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tags: Public, Technical, Configuration, Linux, Mac, Apple M1, Arch Linux, ARM, Arch Linux ARM

Asahi Linux


» New size (min): 85%

Resizing will free up 74.16 GB of space.

Note: your system may appear to freeze during the resize.
This is normal, just wait until the process completes.
» Continue? (y/N): N
» New size (min): 85%

Resizing will free up 74.16 GB of space.

Note: your system may appear to freeze during the resize.
This is normal, just wait until the process completes.
» Continue? (y/N): y

Started APFS operation
Aligning shrink delta to 74,158,526,464 bytes and targeting a new physical store size of 420,226,269,184 bytes
Determined the minimum size for the targeted physical store of this APFS Container to be 457,011,363,840 bytes
Error: -69521: Your APFS Container resize request is below the APFS-system-imposed minimal container size (perhaps caused by APFS Snapshot usage by Time Machine)
Failed to run process: diskutil apfs resizeContainer disk0s2 420226269184
root        : ERROR    Process execution failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/", line 807, in <module>
  File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/", line 659, in main
    while self.main_loop():
  File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/", line 779, in main_loop
    return self.action_resize(parts_resizable)
  File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/", line 599, in action_resize
    self.dutil.resizeContainer(, val)
  File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/", line 202, in resizeContainer
    self.action("apfs", "resizeContainer", name, size, verbose=2)
  File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/", line 38, in action["diskutil"] + list(args), check=True)
  File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/", line 528, in run
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['diskutil', 'apfs', 'resizeContainer', 'disk0s2', '420226269184']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

Apple GPU drivers now in Asahi Linux



  • curl | sh
❯ curl | sh
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1511  100  1511    0     0    808      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--   811

Bootstrapping installer:
  Checking version...
  Version: v0.5.3

The installer needs to run as root.
Please enter your sudo password if prompted.

Welcome to the Asahi Linux installer!

This installer is in an alpha state, and may not work for everyone.
It is intended for developers and early adopters who are comfortable
debugging issues or providing detailed bug reports.

Please make sure you are familiar with our documentation at:

Press enter to continue.

By default, this installer will hide certain advanced options that
are only useful for Asahi Linux developers. You can enable expert mode
to show them. Do not enable this unless you know what you are doing.
Please do not file bugs if things go wrong in expert mode.
» Enable expert mode? (y/N): N

Collecting system information...
  Product name: MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021)
  SoC: Apple M1 Max
  Device class: j314cap
  Product type: MacBookPro18,4
  Board ID: 0x8
  Chip ID: 0x6001
  System firmware: iBoot-7459.141.1
  Boot UUID: 1661C2B3-25BB-4A3E-A3F2-2B8801C8B2F5
  Boot VGID: 1661C2B3-25BB-4A3E-A3F2-2B8801C8B2F5
  Default boot VGID: 1661C2B3-25BB-4A3E-A3F2-2B8801C8B2F5
  Boot mode: macOS
  OS version: 12.5.1 (21G83)
  SFR version:,0
  System rOS version: 12.5.1 (21G83)
  No Fallback rOS
  Login user: cliff

Collecting partition information...
  System disk: disk0

Collecting OS information...

Partitions in system disk (disk0):
  1: APFS [macOS (220208)] (420.00 GB, 6 volumes)
    OS: [B*] [macOS (220208)] macOS v12.5.1 [disk4s1s1, 1661C2B3-25BB-4A3E-A3F2-2B8801C8B2F5]
  2: APFS [Asahi Linux (220326)] (2.50 GB, 4 volumes)
    OS: [  ] [Asahi Linux (220326)] m1n1 v1.0 (macOS 12.3 stub) [disk2s2, 612E30FE-EF54-4342-A23E-529D0B968ADB]
  3: EFI (500.17 MB)
  4: Linux Filesystem (71.38 GB)
  5: APFS (System Recovery) (5.37 GB, 2 volumes)
    OS: [  ] recoveryOS v12.5.1 [Primary recoveryOS]

  [B ] = Booted OS, [R ] = Booted recovery, [? ] = Unknown
  [ *] = Default boot volume

Using OS 'macOS (220208)' (disk4s1s1) for machine authentication.

