# Webaverse MMO
###### tags: `devlog` `m3` `makers` `book`
Welcome traveler! Our current mission is to work together on improving the templates and documentation for Webaverse. Through this activity we will also learn how to use Dework and coordinape, two powerful web3 tools, which will aid our journey in overcoming some of the toughest challenges when building the foundations of an open metaverse. Lets begin!

See the presentation version: https://hackmd.io/@XR/webaverse-mmo-guide
**Mission overview**
> Note: Having a [Github](https://github.com/) account is a requirement to participate
Webaverse is an extremely ambitious open source project that has recently attracted tons of interest in how to start building with it. Problem is, many of the open source repos lack READMEs and there are different versions of the docs which all together makes it confusing to get started:
|  |  |  |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Project repos like [this one](https://github.com/webaverse/bow) are often missing READMEs | There's a docs site aimed mostly at developers | There's docs on notion aimed at users |
**The mission:**
(1) First install a local copy of the [Webaverse app](https://github.com/webaverse/app)
(2) Then join the Webaverse MMO [Dework space](https://app.dework.xyz/i/13kT8ysbehnPaLySchg37N)
(3) Pick a project task on the [bounty board](https://app.dework.xyz/webaverse/board/view/bounty-boards-l7gvwv59)
(4) Clone and test the [project](https://github.com/webaverse-mmo), report any bugs to the `UPSTREAM` issue tracker
(5) Write a README for the project ([see examples](https://github.com/decentraland-scenes/Awesome-Repository#examples) of good READMEs)
(6) Submit work: either drag n' drop `README.md` to Dework, link to a [hackmd](https://hackmd.io/), or make a PR on Github to the assigned webaverse-mmo repo
Here's a [**HackMD template**](https://hackmd.io/@XR/readme-template/edit) that you can copy and use as a guide for the READMEs. If you're new to HackMD then [**click here**](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2Fs%2Fhow-to-use-template) to learn how to use templates.

That's it! 🥳 Now wait for an admin to review (jin) and give feedback. If your work is accepted the task will automatically be tagged as `done` and your bounty will be processed shortly after which requires an Ethereum wallet to claim. Once we get into a groove we plan to do item airdrops to reward top contributors each month.
If you're stuck or confused on any step please feel free to reach out to me on Discord: `jin#6455`
## ⚓ Home
- [Index](/@xr/webaverse-mmo)
- [MMO Guide](https://hackmd.io/@XR/webaverse-mmo-guide#/)
- [Github](https://github.com/webaverse-mmo) [target=_blank]
- [Bounty Board](https://app.dework.xyz/webaverse/board/view/bounty-boards-l7gvwv59) [target=_blank]
- [Discord](https://discord.gg/webaverse) [target=_blank]
- [Coordinape](https://app.coordinape.com/circles/3450/history) [target=_blank]
- ### ✏ Documentation
- [Dev documentation](https://docs.webaverse.com/)
- [User documentation](https://webaverse.notion.site/User-Docs-3a36b223e39b4f94b3d1f6921a4c297a) [target=_blank]
- [What is this?](/@XR/web3-foss)
## ⛵ Get Started
- [1 - Setup Webaverse locally](https://hackmd.io/@metamike/local-scene-webaverse)
- [2 - Join the Dework](https://app.dework.xyz/i/0zYVCXfYdH2Fsk5s2j2Twn) [target=_blank]
- [3 - Pick a project bounty](https://app.dework.xyz/webaverse/board/view/bounty-boards-l7gvwv59)
- [4 - Test the project](https://hackmd.io/@XR/test-project)
- [Report bugs](https://hackmd.io/@XR/test-project#Reporting-Bugs)
- [5 - Create a README](https://hackmd.io/@XR/create-readme)
- [6 - Submit Work](https://hackmd.io/@XR/submit-work)
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