# ADR2 Digirule 2U Cross-Assembler User Manual
8 January 2021
## Introduction
ADR2 is a traditional style command line cross-assembler for the Digirule 2U. Its purpose is to translate assembly language program source into machine code for downloading to the Digirule 2U. Versions are available for Linux, Mac OS and Windows.
The assembler has the following features:
* Supports the entire Digirule 2U instruction set
* Supports directives for control of the assembly and listing process
* Supports definition of symbolic names to represent memory addresses and constants
* Supports symbolic expressions with a comprehensive set of operators
* Supports pre-defined symbols for commonly-used Digirule 2U resources
* Supports numbers represented in binary, decimal, hexadecimal and character notation
* Produces a formatted listing file which includes location counter, machine code, source line, symbol table and RAM usage information
* Two-pass assembly
* Directly produces machine code in Intel Hex format for download to the Digirule 2U
## Invoking the Assembler
The assembler is invoked using the following general syntax:
adr2 [options] <sourcefile >hexfile
The assembler reads the source input from standard input by default, so it may be redirected from a file, device or another program as desired. The assembler writes the hex output to standard output by default, so it may be redirected to a file, device or another program as desired.
The assembler supports the following command-line options:
| Option | Function |
| -------- | -------- |
| `--quiet` | suppress banner and completion info |
| `--nolist` | suppress listing file creation |
| `--list [path]` | specify alternate listing file pathname (default is `adr2.lst`) |
| `--help` | display help information |
Here are a few examples of how to invoke the assembler:
listing to `adr2.lst`, hex to `sample.hex`
adr2 < sample.asm > sample.hex
no listing, hex to `sample.hex`
adr2 --nolist < sample.asm > sample.hex
listing to `sample.lst`, hex to `sample.hex`
adr2 --list sample.lst < sample.asm > sample.hex
listing to `sample.lst`, hex downloaded to Digirule 2U^*^ (Linux)
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600 cs8 -parenb -cstopb
adr2 --list sample.lst < sample.asm > /dev/ttyUSB0
listing to `sample.lst`, hex downloaded to Digirule 2U^*^ (via `dldr2` download utility, Mac)
adr2 --list sample.lst < sample.asm | dldr2 /dev/tty.usbserial-FTxxxxxx
listing to `sample.lst`, hex downloaded to Digirule 2U^*^ (Windows)
mode COM3 baud=9600 data=8 parity=n stop=1
adr2 --list sample.lst < sample.asm > COM3
> Tip: For Windows, if the port device name is `COM10` or greater, it must be specified as `\\.\COMnn`
> ^*^This example requires the Digirule 2U to be in Comm Load Mode prior to execution. Please refer to the *Digirule 2U User Manual* for details on setting the mode.
The assembler returns a value to the operating system indicating if errors or warnings were encountered during assembly.
| Return Value | Meaning |
| -------- | -------- |
| 0 | Success |
| 1 | Warning(s) |
| 2 | Error(s) |
| 3 | Fatal error |
## Assembler Input
The assembler recognizes the following characters for source input. All other characters are ignored.
| Category | Characters |
| -------- | -------- |
| Whitespace | space, horizontal tab |
| Letters | A..Z, a..z |
| Digits | 0..9 |
| Punctuation | ``! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~`` |
| Line Feed | 0x0A |
## Source File Format
A program is written as one or more source files. A source file consists of source lines, each with a specific format. The main source file typically starts with an `ORG` directive to set the initial location counter, and an `END` directive to mark the end of assembly (and optionally specify the program entry point).
> Tip: If the `ORG` directive is omitted, the location counter defaults to 0 at the beginning of assembly.
> Tip: If the `END` directive is omitted, assembly stops at the end of the file, and the program entry point defaults to 0.
### Source Line Format
Each source line has a specific format consisting of up to four fields. Fields are separated by whitespace (one or more horizontal tab or space characters), so fields may not contain whitespace. The exceptions are inside quoted character constant operands and comments. The fields, in order from left to right, are:
* Label Field
* Operation Field
* Operand(s) Field
* Comment Field
loop copyrr src,dst save the data
The maximum length of a line is 255 characters. Any characters beyond this limit are ignored.
### Label Field
The label field optionally contains a user-defined label. If a label is present, its first character must be an underscore or a letter. Subsequent characters may be underscores, letters or digits. The maximum length of a label is 255 characters. Labels *are* case-sensitive, i.e. `LOOP` and `loop` are distinct. A label will assume the current value of the location counter unless the operation field is the `EQU` directive, in which case the label will assume the value of the expression following the directive.
### Operation Field
The operation field optionally contains an instruction mnemonic or an assembler directive. If no instruction is present, no machine code will be emitted for that line. Instruction mnemonics and directives *are not* case sensitive.
