--- title: 'Audio Production workflow for Enhance with Zapier' disqus: dolbyio --- Cloud-Based Audio Production workflows with Dolby.io + Zapier === Today's audio workflows can involve massive amounts of audio and video content coming from many sources which contain both user generated and professionally produced content. Take a typical podcast workflow for example. There might be reporters capturing interviews with professional audio equipment, sourcing interviews over video conference calls, pulling audio and video from sources off social media and the internet. Many formats and sources adds to the complexity. Most organizations use file sharing tools like Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive to organize, collect and store the various audio and video recordings. Once collected the next step in the workflow is both time intensive and expensive. - The reporter has to log and transcribe the raw content - If it's a video podcast, the video production team ingests the audio and video content into video production software like premiere, avid or final cut, if the audio requires processing, a limited amount may be done in the video software, or more using plugin or alternatively using external audio tools and a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) - Within those audio tools an extensive time is spent listening and tweaking the audio settings to filter, enhance and cleanup poor audio. - Time is then spent re-linking and syncing back the audio to the original video clips - Similarlly if it's an audio podcast, the same steps to sweeten and enhance the audio will apply. In a traditional A/V workflow this is a lot of hands-on on work that must be managed by staff that has experience with improving the quality of audio. :::success But what if is possible to remove the time and intensive parts of the production workflow? Is that even possible? ::: The short answer is YES! Most audio problems have a signature making them easy to identify and the solution is a series of steps that break down the problem into distinct audio processing tasks. Sit in with an audio engineer and watch them work. They carefully listen and instintively know what filters and processes to apply. The work is iterative and repetitive. The engineering team at Dolby have been doing this work for decades and applying those efforts into their algortithms. Dolby.io was created to extend their efforts and make the algortithms available into an accssible API. One of the great things about Dolby.io's API approach to audio processing is the basic simplicity of moving the procesess of managing audio processing to the cloud. Doing so enables the ability to create more effecient and faster workflow that can handle complex audio processsing tasks. Tasks normally handled by the best audio engineers in the world can now be replicated in the cloud with Dolby's technology. No dowbt an audio engineer can produce amazing results, but that comes at the real cost of both time and expertise. For a fraction of those costs, Dolby.io's suite of media API can solve a variety of audio issues. The catch is, Dolby.io is an API, and let's face it, not everyone who requires great audio is a software developer. :::success Do I need to be a software developer to integrate Dolby.io into my audio processing workflow? ::: Absolutely not! Today we have many no code solutions to allow non-developers to build rich integrations with our API. To that end-we just integrated our product into the ever-popular Zapier platform. Let's build a simple workflow together that will take audio and video files uploaded to a Dropbox folder and process them with the Dolby.io Enhance API. <!-- ## Table of Contents --> [TOC] ## Requirements We'll build an integration workflow with these services. 1. [Dolby.io](https://dolby.io/signup) 2. [Zapier](https://zapier.com) 4. [Dropbox](https://dropbox.com) :::info Tip: Make sure you're signed in before you start. ::: ## Overview of the steps we'll build We begin the integration with a trigger that runs the Zap when a new file is added to Dropbox. Next the following action steps will run. :::info Note: Follow along using dropbox or choose anlaternate file storage platform, the pattern and steps will be similar. ::: #### Steps 1. Trigger: New file arrives in folder within Dropbox 2. Action: Start Enhancing in Dolby.io 3. Action: Get Enhance Status in Dolby.io 4. Action: Only Continue if 5. Action: Get media Download in Dolby.io 6. Action: Upload File in Dropbox When we complete our Zap integration will look something like this. ![](https://i.imgur.com/fn6RBIi.png) ## Create a Zap Begin in Zapier by creating a new Zap. Select Zaps from the menu and click create Zap button. ![](https://i.imgur.com/FL9pTEh.png) ## Add a file Upload Trigger Search for Dropbox app and select that as our trigger in the first step. ![](https://i.imgur.com/QWMQwt3.png) ## Step 1: Configure Dropbox Step 1. Open up Dropbox in another browser tab and create or select a folder to handle and store the content uploads and processing. Remember this folder location. 2. In Zapier's Dropbox step 1: Set the Trigger Event typoe to **New File in Folder** ![](https://i.imgur.com/fwukORI.png) 3. Follow the instructions provided to Link to your Dropbox account. ![image](https://i.imgur.com/fv14UM6.png) 4. Link the step to your folder, and include the content0 ![](https://i.imgur.com/l4a0xeu.png) 5. Test the Step; If you successfully linked your Dropbox folder, you will see the JSON response and the various values that represent that file. In the next Step we'll select those fileds to pass along to the Dolby.io Enhance API. