# Lucky Draw ### Team (include twitter/telegram contact) - Abhimanyu: Telegram @abhimanyu121 / Discord abhimanyu121#3027 - Kanika: Telegram: @@Kanika1705 / Discord Kanika17#7849 ### One sentence description of what you built - NFT based Ticketing system where every ticket to event is NFT and facilitates easy checkin ### Did you start working on this before the 8th of October? Yes, we started before 8th of October #### Link to a video demo (please keep to 5 minutes) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xVxyJtph9t0pF01EUmX3TWD4TItiT1cV/view?usp=sharing #### Link to a working product/live demo - https://condescending-murdock-bf06eb.netlify.app/ #### Link to a github repo/more - https://github.com/Abhimanyu121/TicketsOnChain #### ETH Address to recieve NFTs/ETH/DAI prizes and bounties - https://etherscan.io/address/0x7092Fdbc448698461A3ae98488C35568f368e0AD