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# NGI0 Entrust - Program Details
## Menu
* [FUNDING](https://hackmd.io/LTc1X7kmTVGq-7Nt4To8XA?both)
* [Grants Timeline](https://hackmd.io/gDDWHpPeQaGEzv2T-dW_Kg?edit)
* [Grant Programs](https://hackmd.io/hy-ZmXE1QqCgKVRgzOVWFw?edit)
### [NGI](https://www.ngi.eu/opencalls/) ~10
# NLnet stuff (NGI0 Entrust)
#### About
NLNET Zero Entrust
We are seeking project proposals between 5.000 and 50.000 euro's — with the possibility to scale them up if there is proven potential. Reliability, confidentiality, integrity, security and data portability should be the 'new normal' of the internet, something ordinary users should not have to worry about — users should be in control. So let's make it happen.
#### Eligibility Criteria
If the project you are are considering would be a significant advance towards the goals and the vision of the Next Generation Internet, we invite you to submit - even if you live outside of Europe
#### Application
#### Deadline
Apr 1 2023
Aug 1 2023
##### other application examples:
* karrot friends application:
* https://pad.kanthaus.online/karrot-nlnet-entrust
* https://community.karrot.world/t/application-to-nlnet/805
* Other NLNet Projects
* WebShell
* https://nlnet.nl/project/Webshell/
* https://github.com/websh-org/template-app-vanilla#readme
* http://websh.org/
* https://websh.org/sandbox/
* https://github.com/websh-org
* hyper hyper space
* https://nlnet.nl/project/HyperHyperSpace/
* IndieHosters
* https://nlnet.nl/project/Libre.sh-SCIM/
* LibreOffice P2P
* https://nlnet.nl/project/LibreOfficeP2P/
* DeltaChat/WebXDC
* https://nlnet.nl/project/WebXDC/
* libresilient
* https://nlnet.nl/project/libresilient/
* Solid
* https://nlnet.nl/project/SolidInterop3/
* https://nlnet.nl/project/SolidUsableApps/
* Spritely
* https://nlnet.nl/project/Spritely-Petnames/
* https://spritelyproject.org/
## 2 About
### 2.2.1 Glossary
- data + code + hardware needs to be trustworthy
- neutrality/neutral: not biased, above politics & competition, true global commons
**(sustainble) openness**
- infrastructure (software, hardware, standards, internet) transparent/verified
- in terms of infrastructure, everyone can participate, everyon can permissionlessly innovate
- important to decouple apps and data
- forkability
- open standards => promote freedom of choice and interoperability
- open hardware devices verified bottom up
- permission free inovation, sustainable openness and interoperability
**security** (of the internet)
- protect from cyber crime
data portability/sovereignity
**more agency**
- taking responsibility for your life
**more choice**
- no lock-in + no monopolies / many options/offers
- robust & reliable software applications
- highly adaptive and robust in any natural or other disaster
### 2.2.2 Vision
- The goal is to provide people with concrete new tools and more reliable infrastructure, which grant them privacy and data portability, provide better overall security and allow them more agency and choice.
- problem:
- we entrust critical parts of our lives to technology
- we allow the internet to convey personal messages and expose extremely sensitive data to it
- internet & tech has never been designed with this in mind
- this is a liability and an unhealthy dependency and this puts us at risk
- our data is taken and used without our consent
- solution:
- we need a more resiliant and open internet empowering the end users
- software needs to be secure by design and trustworthy
- free and open source software, libra hardware and open standards
- internet must be built on strong and transparent technologies that allow for permissionless inovation & are equaly accresible to all
- digital commons and trustworthy technological building blocks
- new tools and more reliable infrastructure which grants users privacy and data portability and provides better overall security and allows users more agency and choice
- vision for the next generation internet
- internet of human values:
- Resilient - highly adaptive and robust in any natural or other disaster
- Trustworty - transparent technological environment that by design protects free speach and private enterprise, prevents any bias => it is true global commons, above international politics and competition,
- and Sustainable - permission free inovation, sustainable openness and interoperability
- mission:
- reimagine and reengineer the internet for the 3rd millenium and beyond
- human potencial, mobility and creativity while dealing responsibily with our natural resources
- human and inclusive internet for all
- technology commons that improves resillience, privacy, trustworthiness, user control, data sovereignity => make this available as free/libre/open source software & hardware
### 2.2.3 Guide for applicants
- criteria:
- technical merit
- strategic relevance to the next generation internet
- value for money
- key objective: to deliver potencial breakthrough contribution to the open internet
- assesment:
- knockout criteria:
- alignement of goals and criteria of the NGI Zero Entrust call
- proposals are in english and align with the NGI vision
- proposal's primary objective should be: research and development
- proposal:
- technical excellence/feasibility - 30%
- relevance/impact/strategic potencial - 40%
- cost effectivenesss/value for money - 30%
- second stage evaluation (to get there you need 5 of 7 points (71.xxx %))
- lasting impact on society
- number of key drivers for change the application supports:
- creativity and human potencial enabler
- resiliance and reliability
- transparency and trustwortiness
- sustainability and openess
- additional clarifying questions from the jury & minor suggestions
- difference in approach in comparisson with xyz
- how will you approach complicating factor x
- can you backup/validate claim y
- can you consider collaborating with x or using standard z
- parts of your projects are too expensive, can you explain why
- how do you plan to make the project sustainable
- how does upstream project feel about your application
- application structure scoring:
- challenge (analysis - description of the challenge that the outcome of the project addresses)
- benefits (expected benefits from the users' perspective, described aligned with the EU fundamental rights)
- communities and problem owners
- resource planning (high level estimate: phasing of the research call (coherence in terms of dependies), required effort (compared to other applications))
- NGI drivers for change (which drivers and how deep is the impact)
- type of efforts and policy aspects (which effort is relevant for the research topic: research, development, maintainance (technical debt), standardization (does it need new policies and education))
- type of action (research & innovation, coordination & support)
- risks of not addressing this topic
- research & development
- impact & which key drivers for change (more drivers better than high impact of one)
- technology choice (feasibility of maintainance & interoperability)
- effectiveness of the solution (practical proof, how resilient are things today vs this solution)
- targeted research
- ecosystem (is this a building block of a larger solution/ecosystem)
- dependencies & deployment (other research efforts, can this be realistically deployed, which OS licences this depend, does it depend on specific user interface)
- fail fast criteria (identify fast if this hypothesis is not delivering and what is a fallback option)
- independent review commity