Choose what to do:
  r: Resize an existing partition to make space for a new OS
  m: Upgrade m1n1 on an existing OS
  q: Quit without doing anything
» Action (r): m

Upgrading installation disk0s3 (Asahi Linux (220326))
  Old m1n1 stage 1 version: v1.0
  New m1n1 stage 1 version: v1.1.8

Transferring m1n1 variables:

To continue the installation, you will need to enter your macOS
admin credentials.

Password for cliff:

Setting the new OS as the default boot volume...

Installation successful!

Install information:
  APFS VGID: 612E30FE-EF54-4342-A23E-529D0B968ADB

To be able to boot your new OS, you will need to complete one more step.
Please read the following instructions carefully. Failure to do so
will leave your new installation in an unbootable state.

Press enter to continue.

When the system shuts down, follow these steps:

1. Wait 15 seconds for the system to fully shut down.
2. Press and hold down the power button to power on the system.
   * It is important that the system be fully powered off before this step,
     and that you press and hold down the button once, not multiple times.
     This is required to put the machine into the right mode.
3. Release it once you see 'Entering startup options' or a spinner.
4. Wait for the volume list to appear.
5. Choose 'Asahi Linux (220326)'.
6. You will briefly see a 'macOS Recovery' dialog.
   * If you are asked to 'Select a volume to recover',
     then choose your normal macOS volume and click Next.
     You may need to authenticate yourself with your macOS credentials.
7. Once the 'Asahi Linux installer' screen appears, follow the prompts.

If you end up in a bootloop or get a message telling you that macOS needs to
be reinstalled, that means you didn't follow the steps above properly.
Fully shut down your system without doing anything, and try again.
If in trouble, hold down the power button to boot, select macOS, run
this installer again, and choose the 'p' option to retry the process.

Press enter to shut down the system.



  • sudo pacman -S screenfetch


  • sudo pacman -S base-devel


  • sudo pacman -Syy
  • sudo pacman -S git


  • git clone
  • cd timeshift
  • makepkg -si


  • sudo pacman -S glxgears


  • sudo pacman -S docker
  • sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
  • systemctl start docker.service
    • Starting Docker service will take much time for unknown reason
  • sudo pacman -S docker-buildx

Visual Studio Code


  • sudo pacman -S usbutils


  • diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                         500.3 GB   disk0
   1:             Apple_APFS_ISC                         524.3 MB   disk0s1
   2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk4         420.2 GB   disk0s2
   3:                 Apple_APFS Container disk2         2.5 GB     disk0s3
   4:                        EFI EFI - ASAHI             500.2 MB   disk0s4
   5:           Linux Filesystem                         71.2 GB    disk0s5
   6:        Apple_APFS_Recovery                         5.4 GB     disk0s6

/dev/disk2 (synthesized):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      APFS Container Scheme -                      +2.5 GB     disk2
                                 Physical Store disk0s3
   1:                APFS Volume Asahi Linux - Data      2.8 MB     disk2s1
   2:                APFS Volume Asahi Linux             1.1 MB     disk2s2
   3:                APFS Volume Preboot                 205.2 MB   disk2s3
   4:                APFS Volume Recovery                1.9 GB     disk2s4

/dev/disk4 (synthesized):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      APFS Container Scheme -                      +420.2 GB   disk4
                                 Physical Store disk0s2
   1:                APFS Volume 210208-Root             15.2 GB    disk4s1
   2:              APFS Snapshot 15.2 GB    disk4s1s1
   3:                APFS Volume Preboot                 408.9 MB   disk4s2
   4:                APFS Volume Recovery                804.7 MB   disk4s3
   5:                APFS Volume 210208-Data             206.2 GB   disk4s5
   6:                APFS Volume VM                      20.5 KB    disk4s6
  • Partitions need to be deleted: disk0s3disk0s4disk0s5
  • diskutil eraseVolume free free disk0s5
  • diskutil eraseVolume free free disk0s4
  • diskutil apfs deleteContainer disk0s3
  • diskutil apfs resizeContainer disk0s2 0


Upgrading packages

  • sudo pacman -Syu




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