# Community.XYZ Opportunity Template + Example **Important Note** Below is an exhaustive list of what might be necessary for someone new to your project to start work! Not everything listed below will be necessary for every job, and so add/remove/edit depending on what makes sense for the work you want accomplished! Keep in mind though, that the more details you include, the faster the work gets done, and the less time you have to spend answering questions from folks who need some help getting started. Also consider that about half of this is write-once, use on every opportunity! So be sure to save a boiler-plate version of your Opportunity template to reuse as you need more work done. ## Description Example: Verto is a decentralized PST exchange. [Insert why this is an exciting project here, and why they would want to earn PSTs for the Verto Community]. We need help implementing PST/PSC detection on the front-end of the Verto app. This will [explain in broader terms what it’s going to do to increase value of product and PST]. **Revelant Links** * [https://verto.exchange](https://verto.exchange/) * [Verto GH Repo](https://github.com/useverto) * Best Way to Get in Touch with your Team ## The User Story ### Highest Level User Story As a [who is the person using this feature?], I want PST/PSC detected on the front-end of Verto, so that [effect it has]. ### More Context The context of the feature should be detailed here, the history of the project "we launched with out PCT/PST detection and have been getting around it via this metholodolgy" as well as why, now, your team needs it. Additionally, consider including deep-links into the codebase on GH, where, specifically, you need the contributor to work. **Note**: Additional details will likely be needed to describe the full feature or story. Does your feature substantially change or invent new flows for the user? How does it interact with existing parts within your application? What's the expect inputs/outputs once the feature is implemented? Consider including 1 (or more!) of these three things below as accompanying details for your story... 1. Example calls, I/O references elsewhere in the code 2. A quick 2-minute video walk-through of the app, the code, and what you need done. 3. User flows & Prototypes * [Google Drawings](https://docs.google.com/drawings) * [Flowmapp](flowmapp.com) * [Figma](Figma.com) **Also note:** If there is a significant portion of Design required for your feature (complex user flows, user-facing interfaces for them to interact with etc), and your team does not yet have a designer, consider first bountying the design of the feature! Good UX is often overlooked for MVPs and can be the difference between success and failure for the initial product launch! ## How Do We Know It’s Done? This is where you detail what you would expect to see once the job is completed. This can be user or system-facing. If you have very specific requirements or expectations, these probably need to be outlined here in order for folks to do the job properly! * People can do x on the platform with ABC constraints. * Y is verified by this. * Q&A tests such as JSLint, are included ## How to Apply Outline for applicants how they should apply to this opportunity! Do they need to provide examples of previous work? A plan of approach for the job you've described? Let them know how you're going to be accessing applicants and what you need to see, hear, or read from them in order to chose them for the job! ### How to Do the Work Describe your developement process here as you would a new team-member onboarding. **Step 1.** Go to this GitHub repo, create a fork and follow the ReadMe to set-up your dev enviroment. **Step 2.** Once the work is completed, submit a request to merge the fork back into our code repo. **Step 3**. Once we've reviewed and tested the code, we will verify the work is completed! ## Technologies You’ll Use * Language here * Language here ## Have questions? Reach out to @tate on the Verto Discord (get an invite here) and head to the #help channel!