### Operand Field
The operand field contains any operand(s) required by the operation field instruction or directive. If multiple operands are required, **they must be separated by commas**. It is an error to have too few or too many operands for a given operation.
### Comment Field
The comment field optionally contains human readable text typically used to document the program. The assembler ignores the contents of this field, except that it is written to the listing file.
> Tip: If a comment is desired on a line lacking an operation or operand, the comment must begin with a semicolon `;`.
> Tip: A line that begins with an asterisk `*` or a semicolon `;` is treated as a comment and ignored.
## Directives
The assembler supports the following directives:
| Directive | Function |
| -------- | -------- |
| `BYTE` *exp* [,...] | Defines one or more bytes starting at the current location counter and initializes them to *exp* [,...] |
| `END` [*exp*] | Optionally marks the end of the assembly source file. Any lines that follow will be ignored. The optional *exp* specifies the program entry point, which will be automatically loaded into the Digirule 2U Program Counter upon download. |
| *label* `EQU` *exp* | Assigns the new symbol *label* the value *exp*. This is the only way to assign a value other than the location counter to a label. *exp* must not reference a forward or undefined symbol. |
| `INCLUDE` *file* | Include the contents of another source file. Included files may themselves include other files, up to a system-dependent depth. The remainder of the including source file will be processed after the entire included source file is processed. |
| `LIST` | Include the following lines in the listing file. |
| `NOLIST` | Exclude the following lines from the listing file. |
| `NOPAGE` | Suppress page generation in the listing file. Once specified, it is not possible to return to automatic page generation. |
| `ORG` *exp* | Changes the location counter to *exp*. Subsequent lines are assigned memory locations starting at the new location counter value. *exp* must not be a value lower than the current location counter. |
| `PAGE` | Starts a new page in the listing file. |
| `SPACE` *exp* | Advances the location counter to reserve *exp* bytes of memory. **The memory is not initialized in any way.** This directive, preceded by a label, is typically used to create an uninitialized buffer. |
## Constants
Numeric constants may be expressed in binary, decimal, hexadecimal or character notation.
| Radix | Example |
| ----- | ------- |
| Binary | `0b01000001` |
| Decimal | `65` |
| Hexadecimal | `0x41` |
| Character | `‘A’` |
| Location counter | `*` |
> Tip: To embed a quote character within a quoted character or string constant, use *two* adjacent quotes, e.g. `str byte ‘Brent’’s Digirule 2U’,0`
## Expression Operators
The following assembly-time operators are supported, grouped by equal precedence, in decreasing order of precedence:
| Operator | Function |
| -------- | -------- |
| `(`, `)` | Change the order of evaluation |
| `+`, `-`, `~` | Unary plus, unary minus, unary not |
| `<<`, `>>`, `<<<`, `>>>` | Shift left, shift right, rotate left, rotate right |
| `&` | And |
| `^` | Exclusive-or |
| `|` | Or |
| `**` | Power |
| `*`, `/`, `%` | Multiply, divide, modulo (remainder) |
| `+`, `-` | Add, subtract |
Symbols are stored, and symbolic expressions are evaluated, with 16-bit precision.
## Predefined Symbols
The following symbols are conveniently predefined by the assembler:
| Symbol | Resource | Value |
| ------ | -------- | ----- |
| `_z` | Status register *Zero* bit | 0x00 |
| `_c` | Status register *Carry* bit | 0x01 |
| `_sar` | Status register *Show Address Register* bit | 0x02 |
| `_sr` | Status register | 0xFC |
| `_br` | Button register | 0xFD |
| `_ar` | Address LEDs register | 0xFE |
| `_dr` | Data LEDs register | 0xFF |
ram_end EQU _dr
code EQU (ram_end+1)*3/4
ORG code
COPYLR 1<<7|1<<3,var+2
## Assembler Output
### Hex File
The hex file contains the assembler-generated machine code in Intel Hex format, suitable for download to the Digirule 2U. Each line is a record, consisting of the following fields:
* start character (`:`)
* data field byte count (two digits)
* starting memory address (four digits)
* record type (`00` for data record, `01` for end-of-file record)
* data field (up to 32 digits)
* checksum (two digits)
Record type `00` is a data record containing data to initialize Digirule 2U memory. Record type `01` is an end-of-file record containing the program entry point address. **Only those memory locations containing instructions or data generated with the** `BYTE` **directive are included in the hex file and written to Digirule 2U memory during download. Other memory locations will remain unchanged.** This permits downloading multiple programs to different addresses if desired.
