# notebook for all monthly community call notebooks for all is an open source accessibility initiative to improve the quality interactive computing experiences for disabled people and assistive technology users. this work actively seeks includes disabled communities to hear their wants/needs for assistive computational literature at work, in class, or media in general. the [notebooks for all](https://iota-school.github.io/notebooks-for-all/) project started with funds from the Space Telescope Science Institute to improve access for blind and low vision scientists using computational notebooks. currently, we are working accessible representation of jupyter notebooks in the [`nbconvert-a11y`](https://github.com/deathbeds/nbconvert-a11y) project, read more WIP on [the wiki](https://github.com/deathbeds/nbconvert-a11y/wiki/about). we'll meet monthly to discuss assistive technology, disability, accessibility, data science, and notebooks. [add events from the notebooks for all calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=ZnV0dXJld2FybmluZ3R2QGdtYWlsLmNvbQ) * Next event: [April 16, 2024](#March-12-2024) 10-11:30 AM PST * Zoom link: [Hosted by the Iota School on Zoom](https://zoom.us/j/98091886613?pwd=c2MrNWhKUm44VXE3YVpSTU1WbnFnZz09) ## March 12, 2024 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | GitHub | | ---- | ----------- | ------ | | tonyfast | | @tonyfast | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ### Agenda * [10:05 - 10:10] Welcoming and meeting goals * [10:10 - 10:18] Voluntary introductions and short shares * introduce yourself and/or share something you found interesting this week * [10:18 - 10:25] [Notebooks for all](https://iota-school.github.io/notebooks-for-all/) history * [history presentation](https://tonyfast.github.io/tonyfast/draft/tonyfast/tonyfast/tonyfast/xxiv/2024-03-11-NOA.html) * [10:25 - 10:55] [Accessible reference template for notebooks](https://github.com/deathbeds/nbconvert-a11y) demo by [@tonyfast](https://github.com/tonyfast) * [accessible notebooks experiences](https://tonyfast.github.io/tonyfast/draft/tonyfast/tonyfast/tonyfast/xxiv/2024-03-12-nbconvert-a11y-pres.html) * [10:55 - 11:00] Wrap up * What access needs should be consider in the future? * Suggestions for next month * [11:00 - 11:30] Unstructured community time