NBIS workshop on data visualization in R

Data Visualization

Welcome to the Workshop on Data Visualization organised by National Bioinformatics Infrastructure, Sweden.

This document is a life record of what we are doing and learning during the workshop. As either a student or a teacher, you are encouraged to write your comments, questions and feedback.

Useful resources


Data Download



Here, we write a few words about ourselves to get to know each other a bit better.


  • Lokeshwaran Manoharan - I am the course leader for this workshop. I work as a Bioinformatics expert at NBIS in the medical faculty node of Lund University. My research interest lies very much in the genomics of non-model organisms and microbes in particular.

  • Markus Ringnér - I am a teacher for this workshop. I am based in Lund under the Department of Biology. I work as a bioinformatician in the NBIS long term support.

  • Yuan Li - I am a TA for this workshop. I am based in Lund under the Department of Immunotechnology. I work as a bioinformatician in the NBIS short term support. My field lies broadly in transcriptomics.


Day 1

Questions & Issues

  • Example: What does the parameter by = 0 mean in merged_data_wide <- merge(md, t(gc), by = 0) ?

Answer: Here, the merge function will combine two data frames by their rownames, i.e., by invoking the parameter by = 0. Note that in the exercise, we have explicitly assigned the rownames of the dataframe by executing command rownames(md) <- md$Sample_ID.



  • Suggestion: Add information regarding the hjust argument somewhere in proximity to 3.1 Axis style! And thanks for the lunch and weather by the way! /AxelC
  • [ ]

Day 2

Questions & Issues



Day 3

Questions & Issues



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