![all-hands-meeting](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJmVuZrTa.jpg) <font size=6 color=blueyellow>**ENCCS All-Hands Meeting (240524)**</font> **Contents of this documents and quicklinks**: [TOC] ## <span style="background-color: orange">Mentimeter for interactions</span> ![20240523230651](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJlMlV6QC.jpg) ## <span style="background-color: cyan">Regular training events</span> - H1 - CoE/NCC workshops - Nvidia bootcamps (CUDA, OpenACC) - limited time for each topic - https://www.openhackathons.org/s/siteevent/a0CUP000007whLi2AI/se000329 - GPU CUDA/OpenACC workshops at introductory level before bootcamp - GPU CUDA/OpenACC workshops at intermediate level after bootcamp - CPU parallel programming (OpenMP + MPI) - Julia/Python HPDA - AI/ML/DL - H2 - Best practices in HPC training - GPU programming - RISE bootcamp - Julia/Python HPC - Quantum Autumn/Winter School - HPC intro to industry - Other events - ENCCS Industry days - ENCCS Internal Training Hackathon/ENCCS Kick-off meeting ## <span style="background-color: magenta">ENCCS events</span> - Nordic Industry Days 2024 (Sept. 2-3) - ENCCS Industry Days in Oct.-Nov. (W47, Nov. 18-22) - ENCCS Internal Training Hackathon/ENCCS Kick-off meeting (Aug. 20-23) ## <span style="background-color: lime">Training events for H2 2024</span> ### Build Systems Hackathon (planned) - online, Oct. 8-11 - onsite, Oct. 15-17 at KTH - ==room reservation== - eight small rooms (09:00-16:00) - large conference room - Oct. 15, 08:00-10:00 - Oct. 17, 16:00-18:00 - PDC/NAISS/ENCCS/CodeRefinery/Aalto - Curriculum - CMake (Yonglei & Qiang) - Spack - EasyBuild - (Docker) Singularity - Compilers/Linkers/Libraries/ - [document](https://kth-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/hellsvik_ug_kth_se/EYoy225G8R9Eh26i3Lnmv2IBzxNuGWF8oaT6KNR6_BK7zw?rtime=ZQeJ8y163Eg) - wei will join - advertisement on coderefinary/pdc webpage ### Quantum Autumn/Winter School (planned) - 2-4 December in Stockholm ### "Gamification of sales" workshop (planned) - 3-4 October at Kista ### CoE/NCC - CEEC workshop (?) - HiDALGO workshop (meet zoltan later?) - 2nd Plasma-PEPSC workshop (ENCCS + NCC Germany?) ### Train-the-Trainer - tentative plan: co-organise with CodeRefinery - Best practices in HPC training - back-to-back with MultiXscale in October? Alan will co-teach - Multi-GPU AI 'Train-the-Trainers' Course (Castiel2) - [meeting notes](https://websrv.hlrs.de/epad/BsTQnHOZRw1bjEde1MKuh1b08WOS1AzG?userName=Maksym%20Deliyergiyev) from Maksym ### GPU programming - GPU programming (Stepas and Johan (pdc), J. Vincent, Andrey A.) - three-day workshop - W38 (Sept. 16-20) - Nvidia CUDA programming(?) - AMD GPU programming(?) - ~~Cmake~~ ### High level language programming - Python Intro & HPC (Ashwin, et al.) - Julia Intro & HPC (Jaan, et al.) - Python/Julia HPDA in 2025? ### Collaboration with CodeRefinery workshops ### OpenFoam - OpenFOAM (Qiang & Francesco) ### Training about AI/ML/DL - intructors? Martin - 2*0.5 day workshop (carpentry incubator) - https://github.com/carpentries-incubator/deep-learning-intro - Upscaling AI with Containers? - High-Performance Programming --- ## <span style="background-color: yellow">Training Pathways and Structures</span> - Jeremy Cohen @ ICL ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ry5qB7aQ0.png) --- ## <span style="background-color: cyan">CASTIEL2 competence mapping</span> - We all need to complete a task for WP2 of CASTIEL2, which is to complete a long questionnaire about competences. There are 61 pages in the form, but many of them one will leave empty. The deadline is ==May 31==! - Please fill it when you have time: https://forms.gle/aybQfo8xophuKv2H6 --- --- ## Business development - Ingrid ### Intro to HPC - Industry workshop (planned) - last week of September - part 1: possible use cases, flashy demonstrations of use cases - part 2: practical hands-on - consider using LUMI-intro: https://lumi-supercomputer.github.io/lumi-self-learning/ - part 3: visit to PDC or NSC - idea: merge this with ENCCS industry days - satellite event? - Possible dates: September 26, 27, 30 - Half day (hybrid?) event, ~3 hours - Target audience: data scientists, engineers ### RISE bootcamp (planned) - Bootcamp + MOOC - 4-8 November - MOOC-light with PDC - We will need to skip September bootcamp, only do November (because of RISE financing issues) - two types, intro and intermediate/advanced - https://www.ri.se/sv/vad-vi-gor/utbildningar/bootcamp-i-kodutveckling - https://www.ri.se/sv/vad-vi-gor/utbildningar/bootcamp-i-dataanalys - we should probably specialise more, target well-defined groups - look at reports: which jobs will be impacted by AI, grab top 3-5 companies which will be affected, approach companies/HR people/talent managers: "i'm sure you have lots of people in this position, we can help you, have a look at this bootcamp" - why AI focus? the AI-impacted folks might feel more urgency than others - easier to sell on risk-avoidance than "upside" ### Nordic Industry Days - Preliminary agenda https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LU9-XWkSSZEyM_4K7E3DSnLUZRItpzV-P_h0wSrLNtk/edit#gid=112961470 - Silo AI Stockholm office presenting - Magnus Sahlgren - ICEYE from Finland - Jonathan from Sandvik is thinking about presenting - Excillum? ### ongoing bizdev - consolidating marketing materials - one sheet - when/why is HPC better than cloud, for which cases - chat with people in networks - AI startup landscape, who has researchers - Ingrid+Johan: ColonyOS and industry needs, mining industry? - Ingrid+Jeanette: AI landscape, Factories etc --- ## Notes - Wei idea: include estimate of monetary value (using cloud rates) for development and benchmark EuroHPC access ### Unga Forskare - Hosna, Anastasiia and Thor meet in 2-3 weeks to plan - planning doc: https://risecloud-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/thor_wikfeldt_ri_se/Documents/ENCCS/Presentations/UngaForskare_25june2024.docx?d=w6d53010800cb4e29ab2d17ff6a8d0f15&csf=1&web=1&e=OzLlWR ### ENCCS Industry days *possible invitees:* - all former clients - companies we've spoken to but not yet helped: - Tobii - Naughty Society - Stockholm AI stakeholders - book Innoversum ASAP! --- :::danger :::