# NodeConf Invitational When: Feb 27th 2024 Where: Amsterdam Venue: [BounceSpace Penthouse](https://bouncespace.co/locations/spaces/the-penthouse/) OVERTOOM 141, 1054 HG AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS A small gathering of Open Source JavaScript Hackers (Node.js, Deno, Browsers, etc.) to catch up and share our most recent works with our friends. ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkfaqTHF6.png) *when we were young(er)* - NodeConf 2011 We are putting this together a little last-minute as we found out that many old friends in the community will be at the Node.js documentary premiere. This is a "semi-open" invitational, there is a list of currently invited people below and anyone on that list can suggest as many people as they like to be added, and so on, and so forth, until the roster is full. If you want to be added or add your friends you can message [@mikeal](https://twitter.com/mikeal) (twitter DM's are open and easy to manage since nobody really uses twitter anymore 😝). We'll either be asking *everyone* to present something or having to curate a list of people who are demanding to speak down to something manageable 😅 @mikeal will handle curation if need be, but come expecting to show something that will impress your friends ☺️ # Schedule * 09:00-10:00 Informal breakfast * The cafe at the venue has an excellent coffer shop that serves breakfast fare. Roll in and meet, greet, and buy a coffee 😊 * 10:00 Up to the Penthouse * Like many of @mikeal's prior events the schedule will be release just-in-time throughout the event. * 18:00 Depart Venue ## Invitations | Name | Invite Sent | Confirmation | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | Mikeal Rogers | yes | yes | | (j)chris Anderson | yes | yes | | Meghan Sinnot | yes | yes | | Isaac Schlueter | yes | yes | | Ryan Dahl | yes | yes | | Matteo Collina | yes | "I’ll try to make it" | | Darcy Clarke | yes | "I think I'm in" | | Brian Leroux | yes | yes | | Jessica Lord | yes | yes | | Thomas Gorisson | yes | "Yes!" | | Ben Noordhuis | yes | yes | | Alan Shaw | yes | yes | | Hugo Dias | yes | yes | | Meno Abels | yes | yes | | Mikola Lysenko | yes | "sign me up" | | Bartek Iwańczuk | yes | maybe | | Luca Casonato | yes | yes | | Oli Evans | yes | yes | | @vmx | yes | yes | | Owen Barnes | yes | yes | | Dietrich Ayala | yes | yes |