CEH Skill Check - Part III
You have been hired as a part of the Red Team at CEHORG, an IT and ITES organization that deals with advanced research and development in the field of information security. It has offices all over the country connected in real-time by its network infrastructure.
Your organization is worried about rising cybersecurity incidents and has entrusted you with a comprehensive security audit of the complete infrastructure.
CEHORG’s internal network consists of several subnets housing various organizational units like any large organization. The front office is connected to a separate subnet that connects to the company’s public-facing computers. The company has installed multiple kiosks to help customers understand their products and services. The front office also has Wi-Fi connectivity to cater to the users who carry their smartphones and laptops.
The CEHORG’s internal network is made up of Militarized and Demilitarized zones. As a security precaution, and by design, all the internal resource zones are configured with different subnet IPs. The militarized zone houses the application servers that provide application frameworks for various departments. The Demilitarized Zone contains public-facing systems of the organization, such as web and mail servers. The headquarter’s network topology and protocols are replicated worldwide in all its satellite offices for easy communication with the headquarters.
CEHv12 Skill Check is divided into four parts. All four parts represent a single target organization as described in the scenario. The objective of these skill checks is to apply learning from CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) modules in a real-life scenario to solve challenges you will face in red team assignments in your job roles. The skill check will help you practice the skills acquired in the class and convert them into proficiency.
Part 3 of CEH Skill Check covers Session Hijacking, Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots, Hacking Web Servers, Hacking Web Applications, and SQL Injection modules. In this part, you must take over active network and application sessions, compromise firewall, IDS, and other perimeter defense mechanisms, and exploit the organization’s web applications. You need to note all the information discovered in this part of the Skill Check and proceed to the subsequent phases of the ethical hacking cycle in the next part of the Skill Check.
On the cyber range, you will have access to Ethical Hacker Workstations,* EH Workstation – 1* and EH Workstation – 2. EH Workstation – 1 is a Parrot Security machine and EH Workstation – 2 is a Windows 11 machine. You can switch to these machines from the Resources tab.
The credentials to access EH Workstation – 1 (Parrot Security) machine are as below:
Username: attacker Password: toor
The credentials to access EH Workstation – 2 (Windows 11) are as below:
Username: Admin Password: Pa$$w0rd
The credentials to access OpenVAS on EH Workstation – 1 (Parrot Security) machine are as below:
Username: admin Password: password
Note: You can use username.txt and password.txt available on the Desktop of the EH Workstation – 1 (Parrot Security) machine for any credentials/password cracking attempt.
CEHORG suspects of a possible session hijacking attack on a machine in its network. The organisation has retained the network traffic data for the session at C:\Users\Admin\Documents in the EH Workstation – 2 as sniffsession.pcap. You have been assigned a task to perform an analysis and find out the protocol that has been used for sniffing on its network. (Format: AAA)
You have been assigned a task to perform a clickjacking test on www.goodshopping.com that the CEHORG members widely use. Find out whether the site is vulnerable to clickjacking. (Format: Aaa)
Perform an HTTP-recon on www.certifiedhacker.com and find out the version of Nginx used by the web server. (Format: N.NN.N)
An FTP site is hosted on a machine in the CEHORG network. Crack the FTP credentials, obtain the “flag.txt” file and determine the content in the file. (Format: Aaaaaaa*AAA)
Perform Banner grabbing on the web application movies.cehorg.com and find out the ETag of the respective target machine. (Format: "NaNNNNNaaaNaaNN*N")
用telnet去跟web 互動連上後執行GET / HTTP/1.0
Identify the Content Management System used by www.cehorg.com. (Format: AaaaAaaaa)
Perform web application reconnaissance on movies.cehorg.com and find out the HTTP server used by the web application. (Format: Aaaaaaaaa-AAA/NN.N)
Perform Web Crawling on the web application movies.cehorg.com and identify the number of live png files in images folder. (Format: N)
直接用curl 指令搭配grep 、wc 計算有多少.png
Identify the load balancing service used by eccouncil.org. (Format: aaaaaaaaaa)
Perform a bruteforce attack on www.cehorg.com and find the password of user adam. (Format: aaaaaaNNNN)
已知該網站是WordPress,用wpscan --url http://cehorg.com/ -U adam -P /home/attacker/Desktop/Wordlist/password.txt
Perform parameter tampering on movies.cehorg.com and find out the user for id 1003. (Format: Aaaaa)
用sqlmap 直接dump 出來
Perform a SQL Injection attack on movies.cehorg.com and find out the number of users available in the database. Use Jason/welcome as login credentials. (Format: N)
Perform XSS vulnerability test on www.cehorg.com and identify whether the application is vulnerable to attack or not. (Yes/No). (Format: Aa)
ans: No
Perform command injection attack on and find out how many user accounts are registered with the machine. Note: Exclude admin/Guest user (Format: N)
這題其實要跟下題借一下DVWA的帳密,登入後再command injection 那裏用|net user
在計算扣除Administrator 、krbtgt有8個user
A file named Hash.txt has been uploaded through DVWA ( The file is located in the directory mentioned below. Access the file and crack the MD5 hash to reveal the original message; enter the content after cracking the hash. You can log into the DVWA using the following credentials. Note: Username- admin; Password- password Path: C:\wamp64\www\DVWA\hackable\uploads\Hash.txt Hint: Use “type” command to view the file. Use the following link to decrypt the hash- https://hashes.com/en/decrypt/hash (Format: Aa*aaNa)
這裡就有Hash.txt用type Hash.txt
You have identified a vulnerable web application on a Linux server at port 8080. Exploit the web application vulnerability, gain access to the server and enter the content of RootFlag.txt as the answer. (Format: Aa*aaNNNN)
個人覺得這是裡面最經典有趣的lab,首先先找有開8080 port 的IP machine,選定其中一個後用openvas 掃找到有log4j的漏洞,其中這題不能無腦的直接執行python3 poc.py .......