<img src="https://i.imgur.com/OyL8CcE.jpg" alt="drawing" width="200"/> # Bootstrap ONE-T Nomination Pools - Task 1 Proponent: H1tAQMm3eizGcmpAhL9aA9gR844kZpQfkU7pkmMiLx9jSzE Contact: Paulo [@turboflakes:matrix.org] Date: 07.07.2021 *Short description:* **ONE-T** is a **validator-performance bot for Polkadot and Kusama** networks with special focus on the One Thousand Validator Programme ([TVP](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/thousand-validators)). **ONE-T Nomination Pools** are automated, precisely and unbiased with ONE-T bot at its core. The main goal is to bootstrap nomination pools to run an **independent and experimental validator programme for 6 months** using **20 000 KSM from Kusama Treasury funds to provide bonded stake** to two distinct nomination pools. **This proposal aims to implement the Task 1** as described in the [full proposal document](https://hackmd.io/@turboflakes/SyqlsRtYc#312-How-do-we-plan-to-use-Treasury-funds-into-ONE-T-Nomination-Pools). The goal is to create two anonymous proxy accounts controlled by governance so that these accounts could later be used in a new subsequent proposal as described in [Task 2](https://hackmd.io/@turboflakes/SkvN-4Esc). Site: [one-t.turboflakes.io](https://one-t.turboflakes.io/#/kusama) Proposal discussion: [kusama.polkassembly.io/post/1633](https://kusama.polkassembly.io/post/1633) <!-- ![](https://i.imgur.com/qS10qpl.png) --> ![](https://i.imgur.com/9TiaB2l.png) ## Context of the proposal The challenge to use 20 000 KSM from the Kusama Treasury to run an independent and experimental validator programme in a trusted way so that community could feel safe and have the guarantee that the funds destiny are what we propose on the full proposal leads us to the solution of creating [anonymous proxy accounts](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/learn-proxies#anonymous-proxies) controlled by governance. The reason why we need a two step voting is because only after the creation of an anonym proxy account is when the account address is revealed. As soon as these accounts are successfullly created we can then use the respective addresses to go ahead and implement the Task 2 in Milestone 0 as described in the full proposal document [here](https://hackmd.io/@dE-4mfAUSPqIubXD8Bl50Q/SyqlsRtYc#312-How-do-we-plan-to-use-Treasury-funds-into-ONE-T-Nomination-Pools). ## Proposal Objective/solution Creation of a proposal with two single calls: ``` utility.batchAll(calls) { "calls": [ { "args": { "proxy_type": "Any", "delay": "0", "index": "0" }, "method": "anonymous", "section": "proxy" }, { "args": { "proxy_type": "Any", "delay": "0", "index": "1" }, "method": "anonymous", "section": "proxy" } ] } ```