart from generic lab equipment, they build microfluid systems (mostly droplet-based like the OpenDrop v2), laser-scanning microscopes, and laser-based optical traps.

The list on the hackteria-wiki is also a great resource.

Microliter pipettes

Syringe-based design

Test results published, seems to work great.
Project on Biological-Microsystems-Laboratory/micropipette
Published a paper on BiorRxiv:


3D-printed and based on a biro.
Files on Thingiverse, more information here.

Pump for microfluidics

3D-printed pump


We could write a tech-report on the projects that we create or on the implementation of the DIYBio wetlab, if things get going.
As publishing-platform we could use Zenodo.

Possible papers to cite:

Select a repo