###### tags: `MATA02-2022`
# MATA02-2022: Quiz 3 Take-home [20pts total]
**Take-home "quiz" due March 11; please submit via Quercus, rather than Crowdmark**
In this take-home exercise, I am asking you to produce a 1-2 page popular-math explanation of a math topic that interests you. It may be something you learned in this class, or it might be something you learned elsewhere.
You may use drawing/sketching if you desire, and I very much encourage it. If you have drawings, they will count towards your two pages.
I will be grading on the following rubric:
- **5pts:** *Originality of topic*. If you manage to choose a topic no one else in the class chose, you will get 5pts. Otherwise, you will get fewer points depending on how popular the topic is. On the other extreme, if everyone chooses the same topic, then everyone will get 0 pts for this category.
- **5pts:** *Mechanics*. How good is your spelling, punctuation, and grammar? Be sure to proofread. *You may ask others for proofreading help so long as all of the writing is your own; i.e. someone else can point out grammar mistakes, but you have to be the one to fix it.*
- **5pts:** *Presentation*. How did your organize the ideas and themes of your paper? Did your illustrations help in conveying your idea?
- **5pts:** *Mathematical correctness*. So long as you don't say anything incorrect, you will get full marks in this box.
Note that although the entire quiz should be your own work, you may talk to your classmates about it, so long as all of the writing/drawing is your own. Be mindful of course that if you and your friends choose the same topic, you may not copy each other, and furthermore, choosing the same topic will lose you originality points.
If there are sources you consulted online (or offline), you must always list them; make sure you don't plagiarize!