-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w 116.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 124 106 230 (57.50%)
Leela Zero 0.17 94 76 170 (42.50%)
-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w 127.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 143 150 293 (49.16%)
Leela Zero 0.17 148 155 303 (50.84%)
-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w 151.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 175 196 371 (54.08%)
Leela Zero 0.17 147 168 315 (45.92%)
-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w 154.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 174 210 384 (49.68%)
Leela Zero 0.17 176 213 389 (50.32%)
-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w 157.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 213 257 470 (51.42%)
Leela Zero 0.17 200 244 444 (48.58%)
file first. Compare it with baseline. The new net is +70 Elo better than resnet only.-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w 173.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 222 270 492 (49.20%)
Leela Zero 0.17 230 278 508 (50.80%)
-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w 174.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 149 161 310 (51.16%)
Leela Zero 0.17 142 154 296 (48.84%)
-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w ELFv0.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 105 129 234 (58.50%)
Leela Zero 0.17 71 95 166 (42.50%)
-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w 190.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 124 158 282 (48.54%)
Leela Zero 0.17 132 167 299 (51.46%)
-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w ELFv1.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 95 138 233 (52.24%)
Leela Zero 0.17 85 128 213 (47.76%)
-w current_weights -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 --lcb-reduction 0 --score-utility-factor 0.1 --cpuct-init 0.5 --use-optimistic-policy --random-moves-factor 0.1 --random-moves-temp 0.8
-w ELFv2.gz --noponder -v 400 -g -t 1 -b 1 --timemanage off --randomcnt 30 --randomtemp 0.8
Name black won white won total (win-rate)
Sayrui v0.7.0 194 242 436 (49.77%)
Leela Zero 0.17 196 244 440 (50.23%)
our Lab's budget becomes professor's personal bonus :-)