# How to Connect a USB Camera to QVR Pro
###### tags: `QVR Pro`
## Add your USB camera to QUSBCam2
**1.** Install **QUSBCam2** from the **App Center**
**2.** Setup the **QUSBCam2** application by opening the app and following the instructions.
**3.** Ensure that a camera is connected to the NAS via **USB**.
Then, we can create a channel for our camera to operate on by clicking on the **+** .
Here, we can **choose the channel number, the channel name and format the video output**. In this tutorial, we will be using Channel 2 and the default video formatting, specific to our USB camera.
Finally, we can click **Apply**.
It may take a moment to apply, so be patient!
**4.** Go into **Live View** tab from the menu on the left **(1)**, then click on the rightmost icon above our channel to begin a live channel **(2)**.
## View the USB Camera in QVRPro
**1.** **If you have already installed QVR Pro, skip to step 6.**
Install **QVR Pro** from the App Center.
(If you are planning on using QVR Face, you must install **QVR Pro** 1.3.0 or later)
**2.** Setup **QVR Pro** by opening the app and following the instructions.
*Note: If HDMI local display is used, the minimum memory requirements would be 8GB*
**3.** We need to allocate storage space from our **NAS** for **QVR Pro** records.
We will follow the instructions to add a volume dedicated to storing **QVR Pro** recordings
**4.** We need to add a camera from **Camera Settings** to QVR Pro to start recording.
Click on **+** if you're adding your first camera. If not, click on **Add**.
The application will scan for cameras, so as soon as your camera appears in the list, you can hit **Apply** to proceed on to the next step.
The scanning process may take some time.
Enter your desired login credentials for the USB camera **(1)**, select the camera **(2)**, test the camera connection **(3)**, and proceed on to the next step **(4)**.
Here, you can setup your camera streaming and recording schedules.
In this tutorial, we will leave these settings as default.
Congratulations, you have successfully connected a **USB camera** to the **QVR Pro**!
For further specifications or instructions about QVR Pro, refer to our [QVR Pro 1.2 User Guide](https://download.qnap.com/Surveillance/QVRPro/Manual/QVR%20Pro%201.2%20User%20Guide_en-US.pdf).