--- title: How to use rose and change her settings tags: info, telegram, discord, reddit, forum --- # How to use rose and change her settings ## Telegram ### [Rose Bot](https://t.me/MissRose_bot) - The Official guide can be founds here: https://missrose.org/guide/ - Login to the yearn telegram chat with `/connect -1001117995461` #### Notes - Use `/notes` to get a list of current notes that can be used to reply to a user - use `/get [note name here]` like `/get faq` to show the faq note - These notes can be used when replying to a user with `#[note name]` like `#faq` or `#pt` for price talk/chat - Use the `/save [notenamehere] [note content]` to make a new note that can then be called by replying to someone with #notename #### Rose's commands Russian chat ``` /connect -1001485050989 ``` Turkish ``` /connect -1001371820925 ``` Main ``` /connect -1001117995461 ``` Config ``` /captcha on /captchamode button /disable approval /disable fedadmins /disable fedinfo /disable fedsubs /disable filters /disable flood /disable id /disable info /disable kickme /disable locks /disable locktypes /disable rules /disable runs /disable warnings /disable warns /cleanwelcome yes /cleanservice yes /welcomeset Hi {mention}! Welcome to the Yearn Finance telegram channel. 🔷 Remember to check out the pinned message 🔝, it has a ton of valuable information. /addblocklist *ethlaunches.com* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *digital-finance.technology* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *yfirewards.org* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *bitcratic.com* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *yfipromo.com* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *yfi.mobi* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *yfdot.finance* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *yfe.farm* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *yfearn* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *3fmutual.com* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *yfinance.network* "No scams" {ban} /addblocklist *@YKEEP3R* "No scams" {ban} ``` #### filters for rose - [name] is a fork of YFI and has nothing to do with us, mostly likely a scam too, don't post links or pictures to it here. Talk about forks [here](https://t.me/yearncommunity). If you keep asking about forks of YFI you will be banned, they are scams. - `/filters` will list all words that are filtered /filter word what you want to say