Over the past two weeks, my primary focus has been on wrapping up the initial two phases of my project proposal and running those changes on Holesky. It actually took more time than initially anticipated and the iterations of my solution also highlighted areas of improvement and potential issues.
With that being said, the next report will be about the last step of my project proposal which is adding an attestation simulator in order for Lighthouse to evaluate the implication of attestating 32 times per epoch. That's quite important in terms of performance as well as preparing some transitions such as SSF and increasing the max balance.
I fixed a few issues that would create confusion in the metrics including the value of the total label with using aggregate metrics for a Prometheus Gauge, the prunning of the missed blocks cache, increasing the missed block range as well as a fork scenario where the last validator value who missed a block is wrong. You can see the PR here and some great explanation from the LH team.
Adding some logs as per as the model used for other metrics in the validator monitor documentation.
I also created 3 charts that shows the brand new metrics whether there's some data for the monitored validators.
You can find the PR here.
The approach was the following:
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic xxxxxxx" 'https://xxxxxxx.ethereum.testnet.kiln.fi/eth/v1/validator/duties/proposer/3220' | jq -r '.data[].pubkey' | tr '\n' ','
One of my colleagues wrote a very nice article about it if you are curious :)
I will keep on reading about the scheduler and looking at LH new dashboard and see if there's any discrepancies that could be spotted on mainnet.
Once the missed blocks last changes are validated, rerunning a new version of Lighthouse and monitor how that works.
Preparing the 32-attestation per epoch simulator final step of my project proposal.