

Research and Writing at https://ggcapital.io | Twitter @yohangglobal

Joined on Feb 27, 2023

  • #testnet #zkrollups Initial Protocols For zksync there's a good amount of new protocols to try out, most widely talked about have been ZigZag and Mute. There's still high chance for airdrops so easiest process is to set up wallets and start trading. Once you're ready, visit the Ecosystem Page and start searching for all "live" protocols. ![[Pasted image 20230319213832.png]] Onboarding Alpha When first starting out, you can refer to the onboarding alpha breakdown they provided.
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  • An open source web3 metaverse game engine that anyone can host. Easy to use, runs in the browser and utilizes open tools and standards like three.js and Node. Webaverse is composed of a number of open-source applications that work in tandem. Most of them can be installed and configured in your local dev environment by easily following a few steps. Developer documentation is here. User documentation is here. All repositories can be found under the Webaverse account at GitHub:  https://github.com/webaverse.
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