Day 2 (Dec 28) 11:00–13:00 in Hall 3 (CCL, 1. Etage)
In this workshop about Open Research/Science we want to first identify what we can do to improve any aspect of Open Research/Science (like Open Access, Open Educational Resources, Open Peer Review, Open Data, …). We then pick one or more of these aspects and start working on solutions (Hackathon-style).
The workshop is an excellent place to connect with other people who are interested in making research and science more open.
Bring your own ideas and make sure to add them to this document (even better if you do so before the event)!
We could do some research about
With that we could target "außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen" (those doing programmatic research) and force them (via the Bundestag and the BMBF) to gradually adopt a special notion of "open research" (starting with some of their research projects).
What i found is that, if one really understands the "Berliner Erklärung for Open Access" from 200? - and now finds statements on institutions website that they support that declaration. But sometimes even on an institutes website you find out that this institutions really has no idea what they are talking about. See therefore also, this comment on 10 years after the declaration by the MPI.
Awareness (might depend on science area):
How does the "Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen" (e.g. MPI, Fraunhofer, Helmholtz and Leibnitz) and thus all their institutes in germany understand "Open Science"? The programmatic annual research budget for those institutes (not being universities) is roughly 13bln €.
How do specific universities in germany understand "Open Science"? Compared to the research institutes mentioned above universities are more free to choose in what they research.
How do institutions in the EU e.g. the European Parliament understand "Open Science"?
How do institutions outside the EU understand "Open Science"?
Open Access in academia seems to be merely used to describe the problem that the publishing houses and journals don't want to change. It expresses kind of the smallest denominator boths sides could agree on and therefore it should be used carefully when thinking "Open Science".
Do you know about the DARIAH project? And its TextGrid Software?
Did you had a look at this RDF schema of a ScholarlyArticle?
The Free Software Foundation Europe has also published an extensive position paper on open science practice in the context of Horizon 2020, has someone read it?
List of Open Access Portals:*,,container-title:*&filter=member:78,has-license:true,from-pub-date:2016-01-01,until-pub-date:2016-12-31
crossref-get-dois -m MEMBER_ID -a AFTER_DATE -b BEFORE_DATE -l CC-BY
some places to get information about open sciency things