# Development Catalogue This is a wiki page of current projects and potential project ideas divided into sections. Feel free to add links to existing projects and more ideas. The potential projects (specifically ones with [ ] checkbox) can be used for grant applications [here](https://near.org/grants). ## Art / Collectible Marketplaces > Marketplaces for art and collectible digital or physical items. - 🚀![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![|20x20](https://near.ai/23999) [Paras](https://paras.id) - Digital Card Marketplace - [codebase](https://github.com/ParasHQ) - 👷![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![|20x20](https://near.ai/34b32) [Mintbase](https://mintbase.io/) - NFT Marketplace Factory - [codebase](https://github.com/Mintbase) - [Apply for grant for NFT project](https://grants.near.org/submit/187088/near-startup-grants) - Apply for Art*NFT project funding via [Createbase](http://createbase.community/) [grants](https://www.notion.so/Createbase-Application-form-d9bee851784f45caafd4c1c84af0586c) ## Other marketplaces - 🚀 [TessaB](https://tessab.com) - Reinvent Mobile Device Ownership Ideas: - [ ] Decentralized crowdsourcing platform (aka Mechanical Turk) ## Games > Games and related services either using or fully on blockchain. - 🚀![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![](https://near.ai/34b32 =20x20) [Berry Club](https://berryclub.io) - Crowd-drawing and farming berries - [codebase](https://github.com/evgenykuzyakov/berryclub) - 🚀![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![](https://near.ai/34b32 =20x20) [Zed Run](https://picks.playwithzest.com/) - Own. Race. Earn. Ideas: - [ ] Game NFT creator: an application to create a set of NFTs for game, payment token and just expose APIs for game developers to interface with. - [Apply for grant to build a game or game related services on NEAR](https://grants.near.org/submit/187088/near-startup-grants) ## Social Ideas: - [ ] Token factory UI to create social tokens for people and communities - [ ] Bots that integrate tokens and DAOs into social channels: Telegram, Slack, Discord - [ ] Encrypted content sharing between people. - [ ] Photo and video sharing service aka "NearGram". Images are stored in decentralized storage, on chain just identity + latest image hash. - [ ] Decentralized review app. Based on review protocol that encompasses some form of sybil resistance (reputation). Review protocol can include reviewing anything that is blockchain indexable, starting with collecting reviews for other on-chain projects and NFTs. Review itself stored in decentralized storage, storing on-chain reputation and interactions. - [ ] Signal-like private instant messenger that uses on-chain identity, integrates with payments and DAOs naturally. Doesn't use phone numbers and central server for discovery. For example, can be forked from Telegram open source UI and just add alterantive login / discovery protocols and extra features. Many of these apps require integrations with storage, see "Developer Tools" section. Also they would benefit from having gateways like Ads gateway. ## DeFi Applications - [ ] AMM - 👷![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![](https://near.ai/34b32 =20x20) NEARSwap - [codebase](https://github.com/near-clp) - swaps NEP-141 tokens with continues liquidity pools. - 🚀![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![](https://near.ai/23999 =20x20) [BananaSwap](bananaswap.berryclub.io) - [codebase](https://github.com/vgrichina/bananaswap) - swaps bananas <> $NEAR with basic uniswap. - 🚫![](https://near.ai/14d12 =20x20) Balancer - 🚫![](https://near.ai/14d12 =20x20) Mooniswap - [ ] DEX (on-chain and off-chain) - [Apply for grant](https://grants.near.org/submit/187088/near-startup-grants) - [ ] Lending - [Apply for grant](https://grants.near.org/submit/187088/near-startup-grants) - [ ] Synthetic assets - [Apply for grant](https://grants.near.org/submit/187088/near-startup-grants) - [ ] Native stable coin - [Apply for grant](https://grants.near.org/submit/187088/near-startup-grants) - [ ] Prediction markets - 👷![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![](https://near.ai/34b32 =20x20) [Flux](https://flux.market) - Prediction market for any event - [codebase](https://github.com/fluxprotocol) - [ ] Streaming finance - 👷![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![](https://near.ai/23999 =20x20) [OpenXeggo](https://xeggo.co/) - trustless money streaming - [codebase](https://github.com/OpenXeggo/near_money_stream) - Crowdfunding - 👷![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![](https://near.ai/23999 =20x20) [Common Fund](https://common.fund/) - Enabling Collaborative Finance - Staking derivatives - STAKED - [Apply for grant for other type of DeFi project](https://grants.near.org/submit/187088/near-startup-grants) ## Ecosystem Tools & Integrations **Apply for an [ecosystem grant](https://near.org/grants) or reach out to bd@near.org** ### Wallets & Portfolio Management - 🚀 [NEAR Wallet](https://wallet.near.org) - web based wallet - 