# Agile Project Management # Scrum Shortcuts: * **PO** = Product Owner * **SM** = Scrum Manager * **ST** = Scrum Team ## The Scrum Loop ### Daily 1. what did you do yesterday? 1. what do you goingt to do today? 1. is there anything that blocks you to do your work? ### Sprint Planning > Detailed instructions can be found in *SprintPlanningChecklist.pdf* and *2WeekSprint-SampleCalendar.pdf* ### Sprint Review * focused on progress that was made, not the status of the project itself * share the outcome of the sprint * present working software * talk about changes that might alter the product backlog for upcoming sprints (e.g. priorities, feature changes, etc.) * attended by the entire team, including the **PO** (ideally has the customer present as well) * between 1 and 2 hours long ### Sprint Retrospective * typically happens of the last day of the sprint * what went well and should be implemented or kept? * what went poorly and should be changed or dropped? * what can we do to improve? * safe space for everyone involved, no blaming individuals * around 2 hours long ### Backlog Refinement/Grooming * happens multiple times during a sprint so that things are ready for the next sprint planning ## Terms and Artifacts ### User Stories Ask yourself "Who, what and why?" Example: As a [type of user] I want [some goal] so that [I can achieve some value] The 3 C's 1. Card (literal card of the 3 C's) 1. Conversation (talk it through with the team) 1. Confirmation (team members and product owner confirm) The **INVEST** acronym for great user stories: 1. Independent 1. Negotiable 1. Valuable 1. Estimatable 1. Small 1. Testable **Acceptance** * Criteria is defined by the **PO** * should be testable with a pass/fail result * should be clear and concise * should be created with shared understanding > check out *SampleUserStories.pdf* for detailed examples ### Product Backlog * is a prioritized list of user stories, outlining the needs of a business * will grow in size over time and should reflect the products vision ### Sprint Backlog * contains the user stories the team is committing to complete in an upcoming sprint ### Definition of Ready * work of the **SM** * defines who, what and why * applied to the *User Story* * acceptance criteria has to be there ### Definition of Done * agreement document accessible by everyone * living document * checklist of criteria **Example** * [x] The *User Story* meets the *Acceptance Criteria* * [x] *Code Review* was done by another developer in the team * [ ] small documentation note on the *User Story* on how it was implemented * [ ] *Story* is given to the **PO** for final review ## Links * [Understand how to use work items to track features, user stories, & more - Azure Boards | Microsoft Learn](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/boards/work-items/about-work-items?view=azure-devops&tabs=agile-process) * [Define features and epics, organize backlog items - Azure Boards | Microsoft Learn](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/boards/backlogs/define-features-epics?view=azure-devops&tabs=scrum-process) * [Understanding Epics, Features, And User Stories - Scrum District](https://www.scrumdistrict.com/understanding-epics-features-and-user-stories/) * [What are Epics and Features? | Scrum.org](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/what-are-epics-and-features) * [What is a Product Owner? | Scrum.org](https://www.scrum.org/resources/what-is-a-product-owner) * [What is a Scrum Master? | Scrum.org](https://www.scrum.org/resources/what-is-a-scrum-master) * [Product Goal & Sprint Goals – A Simple Example | Scrum.org](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-goal-sprint-goals-simple-example) * [A Typical Sprint, Play-By-Play | Scrum.org](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/typical-sprint-play-play) * [Sprint Review: Much More Than Just A Demo | Scrum.org](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/sprint-review-much-more-just-demo) * [Making the Most of the Sprint Review | Scrum.org](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/making-most-sprint-review) * [What is a Sprint Retrospective? | Scrum.org](https://www.scrum.org/resources/what-is-a-sprint-retrospective) * [Solving Impediments as a Scrum Team | Scrum.org](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/solving-impediments-scrum-team)