# Veight’s 0L Crazy Marketing Extravaganza Manifesto This document's goal is to bring forth the ideas and ideologies that I think will take 0L and the public perception of 0L to a new level of understanding and appreciation. ## Who is 0L? Well, that is a good question. Shouldn't it be “What is 0L?” Well, sure, from a traditional sense, the 0L Network is a purely decentralized, community-driven initiative based on blockchain technology. A beautiful orchestration of users from around the world coming together and contributing to a project. Taking a look at it deeper, it's not just a new company with a fancy new service that is going to be better than anything it came before. It's an entirely new step into an era of coming decentralization. It’s a movement. It’s a mindset. It’s the concrete foundation for an entirely new way of existing decentralized inside a world that wants nothing more than to be just the opposite of that. It’s a modern-day revolution that no one knows is coming. 0L is setting the bricks for the path to decentralization of finance, information, democracy, and control. It's the opposite of an establishment. There is no Man. There is no ruler. There is no corporation. There is only 0L, the decentralized digital deity. You can’t be anti-establishment if there is no establishment.What is more punk rock than that? ## Current View of 0L from a User on the Internet Just from doing some research around the net, this is the material that jumped out from searching around the typical platforms. - A Website with some baseline infomation about the project - Documentation Surrounding the 0L Network - Two Twitter Accounts (0L Network and 0tt0) - Various video content from community members - GitHub Repos - Discord Community While this is all good and well, nothing that I have seen around the net has really echoed what I spoke of above—nothing to really invigorate or excite. The people in the space and the Web3 community will see it in a better light from a technology standpoint, but what is there to get them excited? What is there to talk about within other Twitter Spaces based around web3 tech? Past that, what is Jimmy going to show his IRL buddies about this really cool project he’s been following? The biggest opportunity I see with 0L is getting people to know who we are. It doesn't matter if they care (I mean, to a certain extent, we do care). We need to be the worm that embeds into people's brains. We need to be the chain who “was that one thing a while back, but is now doing something much bigger.” Just like everything else that exists on the internet, we need to take that ideology and package it up to be delivered to every wandering eye in the Web3 space. ## What we should strive for - Build an online presence that truly envelops who 0L is - Grow social presence across all platforms - Get more Participation from within the Discord Community - Get the attention of people inside and outside the world of Web3 - Modernize and Synchronize visuals across all mediums (Website, Socials, Discord, Carpe) - Bring Excitement To our standing community ## Some Hurdles - Anonymity - Maintaining Decentralization - Cannot force engagement # Idea Dump I have done my best to best organize these. These were the best ideas birth between paper, napkin, Notepad, and now HackMD. ## Encourage Usage - Create a stand to send to businesses with way to somehow accept as payment. - 3D print and send a sign that they accept 0L - Small Market Vendors? Entise with cash out bonus, but not one with a loophole (great idea, right?) - Trading? ## Education - Videos about who 0L is - Long Form Video Essays and Short Form Social Media Content (Could be standardized by community standards and remade in multiple languages) - Videos about Carpe and why it's awesome and easy - History of 0L - Differnt ways to use 0L - TLDR's - Interesting videos for normies ## Inter-Community Events - We need a way to get people who are in the Discord excited and want to interact. Either that, or we need to start campaigning to bring more people into this discord. Before we do, we have to come up with ways to make it so that people don't just mute us a week later and have a reason to participate. We can recon other Web3 communities - Something that introverted people would enjoy/attend - Make a more general commmunity call, or figure out a way to make the work group meetings more approchable for people who may have just joined into the project ## Incentives for Participation - Smart Contract Quest with 0L Payouts ## Physical 0L Token - Mint STL - Share Online - Print Contest - Could be a wallet - Could be a way to tap pay ### Tap for Token - 3D Printed 0L Token that would have a NFC In it - Can be printed and placed anywhere in the world - We could come up with some reward for finding one - We could share the coordinates on Twitter - We could have some sort of way to share Carpe wallet address, and we can airdrop tokens/NFT POA - We could use this to also create a ARG - [Awesome Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2O7blSSzpI&ab_channel=LEMMiNO) ## Social Ideas - Twitter - Punk Rock campaign - Share new version of logo - Twitter - Tap for Token - Twitter - TLDR's - Community Meeting Recaps Posted on Twitter (Operate in the Open), Updates to Network, Information about 0L ## Idea Bounties - Come up with Cool Dapp Ideas, and give rewards when people build them. ## One Shot Ideas - Commemorative Participation NFT's - Spray Paint Template 👀 - Cool merch!?!? - NFT's? # Questions for the reader - What would we do if we got 10k new users overnight? What would we do with that momentum? - How would you explain 0L to a person who is not technical? - How would you excite 0L to a person who is not technical? - What business could benefit from using 0L? How can we make it easy for them to use it? - What part of the world could benefit from using 0L? How can we make it easy for them to use it? # In Conclusion We have a unique opportunity right now to be the voices of a generation. Let’s make sure it's technically valid and awesomely righteous.