🚀 [Math Wallet](https://mathwallet.org) - mobile and Chrome-extension based wallet - 🚀 [Trust Wallet](https://trustwallet.com) - mobile wallet - 🚀 [Moonlet Wallet](https://moonlet.io/) - mobile wallet, with staking capabilities - 🚀 [Buildlinks Wallet](http://near-wallet.buildlinks.org/) - fork of NEAR Wallet with additional features around red pockets. - 🚀 [NarWallet](https://narwallets.com/) - Chrome-extension based wallet Ideas: - [ ] Wallet Selection SDK for developers - [ ] Wallet Connect - [ ] Portfolio viewer like Zerion and Debank - [ ] NFT gallery: showcasing NFTs from all the apps and marketplaces ### DAO [Join the DAO Guild](https://t.me/NEARDAOs) to learn more and participate in growing the ecosystem. - 🚀![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![](https://near.ai/34b32 =20x20) [SputnikDAO](https://sputnik.fund) - [codebase](https://github.com/near-daos) - 👷![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![](https://near.ai/23999 =20x20) Moloch v2 - [codebase](https://github.com/ALuhning/VP-DAO) Ideas: - [ ] Snapshot-like frontend with fully on-chain voting ### Fiat On/Off-ramp - [x] 🚀 [MoonPay](https://moonpay.io) - More integrations required. ### Interchain > Communication and sending assets between chains. - [ ] Ethereum <> NEAR - 👷![|20x20](https://near.ai/uzq)![](https://near.ai/34b32 =20x20) Rainbow Bridge - trustless bridge connecting between Ethereum and NEAR - [codebase](https://github.com/near/rainbow-bridge) - 👷![](https://near.ai/uzq =20x20)![](https://near.ai/34b32 =20x20) [Liquality](https://liquality.io) - Atomic Swaps between Ethereum and NEAR - [ ] Bitcoin <> NEAR - [ ] Cosmos <> NEAR - [ ] Polkadot <> NEAR ### Oracles > Bring off-chain data on-chain. - 👷 [Band Protocol](https://bandprotocol.com) - Cross Chain Oracle Data - [codebase](https://github.com/bandprotocol/near-poc/) & [docs](https://hackmd.io/@y-x-6-BCRIaIBtYr0xP-rg/rkXU1du3D/edit) - 👷 [Chainlink](https://chain.link) - Blockchain Oracles for Connected Smart Contracts - [codebase]() ### Analytics > Various analytics dashboards that provide on-chain information like Dapp.radar, Defi Pulse, Dune Analytics, etc. - 🚀 [NEAR Explorer](https://explorer.org/stats) - 🚀 [Flipside Crypto Dashboard](https://near.flipsidecrypto.com) - On-chain ecosystem growth metrics, stakeholder behaviors, and dApps engagement. Ideas: - [ ] "Dapp radar" like app to show usage of different apps across various stats ### Other Tools Ideas: - [ ] [Account faucet](https://gov.near.org/t/account-faucet/458) based on popular social logins that have some identity deduplication (Github, WeChat, etc) - [ ] [Notification service](https://gov.near.org/t/tools-missing-in-the-ecosystem/75/31) - [ ] [Cron / IFTT service](https://gov.near.org/t/tools-missing-in-the-ecosystem/75/19) - [ ] "Login with NEAR" for web2 services: Discourse, Wordpress, OpenID, etc. Existing: - 🚀 [NearNames](https://nearnames.com) - Create and send people a named account on NEAR - 🚀 [Red packet](https://redpacket.near.org) - Send money to people, even if they don't have a NEAR account yet. - 🚀![](https://near.ai/uzq =20x20)![](https://near.ai/34b32 =20x20) [Mutlsig contract](https://github.com/near/core-contracts/tree/master/multisig) & [frontend](https://near.github.io/multisig-tool). New frontend is in progress. - 🚀![](https://near.ai/uzq =20x20)![](https://near.ai/34b32 =20x20) [Lockup contract](https://github.com/near/core-contracts/tree/master/lockup). - 🚀 [Multisender](https://multisender.nearspace.info/) - send to multiple people - 🚀 [Multistaker](https://near.github.com/multistaker) - tool to manage staking for mulitple lockup accounts with - 🚀 [Ledger account creator tool](https://ledger-keygen.neartools.dev/) ## Developer Tools ### General Ideas: - [ ] C++ smart contract SDK - [ ] C# smart contract SDK - [ ] Go smart contract SDK - [ ] Smart contract life cycle management CLI tool: contract stats and usage monitoring, upgrade support - [ ] Developer console: UI for delpoying, tracking, upgrading, etc apps. Can be combined with RPC or other products. ### Data Access & Indexing > Ability to query data from blockchain indexed in different ways based on developer needs. E.g. Infura, The Graph, Covalent, etc. - 🚀 [NEAR RPC](https://docs.near.org/docs/develop/front-end/rpc) - 🚀 [Figment DataHub](https://datahub.figment.com) - Ideas: - [ ] Query app specific data via GraphQL - [ ] Query blockchain and app specific data via REST API ### Gateways > Tool and service for developers to use to not require user have crypto right away. Usually would be implemented via tx relaying or access key pattern. Ideas: - [ ] Fiat payment gateway - allow users to pay with fiat, including just to do subscription payment - [ ] Ads gateway - trade paying user's transaction fees for them looking at ads ### Deep infrastructre Ideas: - [ ] On-chain and JS integration with data storage: like Arweave, Filecoin, Sia. Allows to pay and manage storage via NEAR accounts. - [ ] Proxy re-encryption integrated with NEAR's account model - [ ] Zero knowledge proving infra for various subtasks