# Termination of Pregnancy in the Second Trimester: Late-Term Abortion Step into the world of a **[Late Term Abortion Clinic](https://www.womenscenter.com/late_abortion.html )** or hospital, where a plethora of methods await to induce abortion. Picture this: you have the option of a medical abortion, where the prescription pill mifepristone (aka RU-486) steps into play. Imagine the freedom of self-administering it in the comfort of your home, especially fitting for those early-stage pregnancies. But hold on tight, because the choice of which method to embrace is tangled up with the stage of pregnancy you're navigating through. ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJLcSv9lR.png) If you are in the first trimester, a vacuum aspiration is probable. One often used technique for women in their second trimester, who are 13 weeks postmenstrual, is dilatation and evacuation (D&E). In cases of further advancement in pregnancy, a dilation and extraction (D&X) procedure may be suggested. Studies suggest that around 10 to 15 percent of yearly global abortions take place during the initial trimester. Let's dive into the complex web of emotions and social dynamics surrounding second-trimester abortions. Picture this: for some folks, navigating through a second-trimester abortion brings forth a whirlwind of social and emotional challenges, far beyond what one might encounter in the earlier stages. It's like diving into a turbulent sea of conflicting feelings and societal pressures, where every wave hits harder than the last. **Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester** As pregnancy advances from the initial to the second trimester, the signs that were initially prominent tend to diminish. Throughout this phase, a woman's body undergoes several changes and manifests various symptoms. These could be an increase in the size of the abdomen, soreness in the muscles, skin irritation, changes in skin tone, darkening of the nipples, uterine expansion, lightheadedness, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, hand swelling, increased appetite, weight gain, and nausea and vomiting episodes. The second trimester represents a dynamic period in which the body adapts to the evolving demands of pregnancy, and these symptoms collectively contribute to the complex and transformative journey of gestation. **Second Trimester Abortion Processes** **1.Dilation & Evacuation (D&E)** Dilation and evacuation (D&E), a surgical procedure often chosen for terminating pregnancies within the first two trimesters. It's the go-to method for pregnancies surpassing sixteen weeks gestation. Just imagine the precision and complexity involved in this surgical form of termination, navigating through the delicate phases of pregnancy with utmost care and expertise. Alternative surgical methods encompass a variation of D&E known as "intact D&E" and hysterotomy. The D&E procedure comprises two main phases - preparation and procedure. The uterus is evacuated during the procedure using suction, extraction forceps, and curettage, while the cervix is dilated using osmotic, pharmaceutical, or mechanical dilators during preparation. **2.Medication or Induction Abortion** To terminate a pregnancy in the second trimester, surgery is rarely used. Medication is given via a variety of methods to induce labor and aid in the birth of the fetus during an induction termination, sometimes referred to as a medication abortion. This method involves injecting potassium chloride, seawater, or urea into the amniotic sac. ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkSDzu5lA.png) Brace yourself for the additional steps involved in this procedure. Picture this: injections of prostaglandins into the vagina, combined with the intravenous administration of pitocin, all in the name of terminating a pregnancy. But wait, here's the plot twist: oral medication is only suitable for pregnancies within the first seven weeks. It's like navigating through a maze of medical interventions, each step adding to the complexity of the journey. **Appointment Process for Second-Trimester Surgery** Imagine the protocol for women gearing up for a surgical abortion in the second trimester. Here's the drill: no food or drinks after midnight on the day of the surgery. But that's just the beginning. The moment they step foot into the operating room, bam! Anesthesia knocks them out cold faster than you can blink. It's a whirlwind of preparation and sedation, setting the stage for a procedure that's both daunting and crucial. The procedure initiates once the patient is rendered unconscious. With the assistance of ultrasound guidance, the uterus is efficiently emptied using suction and gynecological instruments to extract laminaria. The patient spends almost an hour in the operating room during the 15- 30 minutes surgical procedure. After the surgery, the chosen intrauterine device or contraceptive implant is inserted and applied to the patient in the operating room. **Recovery Time Post Second-Trimester Abortion** The patient undergoes monitoring for approximately two hours under the watchful care of nurses. There is a possibility that the patient may experience cramping and spotting. The complete recovery from the entire procedure on the treatment day typically takes around six hours. The patient should refrain from engaging in strenuous physical activity or exertion right after the second-trimester abortion procedure due to possible medication side effects. After a day or so, the patient can typically resume their regular activities. **Final Words** In the second trimester, surgical abortion emerges as one of the safest medical procedures in the playbook, flaunting a minuscule risk of complications. But here's the kicker: it's critical that patients lock in a follow-up appointment with their doctor once they've navigated through the abortion process. It's like navigating through a maze of safety nets and post-procedure protocols, ensuring a smooth journey from start to finish. During this follow-up, doctors assess for any potential post-procedure issues. Additionally, the doctor can provide prescriptions for a suitable birth control method upon the completion of the procedure. For a safe second-trimester abortion, contact **[Orlando Women's Center](https://www.womenscenter.com/)** - the best Late Term Abortion Clinic! ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sk7nWOcxA.png)