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L2 Future - Session 3


Fri. Nov. 27, 2020
4pm CET - 6pm CET

Airmeet link << the LIVE session <<


Reading material / resources:

Proposed schedule

4pm CET: Welcome

~ 4:05pm CET: Overview

~ 4:15pm CET: Work session / discussion, questions about what needs to happen to improve usability of dapps that depend on L2s.

~ 6pm CET: Finis!

Starter topics


From "A rollup-centric ethereum roadmap":

ENS needs to support names being registered and transferred on L2; see here for one possible proposal of how to do this.

A general-purpose L2-friendly ENS standard


From "A rollup-centric ethereum roadmap":

Layer 2 protocols should be built into the wallet, not webpage-like dapps. Currently, L2 integration into dapps/quasidapps (eg. Gitcoin’s zksync integration) requires the user to fully trust the dapp, which is a great decrease in security from the status quo. We ideally want to make L2s part of the wallet itself (metamask, status, etc) so that we can keep the current trust model. This support should be standardized, so that an application that supports zksync payments would immediately support zksync-inside-Metamask, zksync-inside-Status, etc.


Loopring Wallet intro

We have released a beta version of Loopring Wallet, the first Ethereum smart wallet with zkRollup scaling baked in. Android users can download the wallet app right now from

(this is positioned as a wallet, but it prominently features a trading app)

Session Notes


once you sign something txns are instant
the commit to mainnet is hidden from the user
finalization time
for governance: we want people to lock up tokens
LPs are providing liquidity on different chains
secondary market, cross-chain ma
two main consequences:
removal fees from miners -> rollup operators
liquidity problem across rollups


how much liquidity is required for significant users on an L2?


operators need a stake
rollup at a full capacity
we trade time for capital
emerge in a sliding window, maximum 200 blocks proposed in the active window
inspection period
would prefer that liquidity would stay on mainnet, needing off-chain market makers
this takes the autonomous functionality of smart contract, leads to special rollups


worked at the Ethereum Foundation
how the UX for the blockchain work?
worked on Universal Login
will be UX lead at Balancer Labs, AMM / DeFi

some DeFi products can have a general market fit
the next challenge is for people who have never heard of Ethereum

when the user can understand very easily, tell them, using bank interactions or user-user interactions
not too hard to get the user to understand "inside" and "outside"


will there be metaphors or language helping users


users are already understand where balance is, this type of transaction will be faster, this transaction will be cheaper
the metaphor could be inside or outside, nearby or distant
we have scott here from dark forest


knowing what kind of users are in the game
we create hot wallets with a little bit of xDAI
after that they would need to top up
we were surprised by how many people transferred xDAI into their wallet
transfers are not very straightforward
the more casual user ask what is DAI?
it was easier for them to get ETH vs. DAI
getting DAI to xDAI was difficult
fiat onramps helped a lot
many nuances, having people get the native tokens


have users do their own on-ramping


people are solving our problems
fiat to xDAI on-ramp, this was created by users
giving the hot wallet is a necessary investment
we need to trigger that a-ha moment
numbers were extremely surprising

it was harder for users to get xDAI than ropsten ETH
users have to swap to get the DAI
the fiat onramp to xDAI solved the problem

the metamask interface was not built for xDAI
adding custom RPC

user experience is just as imporatant as the developer experience
plasma promised to solve the user experience
the experience of getting that plasma currency

if you want to build a product for the mass market, make it accessible for users


we have used the burner wallet
NFT identification w/ a ticket to the hackathon
pre-funded wallets, the QR code, making sure people receive a unique code which they can scan
in our cose it was to approach a voting booth
it was hosted in the browser
but for pop-up democracies, w/ people never using a blockchain before, this was a perfect experience
we operated on a plama, instant confirmations, low price
wait times from 7-10 days


opportunity to integrate dapp-provided hot wallets in Metamask


beyond on-boarding there are problems with Metamask
in Dark Forest, using it is not very pleasant for users
our players make moves every 2 seconds
hundreds of moves per day
we used burner wallet, created a pseudo-metamask to enable users to approve multiple transactions
there is a point where approving is not a pleasant way to play a game
many problems beyond on-boarding


the NFT marketplaces, they manage to create a very smooth experience
when you are just exploring you will not need confirmations
we can exchange experiences here


the challenge is how application specific the solution is
I wonder how browser wallets will evolve

for the pseudo-Metamask

  • can approve txns manually
  • for 24 hours you can have txns pre-approved
  • pre-filled wallet

One problem is abuse of the pre-filled wallet
Invite key helped
How will this part scale, allowing many people to sign up for the platform


cross-service wallet?


perhaps for a specific website, json file defining what the wallet behavior is
chrome extension providing better security guarantees
site-dependent wallet behavior, adjust to each application
developer can set parameters


web standards for public key idenficiation
browsers store credentials in the secret enclave
we already have standards for this in the web space
good for storing wallet on the users device
make really sure that the wallet is backed up


how far is the adoption on secure enclave?


this does not require secure enclave hardware

we have IPFS so we can use the content address w/ burner wallet as the credential
the burner would have to have a migration strategy

what is already missing is protocol for dapps
what chain it supports
zksync and other rollups already have an address derivation schemes


we need to learn more about the web standards that are out there
burner wallet concept can be standardized as an on-boarding utility
if it surpasses a certain balance, it requires the user to migrate to better method


ubikeys already support web auth API
2 factor hardware auth


chrome pop-up for physical key or fingerprint
you can use the touch ID in the same way as ubikey
it has a secure enclave w/ a physical key
the browser doesn't care, implement web auth


does the trezor also have this?


for burner wallets, it would be better to use web auth instead of this printed QR code


using the secure enclave may be a better way to solve it
storage solution to detach from the computer
some exchanges ask you to write down the mnemonic
for SSDs, retrieving data that is lost is easier


how to create better steps for users to migrate


user education, do users even know what a private key is?
many nauances are not appreciated by the dapp developers
with L2 scaling it becomes a new problem
progressive decentralization is a "dumb solution" that just works
not idea for security, works for user on-boarding

burner w/ metamask-like security properties would be great


xDAI is a kind of burner network, great for on-boarding
Users can even swap tokens:
users need to know it is less secure


mobile super simple way to get users engaged
app meant for DeFi
tailor-suited on-boarding process
steam network is an example
built the entire client, login platform, abstractions for on-boarding


steam is a great example, it solved problems for both users and developers
perhaps related dapps can create a mobile app which eases on-boarding and facilitates integration between services