### Listing File
The listing file combines the source code and the corresponding assembler-generated machine code for easy cross reference. It is an invaluable source of information when debugging a program. From left to right, a typical listing line contains:
* Location counter
* Generated machine code (left justified) or expression value (right justified)
* Source file line number
* Source file line contents
0004 2A 1C 8. loop call count
0006 0A FD FD 10. copyrr _br,_br
0009 26 00 FC 11. btstsc _z,_sr
000C 28 04 12. jump loop
Near the end of the listing file is a dump of the internal symbol table, showing every defined symbol, its associated value, and the source line number at which it was defined.
Line Val Symbol
----- ---- --------------------------------------------------
0 00FE _ar
0 00FD _br
0 0001 _c
0 00FF _dr
0 0002 _sar
0 00FC _sr
0 0000 _z
61 00F1 byte0
67 00FF byte1
64 00FE byte2
24 001C count
59 00F0 dir
43 0037 down
8 0004 loop
16 0010 loop2
5 0000 start
1 000F step
29 0024 up
At the far end is a RAM usage table, showing which memory locations will be written when the corresponding hex file is downloaded to the Digirule 2U.
RAM Usage
0040 XXXXXXXXXX......
0050 ................
0060 ................
0070 ................
0080 ................
0090 ................
00A0 ................
00B0 ................
00C0 ................
00D0 ................
00E0 ................
00F0 X...........
## Sample Source File
step equ 15
org 0
start initsp
bset _sar,_sr
loop call count
copyrr _br,_br
btstsc _z,_sr
jump loop
incr dir
loop2 call count
copyrr _br,_br
btstss _z,_sr
jump loop2
jump loop
count bclr _c,_sr
btstsc 0,dir
jump down
up copyra byte0
addla step
copyar byte0
copyra byte1
addla 0
copyar byte1
copyra byte2
addla 0
copyar byte2
down copyra byte0
subla step
copyar byte0
copyra byte1
subla 0
copyar byte1
copyra byte2
subla 0
copyar byte2
org 0xF0
dir byte 0
byte0 space 1
org _ar
byte2 space 1
org _dr
byte1 space 1
end start
## Sample Listing File
Digirule 2U Cross-Assembler | Wed Sep 23 10:55:53 2020 | Page 1
000F 1. step equ 15
0000 3. org 0
0000 03 5. start initsp
0001 24 02 FC 6. bset _sar,_sr
0004 2A 1C 8. loop call count
0006 0A FD FD 10. copyrr _br,_br
0009 26 00 FC 11. btstsc _z,_sr
000C 28 04 12. jump loop
000E 1E F0 14. incr dir
0010 2A 1C 16. loop2 call count
0012 0A FD FD 18. copyrr _br,_br
0015 27 00 FC 19. btstss _z,_sr
0018 28 10 20. jump loop2
001A 28 04 22. jump loop
001C 23 01 FC 24. count bclr _c,_sr
001F 26 00 F0 26. btstsc 0,dir
0022 28 37 27. jump down
0024 09 F1 29. up copyra byte0
0026 11 0F 30. addla step
0028 07 F1 31. copyar byte0
002A 09 FF 33. copyra byte1
002C 11 00 34. addla 0
002E 07 FF 35. copyar byte1
0030 09 FE 37. copyra byte2
0032 11 00 38. addla 0
0034 07 FE 39. copyar byte2
0036 2C 41. return
0037 09 F1 43. down copyra byte0
0039 13 0F 44. subla step
003B 07 F1 45. copyar byte0
003D 09 FF 47. copyra byte1
003F 13 00 48. subla 0
0041 07 FF 49. copyar byte1
0043 09 FE 51. copyra byte2
0045 13 00 52. subla 0
0047 07 FE 53. copyar byte2
0049 2C 55. return
00F0 57. org 0xF0
Digirule 2U Cross-Assembler | Wed Sep 23 10:55:53 2020 | Page 2
00F0 00 59. dir byte 0
00F1 61. byte0 space 1
00FE 63. org _ar
00FE 64. byte2 space 1
00FF 66. org _dr
00FF 67. byte1 space 1
0100 0000 69. end start
Assembly complete
0 errors
0 warnings
Line Val Symbol
----- ---- --------------------------------------------------
0 00FE _ar
0 00FD _br
0 0001 _c
0 00FF _dr
0 0002 _sar
0 00FC _sr
0 0000 _z
61 00F1 byte0
67 00FF byte1
64 00FE byte2
24 001C count
59 00F0 dir
43 0037 down
8 0004 loop
16 0010 loop2
5 0000 start
1 000F step
29 0024 up
RAM Usage
0040 XXXXXXXXXX......
0050 ................
0060 ................
0070 ................
0080 ................
0090 ................
00A0 ................
00B0 ................
00C0 ................
00D0 ................
00E0 ................
00F0 X...........
<img "height=50" src="https://i.imgur.com/WSqeSrI.png">