# ERC@Devconnect An in-person event for ERC community supported by Ethereum Cat Herders (November 2023, Istanbul) - **Program Name**: ERC@Devconnect - **Goal**: To foster a collaborative environment where ERC authors and dApp builders can learn from each other and advocate for open standardization, leveraging the rich history and expertise present in the community. - **What to expect**: - **Technical Sharing**: A platform where you can share your insights, learnings, and experiences with a like-minded community. It will be a space where the brightest minds in the ERC community come together to share technical knowledge, with a focus on open standards and smart contract innovations. - **Feedback Loop for ERCs**: An opportunity for authors to receive constructive feedback on their ERCs, helping to refine and enhance their proposals through collaborative discussion and expertise sharing. - **Expected number of people**: 40 - **Venue**: In / near the main venue of Devconnect 2023 at Istanbul, Turkey - **Date**: November 2023 (TBD) for about 2h for the main event. 30min before and after for the preparation and clean up ## Detailed Program ### Part 1: Opening and Keynote Sessions (15) - **Welcome Note**: By a prominent figure in the ERC community, setting the stage for the event. - **Keynote**: Featuring seasoned experts including authors of widely adopted ERCs or libraries, APIs, wallets that uses ERCs, discussing the evolution of ERC standards and the roadmap ahead. ### Part 2: Workshops and Panel Discussions - **Workshops**: Hands-on sessions led by experts in the field, providing insights into the latest developments in the ERC landscape. - **Panel Discussions**: Engaging discussions on various topics such as the role of ERCs in the evolving Web3 landscape, moderated by industry veterans. ### Part 3: Networking and Closing Ceremony - **Networking**: Ample opportunities for attendees to network, fostering potential collaborations and partnerships. - **Closing Ceremony**: A recap of the event and a thank you note to all the participants and speakers. ## Organizing Group - **Ethereum Cat Herders** - **AllERCDevs**: More details can be found on their [GitHub page](https://github.com/ercref/AllERCDevs). ## Reference - **Devconnect**: More details can be found on the [official website](https://devconnect.org). - **Previous Session**: Insights into the previous session can be found [here](https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/ethereum-magicians-session-in-denver-2023/12610). ## Contact Email: ercref@zzn.im