M3taloot User Flow




Synthetic Loot is a wallet-bound version of loot that rolls free items for each user based on their wallet address. We have 3D models of each of the loot pieces, and we are giving users an "armor stand" of all of their collected loot.

This is very similar to the character creator, except that the user cannot pick their armor it is decided by their wallet address.

Once they "m" their armor stand it will be uploaded to IPFS and minted, just like the character creator.

This mint will be a soulbound ERC-721 and use the Opensea metadata format.

User Flow

  1. user comes connects their wallet (connect wallet to view your loot)
  2. armor stand updates with their synthetic loot
  3. website doors open
  4. Can see their synthetic loot on the armor stand tied to the current connected wallet
  5. They can download or mint glb of the synthetic loot
  6. Once they mint, show congrats and call to action (join discord, view roadmap, etc)


User Flow

Need to make all the menus work. Once we have everything working we will implement final design, right now should just be functional.


Contract should be a new Soulbound ERC-721 contract. i.e. it has no transfer function. You can mint it only for your own wallet, and you cannot send it to anyone.

Minting and IPFS uploading is done here:

Contract with open minting

IPFS uploading

We should use the same IPFS uploading mechanisms as we used in the character creator. We are going to upload the armor stand GLB as separate 3D assets, all in a single GLB file (i.e. don't worry about baking or combining).

User can also download or mint their synthetic m3taloot knight stand (polygon or ethereum)

0.05 eth for chests on Ethereum (ERC-721)
free minting for synthetic m3taloot knight stand on polygon or ethereum (webaverse contracts, ERC-1155)
m3taloot gnosis safe: https://gnosis-safe.io/app/eth:0xDcf6E363c20243ed75aFfA4D7a246EcC3c98866E/balances


UI Figma design + interactive prototype
Add wallet auth / login
Raycast chest opens modal if unclaimed show claim option, if claimed show token metadata
ERC721 contract for chest, 721 contract for minting knight stand to polygon or ethereum
Minting flow for chest
Minting flow for armor stand
Add chest code
React UI programming and cleanup

  • connect metamask
  • scan wallet for loot NFTs
  • get synth loot metadata
  • claim chest ethereum
  • download files for synthetic loot
    • mint armor stand ethereum / polygon (optional)
  • put all assets on IPFS (jin)
  • pass loot data to 3D
  • chest display by type and current status
  • armor stand displays synth loot
  • raycast to interact

3D Artist
chest color variants

knight armor stand
environment art



create an on-chain svg based on synthetic loot bag

Column 1 Column 2

use animation poses to get knight armor stand look

Phase 2 future

  • can unbundle to individual items
  • equip in avatar builder
  • send to MMO (monster drop or NPC (aggro / nonaggro)
  • get a trading card preview of that item


  1. User comes to website
  2. User chooses sound on/off
  3. user comes connects their wallet
  4. armor stand updates with their synthetic loot
  5. connect wallet, if they have loot more chests drop from sky (mLoot, Loot and adventurers)
  6. they can click any of the chests to claim it
  7. once they claim, mint flow, show congrats and call to action (join discord, view roadmap, etc)
  8. Knight stand allows user to customize any piece to mint a final output
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