Roughly cover the materials in Chapters 7 and 8. ## Strings + `String` is the data type for text. + A sequence of `Char` + `"Text"` and `"t"` are `String`. + `'T'` and `'t'` are `Char`. + Length: `.length` + Template: + `$val` + `$var` + `${expression}` + `str[i]`: Access the `i`-th `Char` in a `String` type variable/value `str`. + Kotlin is zero-based. ```kotlin fun main() { val str = "NCTU" println("The string $str has length ${str.length}") println(str[0]) println(str[1]) println(str[2]) println(str[3]) // intended to crash the program // with StringIndexOutOfBoundsException println(str[4]) } ``` + Escape sequences + To represent special characters + Consider a `Char` to represent `'` + `'''` does not work! + Use `'\''` + Consider a `String` to represent `""` + `""""` does not work! + Use `"\"\""` + Consider a `Char` to represent `\` + `'\'` does not work! + Use `'\\'` + Consider a `String` to represent `$` + "$" does not work! + Use `"\$"` + `\'`: Single quote `'` + `\"`: Double quote + `\\`: Backslash + `\$`: Dollar sign + `\t`: Tab + `\b`: Backspace + `\n`: Newline + `\r`: Carriage return + `\uXXXX`: Unicode, see [Wikipedia]( + [Kotlin Document for String]( ## Substring Operations ### `substring` + Give a slice of the string. + Argument: + `start: Int` + `start: Int, end: Int` + `range: IntRange` ```kotlin fun main() { val str = "National Chiao Tung University" // Zero-based: drop the first character N println(str.substring(1)) // [start, end): start at 't', end at 'i' and 'i' is not included println(str.substring(2, 3)) // Should be "" println(str.substring(4, 4)) // Should be "o" println(str.substring(4..4)) // Does not work: IntProgression is not IntRange // println(str.substring(10 downTo 0)) } ``` ### Index + `indexOf` + Argument: `char: Char` + Return the index of the first occurence + `lastIndexOf` + Argument: `char: Char` + Return the index of the last occurence + `indexOfFirst` + Argument: `predicate: (Char) -> Boolean` + Return the index of the first occurence which satisfies the predicate + `indexOfLast` + Argument: `predicate: (Char) -> Boolean` + Return the index of the last occurence which satisfies the predicate ```kotlin fun main() { val str = "National Chiao Tung University" println(str.indexOf(' ')) println(str.lastIndexOf('l')) // The first character in lower case and at least 'm' println(str.indexOfFirst{'m' <= it && it <= 'z'}) // The last character in upper case. println(str.indexOfLast{'A' <= it && it <= 'Z'}) } ``` ### `split` + Split the string into a list of substrings. + List access: use `[i]` to access the `i`-th element. + Destructure: if you know the number of pieces before compile, you may declare more than one variable / value in a line! ```kotlin fun main() { val str = "National Chiao Tung University" val listOfPieces = str.split(" ") println("String \"$str\" has ${listOfPieces.size} words.") println("The first is ${listOfPieces[0]}") println("The last is ${listOfPieces.last()}") // "destructuring" declaration // will crash if listOfPieces.size < 4 val (N, C, T, U) = listOfPieces println("N is $N") println("C is $C") println("T is $T") println("U is $U") } ``` ### `replace` + Replace all occurences + Usage + `(oldChar: Char, newChar: Char)` + `(oldString: String, newString: