# Ohtani really at Gocheok Dome? Yankees Recruitment Match Withdraws What was imagined is a sign that it will come true. Citing multiple news, MLB.COM, the U.S. Major League website, said on Sunday (Korea time) that the New York Yankees, the Texas Rangers, and the Boston Red Sox have withdrawn from the race to recruit Ohtani. They had sought to recruit Ohtani, whose contract with the Los Angeles Angels expired. However, Ohtani seems to be pulling back as his ransom has soared to more than 500 million dollars. Currently, the teams that are continuing their bid to recruit Ohtani include the Angels, rival LA Dodgers, Chicago Cubs, and Toronto Blue Jays. The San Francisco Giants are also considered a dark horse. Canadian sports media SportsNet quoted local sources as saying that negotiations between Ohtani and several other teams are nearing the end, and contact with their agents will take place at the upcoming winter meeting. The team that is ahead of the recruitment race is considered the Dodgers. The Dodgers is considered the team with the best power and financial resources in the National League. Notably, many Japanese fans living in Los Angeles and its geographical location near the Pacific coast are reasons why many Japanese players have long been chosen. Above all, the fact that Ohtani is the champion team that Ohtani aspires to be will be an important consideration in the negotiations. The Dodgers' interpretation that it watched the FA market last year to catch Ohtani is gaining convincing power. If Ohtani wears a Dodgers uniform, the official starting line will be Korea. Dodgers will hold two consecutive games against Kim Ha-sung's team, the San Diego Padres, at Gocheok Sky Dome from March 21 to 22 next year. It is the first time that the opening game of the Major League will be held in Korea. Japan is the only major league opener in Asia. Japan, which has hosted the U.S.-Japan series for a long time, has consistently hosted the opening game of the Major League at Tokyo Dome. The opening game in Korea was the Major League's decision to globalize baseball and reconsider the success of the Major League. In the meantime, as Ohtani's trip to the Dodgers becomes visible, it seems that both Japan and the U.S. are paying attention to the stage. Ohtani is loved not only by the U.S. and Japan, but also by domestic fans. He won not only the Major League Rookie of the Year award but also the home run king and MVP based on his so-called "Doyu", which doubles as a pitcher and a batter. He is a player who shows all the virtues that a professional must have, such as making plans for his success from a young age, executing them, and continuing a clean private life on and off the ground. If Ohtani's first game after the transfer takes place in Korea, the box office and ripple effects are expected to be explosive. [스포츠토토](https://www.sportstototv.com)