![max-coe-enccs-workshop-2024](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Bkv5LfrT6.jpg) <font size=5 color=blueyellow>**MAX CoE/ENCCS Workshop on Efficient Materials Modelling on HPC with Quantum ESPRESSO, Siesta and Yambo -- Schedule**</font> :::success **Mar. 11 - 15, 09:00 - 13:00 (CET), 2024** ::: ## General information :::info **Links for the workshop**: - This **HackMD page**: https://hackmd.io/@yonglei/max-enccs-workshop-2024-schedule - **Lesson material**: https://enccs.github.io/max-coe-workshop/ - **Workshop page**: https://enccs.se/events/2024-03-efficient-materials-modelling-on-hpc/ - **Zoom link**: - Workshop feedback form: - **Workshop will be recorded but participant interactions edited out before publishing.** > **Links for ENCCS** - **ENCCS:** https://enccs.se/ - **Events**: https://enccs.se/events/ - **Newsletter**: https://enccs.se/newsletter - Follow us on [**LinkedIn**](https://www.linkedin.com/company/enccs), [**Twitter**](https://twitter.com/EuroCC_Sweden), and [**YouTube**](https://www.youtube.com/@enccs) > **Links for MaX CoE** - **MaX CoE:** https://www.max-centre.eu/ - **MaX codes:** https://www.max-centre.eu/software/codes ::: --- ## Instructors and helpers :::info **QUANTUM ESPRESSO** - Pietro Davide Delugas (SISSA) - Ivan Carnimeo (SISSA) - Oscar Baseggio (SISSA) - Fabrizio Ferrari Ruffino (CNR-IOM) - Paolo Giannozzi (CNR-IOM, UniUD) - Iurii Timrov (Paul Scherrer Institut) - Laura Bellentani (CINECA) - Tommaso Gorni (CINECA) - Aurora Ponzi (CNR-IOM) **SIESTA** - Emilio Artacho (CIC NanoGUNE and University of Cambridge) - Catalina Coll (ICN2) - José Mª Escartín (ICN2) - Roberta Farris (ICN2) - Ernane de Freitas (ICN2) - Alberto García (ICMAB-CSIC) - Arnold Kole (Utrecht University) - Nick Papior (DTU) - Federico Pedron (ICN2) - Miguel Pruneda (CINN-CSIC) - José Ángel Silva Guillén (IMDEA Nanociencia) **Yambo** - D. Varsano (CNR-NANO) - A. Ferretti (CNR-NANO) - D. Sangalli (CNR-ISM) - A. Guandalini (Univ. of Rome, La Sapienza) - F. Paleari (CNR-NANO) - M. D’Alessio (Univ. Modena and Reggio Emilia, CNR-NANO) - G. Sesti (CNR-NANO) - N. Spallanzani (CNR-NANO) **Helpers** - Yonglei Wang (ENCCS/LiU) - Thor Wikfeldt (ENCCS/RISE) - Apostolos Vasileiadis (ENCCS/RISE) - Qiang Li (ENCCS/LiU) - Wei Li (ENCCS/LiU) ::: ## Ice breaking question :::danger **What's your first name, and what's the most interesting projects you're working on these days?** - Thor: contributing to organising a MAX/CoE workshop - Esteban: Atomistic simulations of solid-liquid interfaces - Paul: Modeling vibrational Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy - Yin-Ying: Atomistic simulation on high-entropy materials for energy storage - Mateo: Using QE to calculate total energy of phosphatidylserine - Apolinario: Investigating machine learning potentials using body-order expansions. - Xichen: Using SIESTA to calculate electronic stopping power of a photovoltaic material. - Ronaldo: Using Siesta to study electronic and optical properties of nanorods - Arumona Edward: working on strong coupling in optical nanostructures. - Vinicius Alves Bastos: I am modeling the electronic structure and excitonic properties of monolayer TMDs. - Nicolas: Obtaining Wannier functions for conduction bands. - Christos Tyrpenou: Using Quantum Espresso and YAMBO to calculate the electronic and excitonic properties of different perovskite related materials. - Holger: Simulation of electrochemical processes - Brian de Keijzer: Simulates high-harmonic generation in solids. - Simone: I use Quantum Espresso to study interaction between solid surface and molecules of interest. - Walter: DFT study of boron phosphide on Ag surfaces. - Baker : simulating quantum transport in perovskites and parametirazation of its band structure. - Mitra: Working on Topological superconductors. - Reena: working on current induced spin polarization with siesta and on phonon bandstructures with quantum expresso - Jakob: using QE to work on the simulation of energetic materials - Francesca: I am studying the optical properties of graphitic carbon nitrides for water splitting using Yambo - Abdelmajid: Phonon calculation in disordered alloys using Siesta and QE codes - Matic: working in modeling surface phenomena with Quantum ESPRESSO - Andrea: machine learning potentials