String)` + `(regex: Regex, replacement: String)` + `(regex: Regex, transform: (MatchResult) -> CharSequence)` ```kotlin fun main() { var str = "National Chiao Tung University" // String is immutable, replace won't change str // Use assignment to change str str = str.replace('N', 'n') println(str) str = str.replace("Chiao", "Yang") println(str) str = str.replace("Tung", "Chiao") println(str) str = str.replace(Regex("[aeiou]"), " ") println(str) str = str.replace(Regex("[lv]")){ when(it.value) { "l" -> "1" "t" -> "7" "v" -> "\\/" else -> it.value } } println(str) } ``` ### Type Conversion + [`toInt()`]( + [`toIntOrNull()`]( + [`toDouble()`]( + [`toDoubleOrNull()`]( + Note: [`toLowerCase()`]( is not a type conversion. ### Practice + Task 1: From leet to 1337 + 請參考 [Wikipedia](,寫一個函數 `leet(str: String): String`,將字串中正常的英文字母,轉換成非英文字母的 leet 寫法。只要換出來沒英文就可以。 + Task 2: Word count + 寫一個函數 `fun wordCount(str: String): Int` ,計算 `str` 之中有多少個英文字(Word),相同的英文字如果出現數次,按出現次數計算。保證 `str` 中只有英文字母、空白(`' '`)、逗號(`','`)、句號(`'.'`)。 + Task 3: English number + 寫一個函數 `fun number(str: String): Int?`,將英文字 `str` 換算成對應的整數值,如 `one` 將換成 `1`, `zero` 換成 `0`。只需要處理零到九十九萬九千九百九十九之間的整數即可。輸入可能含有大寫字母,函數必須無視大小寫。如果 `str` 並非一個英文數字,請回傳 `null` 。 ## Numbers ### Numeric Types + Integers + Binary numbers + Decimal: $1243_{10}=1\times 10^3 + 2\times 10^2 + 4\times 10^1+3\times 10^0$ + Binary: $1011_2=1\times 2^3+0\times 2^2+1\times 2^1+1\times 2^0=11_{10}$ + [Two's complement]( + `Byte` + 8-bit: `-128` to `127` + `Short` + 16-bit: `-32768` to `32767` + `Int` + 32-bit: `-2147483648` to `2147483647` + `Long` + 64-bit: `-9223372036854775808` to `9223372036854775807` + [Floating point numbers]( + [Scientific notation]( + Decimal: $a\times 10^{b}$ + $a$: significand + $b$: exponent + Normalized: $1\le a < 10$ + Significant figures of $1.2304 \times 10^8$ is $5$. + We cannot express $\frac{1}{3}$ by scientific notation, since you don't have enough space for infinitely many $3$. + Binary: $f\times 2^e$ + Normalized: $1\le f < 2$ + Binary fraction number + $1.0011=1+2^{-3}+2^{-4}=1+\frac{1}{8}+\frac{1}{16}=\frac{19}{16}=1.1875$ + $0.1_{10}=\frac{1}{10}=0.0\overline{0011}_2=1.\overline{1001}_2 \times 2^{-4}$ + `Float`: 32-bit (Single precision) + Exponent: $−126\le e \le 127$ + Significant figures: 24 bit (~7.22 digits) + `Double`: 64-bit (Double precision) + Exponent: $-1022\le e \le 1023$ + Significant figures: 53 bit (~15.95 digits) ### Conversion + Convert `String` to number + With exception: `.toByte()`, `.toShort()`, `toInt()`, `toLong()`, `toFloat()`, `toDouble()`. + Without exception: `.toByteOrNull()`, `.toShortOrNull()`, ... + Convert `Int` to `Double` + Not working + Integer division: `1/2` is `0` + Working + Adds `0.0` + Times `1.0` + `.toDouble()` + Convert `Double` to `Int` + [`.toInt()`]( + Try `1.9.toInt()` and `-1.9.toInt()` + [`.roundToInt()`]( + `import kotlin.math.roundToInt` before use + Try + `1.5.roundToInt()` + `2.5.roundToInt()` + `-0.5.roundToInt()` + `-1.5.roundToInt()` + Convert numbers to `String` + Use [`.toString()`]( + Integers: `radix=2` means binary, and `radix=10` means decimal. + Default `radix` is `10` + Use string template `"$val"` + Use formatting string + Example: + `"%.3f".format(0.12345678)` + `"%.4f".format(9.87654321)` + See the [doucument]( for more.