## Hardening rollups with multi-proofs
### Today, almost all rollups are still on "training wheels"
### Why? Code risk.
PSE ZK-EVM circuits: 34,469 lines of code
### 34,469 lines of code are not going to be bug-free for a long long time.
### Option 1: high-threshold governance override
### Option 2: multi-prover
### More complex variants of multi-prover
* If anyone submits two conflicting state roots to a prover and both pass, that prover is turned off
* If no successful message is passed through a particular prover for 7 days, that prover is turned off
(Inspired by smart contract wallet designs!)
### Option 3: two-prover plus governance tie break
### Advantages
* Don't have to trust governance (it can't contradict the provers)
* Protected from a bug in either of the two provers
* Ideally, the two provers should have _very_ different construction, to minimize the chance of simultaneous bugs
* One optimistic, one ZK?
### Conclusions
* ZK-EVMs will not be bug-free for a long time
* But we can minimize the chance of bugs leading to catastrophic outcomes with multiple implementations!
* There is a tradeoff space of "security against bugs" vs "security against bad governance"
* Keeping governance involved but only in emergencies seems like a good idea
And hopefully we will have safe and scalable rollups soon!
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