At first, we need to setup the environment. *Anaconda is too fat for me to setup, so I choose the minimal installation* ### Environment 1. Git 2. Python Here I recommend to install python via MiniConda installation > Go Download python3.8 for Linux, because the project is supported below 3.8. After installation, re-open your terminal. You will get the base of conda environment. ```shell (base) user@user-machine:~$ ``` ### Repo ```shell git clone ``` And it's easy to setup the project ```shell python ``` You will get the notification about some of options ![]( *I keep these options disabled, because I want to train model via CPU only.* OK! almost done. ### Data Set Here, we need to prepare the data set for model training. so first step, **Extract** I prepare two sources of video and photo, and put them into the path below respectively ``` - faceswap/src/example1 - faceswap/src/example2 ``` Command line: ```shell # extract photos python extract -i ~/faceswap/src/example1 ~/faceswap/faces/example1 # extract videos python extract -i ~/faceswap/src/ex1.mp4 ~/faceswap/faces/example1 ``` ### Model Start to train our model. ```shell python train -A ~/faceswap/faces/example1 -B ~/faceswap/faces/example2 -m ~/faceswap/ex1_ex2_model/ -p ``` *-p option to preview the process of training* You could stop the training process in any time, but recommend that the faces between A and B are clearly showed at preview screen (Means high accuracy) ### Result **Converting** Now, we can convert the video to test the model is good or not. ```shell python convert -i faceswap/src/ex1.mp4 -o ~/faceswap/converted/ -m ~/faceswap/ex1_ex2_model/ ``` After this command, you will get a lot of photos under "converted" folder. To generate video via these photos. ```shell ffmpeg -i video-frame-%0d.png -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=25,format=yuv420p" out.mp4 ``` Record my command: ```shell # because my photos name: Adi_000001.png ~ Adi_000171.png, so use %3d to present ffmpeg -i Adi_000%03d.png -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=25,format=yuv420p" out.mp4 ``` ###### tags: `CY`