to study photoexcited materials - Pietro: I am working on correlated phases of graphitic carbon nitrides - Alireza: Working on phonon dispersion of nitride and I want to work on phonon-electron coupling of some nitrides. - Manish: working to understand the defects in oxides using cluster-expansion approach and DFT - Noor Ul Ain: Working on calculations of electronic stopping power using SIESTA - Basant Roondhe: learning SIESTA for transport calculations. ::: ## Schedule ### <font color=red>(Mar. 8) Day 0</font> | Time | Content | | :---------: | :-----: | | 09:00-10:00 | Online HPC onboarding session to help participants login LB cluster | | 13:00-14:00 | Online HPC onboarding session to help participants login LB cluster | ### <font color=red>(Mar. 11) Day 1 -- QUANTUM ESPRESSO</font> :::warning **https://hackmd.io/@yonglei/max-enccs-workshop-2024-day1** ::: | Time | Content | Instructors | | :---------: | :-----: | :---------: | | 09:00-09:15 | Welcome and introduction to ENCCS | T. Wikfeldt / Y. Wang | | 09:15-09:30 | Introduction to Max-CoE and MaX flagship codes | D. Varsano | | 09:30-10:10 | Overview of QE suite of codes and main features | P. Delugas & I. Carnimeo| | 10:10-10:25 | Coffee break | | | 10:25-13:00 | PWSCF for HPC and GPU | O. Baseggio & A. Ponzi| ### <font color=red>(Mar. 12) Day 2 -- QUANTUM ESPRESSO</font> :::warning **https://hackmd.io/@yonglei/max-enccs-workshop-2024-day2** ::: | Time | Content | Instructors | | :---------: | :-----: | :---------: | | 09:00-09:45 | Introduction to Density Functional Perturbation Theory | P. Giannozzi | | 09:45-10:15 | Introduction to Time Dependent Density Functional Perturbation Theory | I. Timrov | | 10:15-10:30 | Coffee break | | | 10:30-13:00 | Phonons and time dependent properties on HPC and GPU | PH: I. Timrov & L. Bellentani; TD: T. Gorni & O. Baseggio | ### <font color=red>(Mar. 13) Day 3 -- SIESTA</font> :::warning **https://hackmd.io/@yonglei/max-enccs-workshop-2024-day3** ::: | Time | Content | Instructors | | :---------: | :-----: | :---------: | | 09:00-09:45 | SIESTA basics | E. Artacho | | 09:45-10:30 | A first contact with SIESTA: inputs, execution and outputs | F. Pedron + tutors | | 10:30-10:45 | Coffee break | | | 10:45-11:15 | Basis sets | M. Pruneda | | 11:15-12:00 | Basis set optimization | F. Pedron + tutors | | 12:00-13:00 | Convergence (K points, Mesh, Mixing) | C. Coll + tutors | ### <font color=red>(Mar. 14) Day 4 -- SIESTA</font> :::warning **https://hackmd.io/@yonglei/max-enccs-workshop-2024-day4** ::: | Time | Content | Instructors | | :---------: | :-----: | :---------: | | 09:00-10:00 | Moving atoms: geometry optimization and beyond | E. de Freitas + tutors | | 10:00-11:00 | Analysis tools | M. Pruneda + tutors | | 11:00-11:15 | Coffee break | | | 11:15-11:45 | Features available in siesta: spin-orbit couplings, TranSIESTA, and others | N. Papior | | 11:45-13:00 | Pushing the boundaries of SIESTA: ELSI and PEXSI | A. García + tutors | ### <font color=red>(Mar. 15) Day 5 -- Yambo</font> :::warning **https://hackmd.io/@yonglei/max-enccs-workshop-2024-day5** ::: | Time | Content | Instructors | | :---------: | :-----: | :---------: | | 09:00-09:20 | Overview of the Yambo code and its main features and performance | D. Sangalli | | 09:20-10:00 | Introduction to GW approximation | A. Guandalini | | 10:00-10:20 | Coffee break | | | 10:20-13:00 | Hands-on tutorial: A guided tour through GW simulations (convergence, algorithms, parallel usage) |F. Paleari, A. Ferretti, D. Sangalli, M. D’Alessio, G. Sesti, N. Spallanzani, D. Varsano | --- ## Code of Conduct We strive to follow the [Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct/) to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone. [![Contributor Covenant](https://img.shields.io/badge/Contributor%20Covenant-2.0-4baaaa.svg)](https://github.com/ENCCS/event-organisation/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) **In short**: - Use welcoming and inclusive language - Be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences - Gracefully accept constructive criticism - Focus on what is best for the community - Show courtesy and respect towards other community members Contact details to report CoC violations can be [found here](https://enccs.se/kjartan-thor-wikfeldt). ---