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Q2saxU2.png) :::info Note: At the end of each step, Zapier will prompt you to test and continue. It's a good practive to test each step, since it also provides the data to be used by the next step. ::: ## Step 2: Configure Start Enhancing in Dolby.io Step Click the + button, then Search and Add The Dolby.io App as your second step. 1. Select Start Enhancing as the Action Event and continue. ![](https://i.imgur.com/H7tPM4m.png) 2. Next open up [dashboard.dolby.io](https://dashboard.dolby.io) in another browser tab and create or locate your application and media API key. You'll want to copy that key for use in the next step. ![](https://i.imgur.com/8w1nP0f.png) 3. Link your Dolby.io account and paste in your media API key in this step. ![](https://i.imgur.com/TU155mF.png) 4. Configure the input URL; This is the URL that was returned in Step 1 from dropbox. In our case, select Dropbox's **Direct Media Link** field as the source field for the input URL. :::info Tip: This can be any media link that is publically available. Please note, If using Box or another provider, the name of that link may be different. ::: 5. Configure the output URL using the Dolby's temporary storage that included with the API. The URL format is **dlb://< path >/< name of the file >** -- for this use case we will set the name manually as **dlb://zapier/shelby.mp4**, in practice you'd simply pull in the file name from dropbox in the previous step. ![](https://i.imgur.com/8XWfNHB.png) 6. Finally, select the type of audio processing enhancement you want to process with. For our use case we setup a folder to capture videos recorded on a **Mobile Phone** microphone. You can select other types of recorded content within this dropdown. :::success The type or category that best describes the media content. Each of the available types is listed below with a few typical observations about the type of recording environment. - conference - speech content, microphone far from talker - interview - speech content, microphone close to talker - lecture - speech content, microphone far from talker, large room - meeting - speech content, microphone close to talker - mobile_phone - variable microphone location - music - musical rather than speech - podcast - mixture of close mic’d speech and some musical content - studio - close mic’d speech content with limited background noise - voice_over or voice_recording - close mic’d speech Learn more about [content](https://docs.dolby.io/media-apis/docs/how-to-improve-audio-by-content-type) types, and check out our [complete Media API documentation](https://docs.dolby.io/media-apis/docs) for details about how each API works. ::: 7. As with each Zapier Step, test and continue to make sure the step logic works. Here we see the success and a job_id which we will use in the next step. ![](https://i.imgur.com/hcYe1i4.png) ## Step 3: Configure Get Enhance Status in Dolby.io Step Since our API's are async, meaning they take a few moments to process, we process the API calls in job quues. So we need to add a step to check the status of the job_id in the processing queue from the previous step. 1. Click the plus and add the Enhance Status step to your Zap workflow. You'll need select the **Get Enhance Status** event and continue. ![](https://i.imgur.com/3ZLFlc7.png) 2. Link your account ![](https://i.imgur.com/4ZMvtk5.png) 3. Setup the action choosing job_id as the source field. ![](https://i.imgur.com/MS5XiK1.png) 4. Finally Retest and continue. You should see a **Success** in the API response. ![](https://i.imgur.com/GwwbFJU.png) ## Step 4: Configure Only if (Filter) Step IF all goes well, the API should return **Success** each time it runs. We want to capture any failures and handle them before moving on to the final two steps. 1. Click the plus and add Filter by Zapier. 2. Set the Action to **Only Continue If...** ![](https://i.imgur.com/a83Rd4S.png) 3. Set the Filter setup and testing to use the previoous step's **Status** response and test if the **(text) Exactly Matches** the word **"Success"**. ![](https://i.imgur.com/MfaaEdO.png) :::success Note: If the previous step failed the Zap will end and log the error. Typical causes for failure include file corruption or wrong type, internet connections failing. ::: ## Step 5: Configure Get Media Download in Dolby.io Step Once we've have a Status of success, we know the media processing is complete. The next step will call the API and return the url of the media file, which we will hand off to Dropbox in the final step. 1. Click the plus and choose the Dolby.io app and set the Action Event to "Get Media Download. ![](https://i.imgur.com/7LFi1vk.png) 2. Verify the account link. ![](https://i.imgur.com/XSYuVmU.png) 3. Set the Action's URL to the same Dolby.io temporary storage URL as we setup in step two. **dlb://zapier/shelby.mp4** ![](https://i.imgur.com/2ZSd4X4.png) 4. Test and Continue. Note the url returned will be a signed url from the temporary storage provided by Dolby.io. We will pass this along in the next step. This storage is ephemeral and not guaranteed to be available beyond a short period of time; Therefore we must immerdiately deliver the file to a more permanent stoarage location in the next step via Dropbox. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Dd9mnC6.png) ## Step 6: Configure Upload File in Dropbox Step 1. Click the + and add the final Step to **Upload File to Dropbox** ![](https://i.imgur.com/u6HDUhn.png) 2. Link your account. ![](https://i.imgur.com/uiLnKWs.png) 3. Set up the Action by selecting a folder in Dropbox. 4. Select the URL field from the previous step. 5. We'll also set the overwrite to No. 6. Finally, set the file name and extension. ![](https://i.imgur.com/3XKJyp1.png) 7. Test and continue. ![](https://i.imgur.com/UkR8LLY.png) ## Turn on your Zap and begin testing your new workflow. With your newly minted Zap turned on, open up the Dropbox folder you assigned to the workflow and upload a file there. Within a few minutes you should see the enhanced version of your file. Congratulations! ![](https://i.imgur.com/4unkaST.png) ## Next Steps Now that you've mastered the basics of setting up the Dolby.io Enhance Media workflow in Zapier. The key to adopting this new workflow is to breakdown your current processes into small chunks that you can inject this no code integration into your workflows. Consider how this simple workflow could be extended to your real-world production use case with some additional input from other Zapier app services: - Loging the content type and file name in a spreadsheet and then use that sheet to drive the selection of the appropriate enhance content type. - Using a Database to drive the file content types and file naming - Sending media clips to specific production folders - This list is only limited to your imagination. Dolby.io Media Apis provide a variety of cloud-based processing services beyond enhancing difficult audio. Dolby.io provides APIs that analyzeand diagnose audio problems, transcode, analyze speech for understanding who's speaking and improving audio prior to transcribing the content. Learn more about [Dolby.io Media Processing](https://docs.dolby.io/media-apis/docs) APIs.