# Resources for Data Mining Test ## Past Exams * **E1** [2021 trial test 1 (seismology)](http://edumed.unice.fr/ieso2021/trial-test/DM-TRIAL-TEST-quake-Peru.pdf) * **E2** [2021 trial test 2 (hydrology)](http://edumed.unice.fr/ieso2021/trial-test/DM-TRIAL-TEST-med-event.pdf) * **E3** [2021 DMT case 1 (volcanology)](http://edumed.unice.fr/ieso2021/dmt/case-study-1-etna.pdf) * **E4** [2021 DMT case 2 (bauxite)](http://edumed.unice.fr/ieso2021/dmt/case-study-2-bauxite.pdf) * **Ep** [exams before 2020](http://www.ieso-info.org/test-from-the-ieso-past-editions/) ## Recommended Websites^[Jamie_links] Geology-related: * [Virtual outcrop (Marble Bar)](https://vft.asu.edu/VFTMarbleBar/panos/MarbleBar/MarbleBar.html) * [Virtual outcrop (bauxite mine)](http://edumed.unice.fr/ieso2021/dmt/bauxite/) (used in E4) * [3D hand specimens](https://sketchfab.com/AusGeol/collections/tesep-rock-samples) * [Groundwarter data browser](http://edumed.unice.fr/data-center/meteo/) (used in E2) * [GPS ground deformation data](https://sideshow.jpl.nasa.gov/post/series.html) (used in E1 & E3) Seismology-related: * [InSight marsquake events seismogram browser](http://namazu.unice.fr/marsview/?lang=en) * [EDUMED Observatory Seismogram browser](http://edumed.unice.fr/ieso2021/seismo/) (used in E1 & E3) * [Seismogram visualisation software (Tectoglob 3D)](https://www.pedagogie.ac-nice.fr/svt/productions/tectoglob3d/?lang=en) (used in E1 & E3) Meteorology-related: * [Satellite image browser](https://apps.sentinel-hub.com/eo-browser/?zoom=10&lat=41.9&lng=12.5&themeId=DEFAULT-THEME&toTime=2022-06-22T06%3A18%3A03.307Z) (used in E2 & E3) * [Meteorologic map browser](https://www.ventusky.com) (used in E2) Oceanography-related: * [ARGOS buoys network for Education](http://argonautica.jason.oceanobs.com/html/argonautica/welcome_uk.html) ## Recommended Textbooks * Physical Geology (15ed). Plummer, C. C. et al. (2016). * Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology (4ed). Ludhman, A. et al. (2019). *especially the problem sets!* * 岩石學。陳汝勤、莊文星。 * Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (2ed). Nichols, G. (2009). * Meteorology Today (12ed). Ahrens, C. D. et al. (2019). * Invitation to Oceanography (5ed). Pinet, E. R. (2009). If you got bored, * 野外及礦業地質學。陳培源(1981)。 * Earth Structure: An Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics (2ed). van der Plujim, P. A. et al. (2004). * Introduction to Seismology (3ed). Shearer, P. M. (2019). * An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology (5ed). Holton, J. R. et al. (2013). ^[Jamie_links] [Data mining announcement](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Lmvi94e9cf-yEGXMaFDjb4XXzuwXCm3T/view), some links are no longer available.