Day Two Agenda ( Nov. 17th )

Session I : 0900 - 1115 (UTC/GMT+8, Taipei time)

Session Moderator : Tseng, Hsien-Lee

Dialogue between the Government and Civil Society, Public-private Collaboration under the Epidemic

Time Agenda
0900 - 0945 Panel: "Open Government" can help : Cases of Covid-19 Control and Society Improvement. (video)
Panelists :
Kyung Sin (KS) Park / Professor of Korea University Law School, Director of OpenNet (slide)
Hsiao Hsin-cheng / Civil member of Taiwan MSF
Open Forum: Q&A (15mins)
0945 - 0955 Break
0955 - 1010 Civic Space - call for proposal (video)
Topic:Digital Citizenship: How to Educate for Participation
Rozália Klára Bakó / Associate Professor,Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania Cluj-Napoca (slide)
1010 - 1020 Civic Space - call for proposal (video)
Topic:Talk: How to Open Government in Taiwan
Chan, Yi-Wen / Public Digital Innovation Space (slide)(QA reply)
1020 - 1115 Keynote Section: Co-creation and Public Participation. (video)
Talk: Resilience as Collective Practice.
Panthea Lee / Executive Director, Reboot (slide)

The problems facing our world today are enormous and complex, and often entrenched through systems of historical injustice and structural inequity. To tackle today's sociopolitical, economic, and ecological crises requires radical collaboration—across government, civil society, and business. We saw incredible examples of such co-creation through the pandemic. What can we learn from these practices to deepen societal resilience.
Talk: Learning from 10 years of the Open Government Partnership.
Shreya Basu / Country support, Asia-Pacific, Open Government Partnership

Since its founding in 2011, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) has grown to include over 78 countries and 76 local members. What can civil society groups learn from the OGP’s experiences from the last 10 years, and how can we ensure that civil society has a real chance to meaningfully contribute to making governments more transparent, accountable, and inclusive?
Open Forum: Q&A (15mins)

Session II : 1500 - 1740 (UTC/GMT+8, Taipei time)

Session Moderator : Hsiao Hsin-cheng ( 15:00 - 16:45 ), Chia-Kai Liu ( 16:45 - 17:40 )

The Very Foundation of governance : Transparency and Anti-corruption

Time 時間 Agenda 內容
1500 - 1505 Opening - Not only Anti-corruption but also Open. (video)
Tsai, Pi-Chung / Deputy Minister, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan ; Member of the Taiwan MSF
1505 - 1620 Keynote Section: Political Integrity and Beneficial Ownership. (video)
Talk: Anti-corruption in Focus : Thematic Leadership for the OGP.
François Valérian / Member of Board of Directors, Transparency International
Talk: Ensuring Public Access to Beneficial Ownership Data: Lessons learned in Lithuania.
Ieva Dunčikaitė / OGP Project Leader, Transparency International Lithuania (slide)

Recently Lithuania also joined 32 other OGP countries committing to ensure public access to beneficial ownership data through their OGP action plans. Many valuable lessons were learned on the way showing that with good data we can raise good questions, spot the red flags and prevent possible corruption risks.
Talk: Anti-Money Laundering Commitment in Taiwan.
Lin,Yen-Chun / Head Prosecutor, Department of Prosecutorial Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan
Chu, Chao-Hua / Coordinator, Department of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Interior, Taiwan (slide)
Open Forum: Q&A (15mins)
1620 - 1630 Break
1630 - 1645 Civic Space - (video)
Topic:Opening up the black box of CSR with open data: The case of Thaubing Footprint.
Cheng, Hsin / Volunteer, Thaubing Footprint project at Green Citizens’ Action Alliance
1645 - 1740 Keynote Section: Open Contracting: A New Frontier for Transparency and Accountability (video)
Talk: Local Matters! Where Open Contracting Results Matter Most to People.
Bernadine Fernz / Head of Infrastructure, Open Contracting Partnership (slide)
Talk: Procurement Transparency in Taiwan.
Liu, Yao-Chung / Deputy Director, Corruption Prevention Division, Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan
Open Forum: Q&A (15mins)