# Peilin Ye's blog **\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*** Hi all, Welcome to Peilin Ye's blog! This is my 2nd blog; [my 1st blog](http://ypl.coffee/posts/) is (hopefully) still there, but no longer maintained because: - I've decided to keep everything in Markdown; - I'd like to focus on writing, instead of moderating spam comments and/or tweaking WordPress themes... Enjoy! Thanks,\ Peilin Ye (4): - linux: [Understanding Control-C](https://hackmd.io/@ypl/r1bBRTgP5) - linux: [Understanding "invisible" `/proc/[tid]` subdirectories](https://hackmd.io/@ypl/rJmSF0WOd) - linux: [关于 `nproc`](https://hackmd.io/@ypl/Hy8m9RGgh) - linux: [在 System76 Gazelle (gaze18) 上用 drgn 看 Linux 内核](https://hackmd.io/@ypl/BJjAApR22)